Hey Buk… is s-groove blanka the best blanka? he gets a cool dodge and charge faking… not to mention unlimited level 1 supers when he’s going to die
keep up the good work
Hey Buk… is s-groove blanka the best blanka? he gets a cool dodge and charge faking… not to mention unlimited level 1 supers when he’s going to die
keep up the good work
Trading is not counter-hitting. Counter hitting is hitting clean a move which either came out and was out prioritized, or it was starting to come out and it was hit before its hit frames activated. I’m not sure if a move that is retracting that is hit can be considered a counter hit.
If a trade does do more damage, I’ve never noticed it, and it would be pretty retarded for a trade to do more, because it’s the extension that does the damage. If a move doesn’t fully extend, you wouldn’t be getting all the power out of it. This is true in martial arts, boxing, [insert fighting style] but it is a game, so whatever.
And why would Ryu’s full body invincibility wear out by the time it starts hitting? If it’s designed to be anti-low pokes, then make it totally invincible from waist down. No need to add useless full body invinc. that does nothing. I don’t even think that’s true, because a DEEP jab SRK will not trade with anything. So if it beats jumpin attacks if it is done perfectly, then what? That means it’s hitting a jumpin with the bottom part of his body?
EDIT: whatever…if CVS2 counter hitting means trading, that’s fine. I guess either i hadn’t noticed the counter hit messages in other games when I traded, or CVS2 is just “unique” (read: messed).
Basically, your whole post is flawed. Counter hits do NOT have to be hit clean. A simple one minute test would have proven that. Trades DO do more damage. The same test would have proven that. Jab DPs trade with almost all deep jumpins. The same test would have proven that (incidentally, that is what you do in A-Groove to get guaranteed Anti-Air CCs for more damage).
You’ve been giving blanket statements about things that you’ve “never noticed” and obviously didn’t even take the time to check. I think it’s time that you sit down, shut up, and let people that actually KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT share their information.:rolleyes:
Ouch. See Gunter, deep Jab SRK’s dont trade with anything if perfectly executed. I’ve seen this many many many MANY MANY MANY times. Second, oh no, trades are counter hits too! I’m such a noob. I didn’t notice the miniscule writing. I focused on the game! Shame on me! Third, if “counter hit” SRKs do more damage, it’s certainly not noticable. As I said, I focus on the game, not on the little messages. Fourth, I’ll let you guys share pro tips such as: If you knock Blanka down with Bison, then take 2 steps back, and sj rh, then it’s impossible to know where he’s gonna land. Elite!!! :eek:
And about the counter hits. As I said, trading should not be considered a counter hit. It makes absolutely no sense. Counter means to beat an attack with your own, not to get damaged while sort of interrupting their attack. That’s why counter characters beat other characters clean if both ppl are of equal skill. Counter character doesn’t mean: “Oh yeah, well, he can win, but he gets hurt pretty bad in the process.” In Tekken4, correct me I’m wrong (cause I’m a noob and all), but Counter Hit (CH) jabs for example don’t trade. They beat attacks and that’s what makes them counter the attack. It’s has to do with speed and priority.
Hmmm real players look for counter hits… sorry to burst your bubble. counter hits set up a lot of shit in cvs2, anyways just be quiet now and let Buk continue.
yeah ok dude, u dont even know what counter hits were really meant to do if u think cvs2 style of “lets trade on counter hits and do something really fucked up that wasnt possible in any other REAL sf game!” is a skill thing, ur so mistaken. It’s just a fluke that ppl take advantage of cause CVS2 is fucked up like that. Let’s trade with Rogs lvl1 supers and then super again! YEAH! Awesome! elite skilzzzzz. sigh, im outta here for good.
First of all, CvS2 is NOT SF, and if you’ve been thinking that it is until now, YOU are so mistaken.
Second, even if it WERE SF, every single edition of SF offered something different from the previous versions. That is WHY they release a “new” version… to offer something… (wait for it…)
And real players DO look for counter hits, because counter hits offer more frame advantage than normal hits… so you can do combos off of them easier than if they were normal hits (often, the combo is ONLY possible off of a counter hit). So Blanka RC Electricity mix-up 101 is dash forward and since they were going to throw your RC, you instead do a c.short. The c.short is a counter hit if they tried to throw you, so you can EASILY link another c.short off of that, then combo a s.jab, Blanka Ball. The combo IS possible without the counter hit, but it’s extremely EASIER with the counter hit. Rolento is another example. Walking s.jabs, mixing up the timing… as soon as one COUNTER HITS (yes, you look for the “miniscule writing”), you do c.forward into either tripwire super or patriots.
You don’t know about these things because you are thinking that counter hits are unimportant. You think that the way YOU are playing the game is the correct way because you have these stupid idealisms about definitions and stuff and there’s no way YOU can be wrong. But you’ve only scraped the tip of the iceberg of CvS2. The rest of it is what ppl like Buk have learned through playing people BETTER THAN YOU.
That is the attitude that scrubs take when they get beaten by things they don’t understand. You think that CvS2 is SF, so you try to apply rules of SF to CvS2. THE GAME IS NOT STREET FIGHTER. STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT SO! :mad: CvS2 is just as fucked up as any other game, however there’s lots of things about it that make it interesting. There are tons of intricacies to CvS2 that ppl like yourself never knew about. That’s what this THREAD is for.
Good. You never offered anything positive, or ACCURATE for that matter, anyway.
Not like it has to be said, but Gunter is downright correct, as usual.
I’d like to see this Battery/User/Anchor Chart very much… quite intriguing to compare my theories with the chart.
Ohh yeh, to whoever said Akuma is a battery… I’ve always thought of him more of a User. He can’t really fight to well w/o super, and that’s why I play him in 2nd slot. Just IMO.
I want to know how to use Rugal’s low strong as anti-air… Am I supposed to hit it early like Guile’s low fierce? Or late as if the first few frames of the move will hit also and make your sprite “smaller”? Cuz I don’t know the timing to it and I always get hit by jump-ins… Or is it used as anti-cross up only?
On another note:
Trades are counter hits… Think about it… You countered his attack but at the same time his attack countered yours… Either way you look at it, those are counterhits… What you are thinking of is probably clean counter which is not what they are talking about anyways…
:lol: :lol: :lol:
This is so funny I don’t know where to begin.
Yea… I wasnt going to post on his first post because I didnt want to get into it… especially in buks thread…
But now I have something to say… (to Geese)
I dont know how you can play cvs2 at all and not think about counter hits or know their significance… or even notice the difference in damage between a normal dragon and a counter hit dragon. There are so many things wrong with what you’ve said and most of it has been pointed out by other people.
Comparing CvS2 to “real SF games” is just plain foolish. Super combos?! No REAL sf game had super combos before…!
And saying shit like ambiguous crossups isnt a good tactic just shows how little you’ve played the game. Ambiguous crossups can be VERY hard to block if they are done right and can be extremely safe to try (high reward, low risk). I dont know why you would put down shit like that, or how counter hits allow for more damaging and otherwise impossible combos. What kind of strategies are you looking for?? These are little tips that overall will greatly improve gameplay…
Omg. How do u beat ryo/chang? I’m using a-kyo/chun/ken and K/ryu cammy sagat and c guile xhun honda sagat. And peapo, don’t laugh. He used the 2 on their fullest potential and I think anyone in this game but kyosuke can be used.
1 more thing. Is it a requirement to learn frame data for competitive cvs2? Or is it a necessity? And for learning matchups, should I find out what normal beats which etc etc?
I don’t think the frame data is a requirement, it’s good to know but as long as you know the results of the frame data you should be all set. Normals and what beats what is pretty important though. You don’t wanna be ryu and have cammy spiral arrow you all day because you don’t know cr mp beats it
What’s your opinion on using characters u like? I like guile honda ryu and sim cause they were my main 4 growing up playing sf2. Should I just master them? They are pretty hard to win with in this game.
Edit: I forgot about Original gangsta sagat. I don’t like sagat in cvs2 though. I miss doing TIGER TIGER TIGER with him sounding like a crab is guillatining his balls. Cvs2 sagat is obviously different from sf2.
Seriously, play WHOEVER you like and master them. That’s not just some random scrub opinion either, the Japanese have used every character, and would own good players (maybe even some top) with low-mid tiers, in RANDOM ass grooves. They find out whats works for them, and apply it. Also a good Chang is a tough match, he can trap you alot. Basically you have to controll the pace of the match by keeping him in your “box”, because once you lose that he put YOU in HIS box. Don’t really rush him down, just controll the space around him till he fucks up. This is my experience with scrub Chang and probably isn’t accurate (idk) but it should help you a LITTLE bit. Ryo idk since I’ve never even played against a compotent Ryo.
I’ll tell u this. Ino had a frame data book, but he gave it to my friend and Tokido has one also. I’m guessing they study it religiously. In fact at SBO Tokido had his frame data book with him. The frame data book is really really good. I learned a lot of stuff from it. It’s not necessary to have, but it will improve your game if u know the data
I still am not completely sold on that. What i mean is that once we understand how the game works, it makes more sense to just start learning random characters, but IMO if someone enters the game expecting to just play whoever they think is cool, they are just making needless problems for themselves, and will probably find the game overwhelming.
Team Formation 101 Part 2, Capcom Characters
The following chart is just gonna give all the Capcom characters a rating between 1 and 10 on their Battery, User and Anchor capabilities, respectively. Mind you, all these ratings are just my opinion… I’m not gonna pretend like I know the capabilities for every random character in the game. Also, characters will be rated according to their best groove. If they have another usable groove which plays significantly different, they’ll both be rated separately.
Ryu: 8/4/6
C-Ken: 7/9/7
A-Ken: 8/5/4
C-Chun Li: 1/10/8
N-Chun: 2/9/8
Guile: 11/3/7
Zangief: 5/6/3
Dhalsim: 8/5/3
E.Honda: 10/2/5
Blanka: 9/6/9
Balrog: 5/9/4
Vega: 8/5/3
Sagat: 9/8/10
A-Bison: 0/11/8
Other Bisons: 3/7/5
A-Sakura: 7/10/9
C/N-Sakura: 8/4/6
Cammy: 8/6/9
N-Morrigan: 0/9/5
Other Morrigans: 4/6/4
Dan: 8/3/0
Eagle: 8/4/7
Maki: 8/8/7
Kyosuke: 5/1/0
Yun: 8/3/1
C/N-Rolento: 5/8/6
A-Rolento: 7/4/5
Akuma: 8/8/3
Is there a book/formula of some sort to tell how much priority a move has, or what move stuffs another move 90% of the time? ie, what stuff’s vega(claw)'s slide? I know that eagle’s st.mk stuffs cammy’s cannon drill all the time…and some other “counters” like that…
Thanks for the great tips here Buk!