Cammy vs blanka


Kick super? Haha, wtf, were you playing with your eyes closed?

Edit: I was referring to a full screen direct elec super in an attempt to punish a full screen fireball, not just random ass super that works 90% of the time.

Sure there are, the vast ranks of scrubs killing each other with tactics like that.

…Though “Beta” Rock could’ve gotten away with that perhaps.

I remember once I beat deus’s geese with a fullscreen kick super because he predicted my scrubbyness and tried to mid counter what he thought was direct elec.

By this do you mean when he’s playing Vega vs Geese? Has anyone figured out how exactly one could keep track of Vega’s claw and mask? I mean, yeah after repeated hits/blocks the stuff falls off, but does the counter for this “reset” after a time like stun does?

Geese just has too many ways to make Vega block hard hits, yea thats pretty easy. He will hit you with a couple low strongs, a roundhouse, maybe sweep you once, then youll get ahold of him and its over, just gotta play balls out and not be afraid to get hit a few times. Once he blocks one crossup you can have his guard bar flashing or broken, and half the time you get his mask off too so that’s a bonus.

I’m not sure about the rules for the mask and claw coming off…or if it wears off over time. Hmm…that’s kind of a good question. Anyone know?

K-Geese can’t beat a Good Vega, its that simple. A-Geese on the other hand can.

Cross vega up and you eat RC ball or random trip guard CC.

Can’t? If halcyonryu’s giving Ricky O’s Vega fits with K-Geese then I’d wager maybe perhaps he could.

Right on about A-Geese though:tup:

Lol i wouldnt say giving fits haha, but when I played him fairly regularly at SVGL like 3 years ago it was a good matchup, haha. That was the only match where i would like, hit him a couple times. I just mentioned it cause he told me once that he thought it was a hard fight for vega in general. I haven’t met a vega since that I am worried about with geese. Ricky is just on another level and he could play a 1-9 match against most people and still win. But if ricky’s vega played himself playing geese his geese would sure as hell win alot I think.

Mr snk those are both not really particularly real threats, not really sure how to argue against what you’re saying since random activate and rc roll claw really arent that hard to deal with. I’m not quite sure why A geese would do better than K either since it would actually be alot harder I think. Like I said I’ll believe it when I see it, but the only vega’s that I dont just fuck up real bad with geese are the ones that are already just much better players than me. Ricky and Navarro are the only ones I can think of right off the top of my head. Kinda pointless to argue I guess though everyone has their opinion on stuff like this.

True, but all i’m saying is that if Geese is looking to attack or get in(rage, whatever), then cr. fierce is all you need to shut that down.

Cool, I gotcha, simple one button response.
It’s like Hibiki vs Ken, :rofl:

Actually I’m just biased.

Hey, great tips. The JDing the Blanka low fierce and then low forward xx supering Blanka’s arm thing is new to me. Thanks for the input for fighting against Vega also. Interesting and I will put that to good use. Blanka and Vega are hands down the hardest matches for me whenever I use Geese.

yeah…but that guy was stupid haha. although he did beat me = / grrr. guess he thought i didn’t know about it. it’s just something to keep in mind.

btw are you on gamefaqs? I remember this guy named Loud Wally…just wondering if you were him.

I just have zoning issues against vega(claw) for some reason.

The thing about vega is alot of players fight him way too carefully and thats why they lose to him. Vega cant kill you he just makes you kill yourself. Just lose all respect for him and youll find that he suddenly gets alot easier.

How’s, double reppuken for guard damage? it seems safe (maybe even against a full metered blanka? not sure).
Well Halcyon, how do you deal with RC claw? it’s so annoying. The only thing I can do is JD.

yeah for reals.

take some calculated risks and vega will be a whole lot easier since he cant deal big damage fast.

You can beat the rc roll by jumping straight up or with your counter. Jumping up, if he does the jab one he will land right behind and under you and you can just come down with your fwd kick and get a real juicy crossup combo, if he did the fierce or medium one you will be able to land and run up behind him and do whatever you want. If you’re absolutely sure then the counter isnt a bad idea either if you arent raged since geese gets rage from doing counters as if he was hit for some reason. Or if you are a gangster you can JD the whole thing and hit him for free with stand short or a deadly rave but thats just showing off kind of stuff. Roll claw is not safe if jd’ed, theres not many frames of vulnerability but theres enough to hit with stand short into combo or with a deadly rave. Regardless of how you deal with it its all in your favor since if a roll claw anti airs you all that does is run out the clock, crap like that doesnt even take life off of someone with Geese stamina, but if you guess right and jump up over one just once you can rape Vega real bad.

Yea the double reppuken is safe when blocked, but I think it leaves you at a disadvantage so theres usually better options. The only time I use double reppuken is in a groove where I can RC. I dont like using it because it resets the match and you have to get in all over again. One real big thing with guard crushing with geese is being aware of when you should do blocked jaienkens. Even if their guard meter is around half full, towards+fierce into a blocked jaienken will guard crush the person if you are raged. Try this on an Agroove character: blocked crossup fwd, low short -> low fierce -> medium reppuken. Then run up and do towards +fierce into short jaienken, and itll guard break them. K and P groove people’s guard breaks even faster than this. Just be aware of the guard meter, and if it is at about the level that you get from that blocked 4 hit combo, dont be afraid to have your jaienken blocked. Most geese’s dont do blocked jaienken ever even when it is a guaranteed guard crush and I see alot of matches lost because of not paying attention to this. Also since the guard meter isnt even flashing, the opponent will usually not be concerned, but geese can easily take the meter from non flashing to broken in one blocked two in one. You do A LOT more guard crush damage when you are raged so always be looking for that. You will really intimidate your opponents into sticking out moves and running away from you and youll get combos on them more often if you always guard crush every time you have a chance.

Maybe we should go to another thread since it seems to now be totally off topic haha.

Wow I never thought of that, as for the double reppryuken I take a gamble with it when there in the corner like short cr.short double reppryuken throw/activate/counter.

Your 100% right about vega thou, just never thought about it.

Dear God. I knew Geese was a guardcrush monster, but I didn’t realize it was that fast. Better make my zoning count:rofl:

Nono, I like how we changed it from Cammy vs Blanka to K-Geese guard crush strings

Yo, good shit and thanks again. This is more new info for me. Make a new thread alright? The Buk thread is full of so much spam that I don’t want to look at it anymore.