If you have good execution you can do non-stop RC DPs!
(Note: by ‘good’ I mean ‘not attainable in your lifetime’)
If you have good execution you can do non-stop RC DPs!
(Note: by ‘good’ I mean ‘not attainable in your lifetime’)
Not quite. What I mean is if you can’t DP it, you can throw it. If you can’t throw it, you can DP it.
Also, DPs are at the bottom of the invul chain:
~8F: DPs, Level 1 supers
~14F: Level 2 supers
~17F: RCs
~19F: CCs
~22F: Level 3 supers
Also, don’t forget that supers use up 4-5F of invul BEFORE the super flash, which is why level 1’s seem to suck.
Uhh… are you talking about a specific person or turtling in general?
-A handful of guys qualified for SBO with N Groove (not counting me). Iyo did fairly well, but none of the N-Groovers made top 8.
-Getting in with Kyo? Depends on your groove. Basic footsies until you get a knockdown is the safest way, P/K Kyo can abuse jump in parry/JD and low jumps (which is why they’re the best Kyos), C/A/N Kyo can do random RC fierce rekkas. RC fierce rekkas isn’t exactly safe, but fairly low risk (not counting jumping/rolling opponents) also until your opponent gets a level 2/3. You can also do the late 2nd hit/no 2nd hit mix up if they block.
-If you can do the link combo every time, no real reason not to do it. The only time I ever do low short X3 into upkicks is when I have a level 3.
-Spam here. This way I can answer at my leisure and everybody else can see it.
This is basically just another form of roll uppercut/throw. It’s punishable. Just practice.
Re: off topic
Alpha Counter is the accepted term by players in the US, silly.
Just like “Fireball” for Ryu’s Hadouken, which isn’t really fire, and doesn’t translate as such in Japanese either, “Alpha Counter” is a term understood by people who are familiar with the SF series. The term “Counter Attack” can be misunderstood as “the attack used to attain a Counter Hit,” or sometimes “an attack used to counter the opponent’s attack.” The term “Alpha Counter” is never misunderstood for anything.
I hate it when ppl get anal about terms… and I’m one of the most anal people I know. I will NEVER EVER call a Hurricane Kick a Tatsumakisenpuukyaku in everyday conversation. I use the term that is most accepted and most UNDERSTOOD.
Another quickie for today:
Just like Athena’s strong uppercut, Balrog’s strong headbutt has upper body invul and works pretty perfectly as an anti-air.
Bonus tip! If you’re fighting a short character with Balrog and can’t use s.fierce, use s.roundhouse instead. Still pretty good range/priority, and no characters can crouch it.
Why use headbutt when c. fierce and short Upper do the same thing better and safer?
Hey Buk, you have any cool Vega info from your Bag of Tricks ™?
If the RC only lasts about ~17f and level 3 supers last about ~22f… Then shouldn’t supers more or less always beat the RC’s? But it is almost always the other way around… Plus the fact that you have to activate your RC before they activate the super (Because of the super freeze) then that eats up more frames of invul… But will still beat out the super, like RC Chun legs against a wake-up super will mostly either whiff or beat it out… Just wanted to know what are your thoughts on it…
Great thread by the way!
Low fierce and short upper work good for random jumps. However, low fierce doesn’t work against all jump ins, and BOTH low fierce and short upper need to be done really early to work. If you have an invincible anti-air, you can do them deep or on wake up… which is the situation most smart jumpers are going to put you in anyway.
For the most part, level 3’s will ALWAYS beat RCs. The only time when an RC will beat a level 3 is when there’s a big gap in the hitting frames when the RC runs out of invul.
For a really rare example, one time I did a really late Iori RC rekka and a K-Sagat did level 3 hot foot. 99% of the time Iori would get peaced out right here, but what happened this particular time is my invul lasted until Sagat was turning to do his flaming part of the super (he does 3 kicks, pause, flaming kick). My 2nd hit of the rekka hit him out of the super during the pause…much to everybody’s surprise.
But, If you have a stationary super with no gaps in the hitting frames such as Ryu’s hurricane kick super, the level 3 will beat the RC every time.
wanna know y? because kim’s jumping fierce own all of balrogs AA’s for free. Except for the invincibility on the stong headbutt. As long as balrog isn’t doing the headbutt kim can jump in on him all day. At least until balrog gets a lvl 3 of course
First, i didn’t even bring up the fact that the headbutt can probably be airblocked. But even if that’s not the case, i think it still sux as an anti air. First, when ur playing Rog, ur not gonna be crouching and waiting for a jumpin. You’re gonna be moving in and out while s. fierce’ing, you’re gonna be playing the s. fierce, jab Rush game against tall characters, you’re gonna be turtling while waiting for an opportunity for a Gigaton, or you’re gonna be waiting on the opportunity for a low risk bullshit tactic such as roll, super.
But let’s say you do charge down cause that’s how u play. Any high priority jumpin that you can’t deal with the c. fierce can be dealth with the short Upper. I thought most ppl knew this, but oh well, i guess i assumed wrong. If you trade with a short upper, they get knocked down, and u have plenty of time to get in their face. And also, if they try to trick u with bullshit early jumpins, that shit doesnt work against Rog, cause his short Upper reaches too high, and is too fast, and it autotargets. Kim’s j. fierce gets shut down by this move.
Now let’s say Short Upper is airblocked. Well, it’s safe. So there u have it. I think, no i’m sure that Rog’s short Upper is one of the best anti-airs in the game. THere is no guessing game with it. That shit heat-seeks.
EDIT: Oh yeah, about the need to do them early for them to work. This is just reaction time. If you can’t react fast enough to a jumpin with Rog, that’s your fault. I’m not saying it’s easy to see low jump Sagat rh coming, but against most jumpins that you can humanly react to, Rog has got all the bases covered using the c. fierce and short Upper.
This isn’t the point. The point is, sometimes you CAN’T do an early anti air. Lets say I’m Balrog looking for low roundhouse into corkscrew super. I hit low roundhouse, Chun Li jumps at the same time and hits short. Is Balrog low fierce going to win in this situation? No. Do I have enough time to short upper? No. Do I have to sit there and block it? No. I have strong headbutt.
Let’s do another scenario. Chun Li does her punch throw and does jump short. Am I going to be able to do low fierce/short upper? No. Strong headbutt? Yes.
Not only that, since Balrog’s headbutt is a side-neutral input you can use as an anti-cross up in certain situations (wakeup usually).
I just saw a video of the NEC3 team tournament (great vid btw, if you haven’t seen it, I recommend it).
Ino did the punch (bite) throw, KKK hop and lvl3 elec-ball.
I couldn’t believe when I saw it cross-up. So I went into training mode and I started doing the hop -> elec-ball and I could do it like 2 out of 10 times, and with multi-taps (i suck). I know Ino has 1000x better execution than me, but I want to know why he retained his charge and how.
Before the throw he super-jumped (probably starting to charge in the air), and the throw was a back throw, so at this point which way do you charge?
I’m not a blanka player, just curious.
Buk, i dunno about u but in those situations, i wouldn’t do anything with Rog. I’d rather roll out of the way. Headbutt doesn’t seem reliable at all. You still haven’t mentioned whether it can be airblocked or not. Also, it looks like it has big startup compared to other anti-airs.
This is pretty old, but if you’re biting, you have time to hold the charge…then it’s just good old regular hop super…if you’re doing the level 3 version of the super, you don’t even need to hop to have it cross up…just a matter of timing…but either way, if they have a wake up uppercut/super, you’ll be eating it cause you’ll lose your invincibility by the time you reach them.
Charge db 2sec, neutral/kkk,foward, back,foward,punch?
I guess thats how you do “hop super”.
I have the video too. Their was a guy who asked Ino… “How did you do that?” Ino’s smiled, and then did a 720 motion with his hand.
My friend “Buringfist” noticed this and tried doing…
Charge downback, neutral kkk,… 720(starting from foward) punch. It worked. Its sooooooo much easier to do “hop super” with a 720. Finish the last part of the 720 motion when you hit the ground. Its like 90% for me.
Oh and if you have roll, you can cross up with level 1 after a blanka punch throw. Bite hold charge… as soon as you hit the ground… roll super level 1,it crosses up. Then keep holding foward and you be charging back because you crossed them up. Wait a sec, and then super again…normally(foward,back,foward, punch). “TR” and “SF” wont work because you hit them with the first cross up super.(you cant Tactical recover supers):o
No D
Good shit my man.
WOW… if I only knew that earlier.:eek:
I’m talking about turtling in general. Anything I should watch out for? When you play, how do you fight against them?
Very nice… I gotta try out the 720 method.
yea, thanks a lot No D. i remember seeing that video and hearing the “how’d you do that?” comment. but i never saw or heard ino’s explanation.
i gotta try that out tomorrow:cool: