Geese, this is the same thing you did back on page 5-6 lol. I could be wrong but i don’t think SF is played the way you think it is. A LOT of SF is planning the match and breaking it down beforehand, not just saying ‘I don’t see the point oh well i’ll figure it out later cause i’m superman’.
A perfect example is this chun vs rog thing. I think that it was a good tangent, you didn’t see the point of it, so you said short upper and c.fierce beat everything. Good approach.
Buk responded with a situation where only strong headbutt works. Good response
Now here is where i have the problem: “Buk, i dunno about u but in those situations, i wouldn’t do anything with Rog. I’d rather roll out of the way.”
There was 3 posts spent on learning why it’s useful to learn strong HB, and excatly when it doesn’t work. Your final take on the subject is:“Nah i’m just gonna block”. W T F. You mightaswell have just said “Nah i’m just gonna lose”. YOUR post before says specifically ''If you can’t react fast enough to a jumpin with Rog, that’s your fault." Now we have a situation that isn’t even about reaction, it’s about math: “Rog gets thrown + Chun jump short = FREE COUNTER THANK YOU NO THOUGHT REQUIRED”. You don’t want to take that, but your still planning to react later (when the situation actually has risk) ??? sorry not happening.
You follow it with: “Headbutt doesn’t seem reliable at all.” It was just proven reliable! Just not your context of reliable (reacting on the fly freestlyin), but your 2 reliable counters were defeated already, giving up and blocking is far worse, and i wouldn’t roll if i were you, so WHAT did you have that was, in reality, reliable, nothing! Now you have 1! that is improvement!
Now you might be saying wtf it’s not a big deal, but what if I now base my chun vs rog gameplan around landing a throw-> j.short ->basic mixup, if it fails, try for throw later and repeat, and in the meantime don’t give my free win away. It’s not like you even figured it out, you just needed to read it and say ‘ok sounds good’.
Startup frames? Do it deep enough so it hits them while in the air, but while your on the ground, if you do things that way, you never have to react, and never have to worry about airblock. Ok theres the 1% of the time that you don’t know the excat pixel distance, but that is minor and again is irrelavant until we get the main antiair defenses 100% down. On the athena vs vega tip you made a 1% occourance (reacting to vega j.rh at a very specific range) out like it was the biggest deal in the world and made strong DP an unreliable antiair. THAT is when you block, you don’t block a setup situation you already know how to counter for free.
I might be taking liberties here (and i don’t care if i am cause for most of us, i’m right), but i think that is from your focus on reacting to the situation instead of planning it out leaving only a few things to react to. Sure those things that will win you a close finals match, but they won’t get you there.
Now i know this is a wtf kinda post and i’m sorry for interrupting the cvs2 strategy with it, but i was reading those two responses by Geese, and it just hit me like a ton of bricks. We ignore what wins us matches, and go try to learn all the extras. The only difference is that he actually said it, but most of us definately think that way.