Cammy vs blanka

You’re basically saying Cammy’s better because she lands super easier off her stupid easy links and has a dp.
Keeping in Mind that DP’s can be baited and punished hard like any other reversal and that overall good characters like A-Blanka/Bison don’t have DP’s and the whole DP thing isn’t quite the hotness it once was. Unless the other guy is a complete dunce and openly jumps at you asking for it nice to have against crossup attempts especially if you’re on point with “crossup” dp’s.
Cammy and Geese both guard crush about the same, maybe Geese is better however slightly at controllling space.
Geese has more life and more stun, and recovers from stun faster.
He can play the counter-hit(which could lead to DR)/throw game just as well as Cammy (If you can CALL her’s that), but has an easier go at setting up his crossups (which also get DR)
All this and he can chain his Deadly Rave off just about any of his normals, and that he dishes out more damage and stun, then you got a character who packs a stronger punch off a single short than Cammy ever could.

Still, a character having a DP basically nullifies many options that an opponent might have, without ever having to even throw out the move. Just the fact that they have a DP is what counts, not necessarily landing it.

Geese is a really solid K groove character, but to place him above the hotness that is Cammy doesn’t seem right to me. Plus, Cammy is 100x easier to play, and you don’t have to have perfect execution like you do with Geese. When Geese does make an inevitable mistake, he is pretty vunerable for some damage. Cammy can be played without fear of making a huge execution mistake (unless you constantly fuck up S.FP -> Super Drill like me)

hey these questions are fun, let me put another example up.

Who would you rather fight against first?
A-vegaR1, or A-blankaR2

(use top player’s vega/blanka as references for consistency plz)

I agree.

Geese has more stuff going for him.
Also, since Geese should be rushing to GC, this shuts down all of Cammy’s safe stuff with a JD xx super, or simply block xx super(far spiral arrow can’t be used, etc.)
But I would say that Cammy has an easier time with controlling space because of just the RH, which is the range where Geese should be.

Now that I think about it, it’s kind of a tossup depending on how you look at it. I feel the match goes back and forth depending on who has meter.
If both characters don’t have meter, I would say Geese wins it until Cammy gets meter, because of how much easier it is for Cammy to RH xx super.
Then when Geese gets meter it might be harder for him to land it because a couple of random reasons.

  1. He’s bigger than Cammy
  2. He’s slower
    3)Cammy can just RH him away.

It’s just easier for Cammy overall, but Geese has to just play smarter and I feel do 2 times the work.

cammy is easier for sure, that doesnt translate into better, but its definately a factor in who you want to choose to anchor your team. cammy fights blanka and sak better for sure imo, vega too. alot of it is matchups, to me. even though geese has the crazy random damage factor going for him, he has a really hard time against rc vega.

Well I hate links like close s.LK, close s.HP myself, but that particular one seems much easier off his crossup. The only reason why it’s difficult if at all is cancelling the close s.HP to his special, the timing’s not so lenient, and you have to make it so because you can’t hold forward at all following the short or you get F+HP, though you could try to follow up on that for GC. I try to keep it simple with light confirmation to jaiekens or throws until I get his crossup. At max range you don’t need “perfect” execution because at those ranges he really doesn’t have any linking combos.

That is unless you’re talking about d.MK xx DR or d.LKx3 xx DR or simply Raging Storm. Really though the shorts to DR is really easy. d.MK xx DR I wouldn’t do anyway without linking off a d.LP or s.LK anyway or to stop rolls since his d.MK is so fast.
Raging Storm was a bitch to learn but I got standing ones down fine now it’s actually good anti-air once you get it down.

Higher learning curve sure, but vs Cammy she has a hard time in general vs characters with ground fireballs; it pisses her off and forces her to play in anticipation 'n vice versa. Besides Geese’s s.MK trades evenly with her s.HK and he wins out anyway because of his higher stun.

(If they trade even when she’s raged she can’t really xx to super in that instance)

Yeah that’s probably why I switched to N/A Geese RC Double Reppukens solves a lot of his problems

A-Blanka R2 first, 'cause that means I have a better chance at destroying his final character, likely an R1 Bison with my user then anchor, and if I’m somehow in the lead Bison’s gonna have to work harder to land his CC which could conceivably lead to more mistakes and ultimately more mayhem:annoy:

Even if Iori completely falters against Blanka (which isn’t always true BTW) A-Hibiki with full meter could finish him off and whatever 2nd character there is.

Though I’d be just fine fighting A-Vega 1st (even though he counters Hibiki hard) I’d rather get Blanka out the way.

I don’t think I like the direction this thread is going. How 'bout this:

Estella Warren vs Jessica Alba

cuz blanka cant walk in hp, see if it hits and super afterwards

nor can he walk in and out of your attack range, make you whiff an attack and retaliate with hk xx super

Geese does real good against vega actually, thats one of the easier matches. Geese is really good against vega and cammy but he has sort of a hard time with sagat and he gets raped real bad by blanka, is how I see it usually with my geese.

Geese raped by Blanka? Nah I wouldn’t say so. Just because he nullifies your fireball use doesn’t mean he’s automatically better. What I like to do when Blanka has meter is throw out some jab reppukens fullscreen. Most likely, Blanka will try to do level 3 Direct Lighting. Then you just high counter and you get K meter and it does good damage.
You can JD electricity or counter it. If Blanka wants to RC elec you while you’re waking up, you can just do high counter. It works.
Vega is harder to fight…a hell of a lot of jumping RHs and crap. The only reason I don’t do that bad against him is cuz I can JD his crystal flashes.

For Geese, one solution to linking DR is cr.jab, cr.jab, S.normals are better for linking DR and gives you enough time. Raging Storm…i find that i can only do it on wake up or jump in. I hardly use supers with Geese; just guard crush or do standard combo cr.jab, s.fierce, hcb + mk.

What Blankas do you play that would Full Screen direct elec super? The special ed kind?

Haha, but in all seriousness, Blankas Direct Elec super is nice for predictable poke strings, Knockdown -> Cross up super, and the Other rolling attack is safe on block for some chip damage. As well, a C.FP from a raged Blanka is serious damage without a super. Low Jump Roundhouse,, s.lp, Super is a nice combo, and he seems to be able to guardcrush pretty well (though Cammy still wins in that area). I guess that even if Cammy > Blanka, it’s not really by much, and both really serve as a nice anchor (and for me, I’d rather have an Anchor that can take some damage, especially in K).

Blanka’s cr. fierce beats all of Geese’s serious limbs(st. RH, st. fierce, etc.) everything else trades in Blanka’s favor. At that point its a guessing game for Geese to counter at the right time or get RC Elec’ed(lol) or slid, etc.

Blanka wins on the ground and if Geese tries to do a crossup, Blanka gets to reset the match for free either by rolling, Blanka Ball, hop, whatever. There would be no point for Blanka to jump if he dominates the ground. You can cr. RH Blanka’s cr. fierce, you get the knockdown, but even THAT trades in Blanka’s favor when looking at damage.

well you can punish random fireballs by using Blanka’s lvl 3 Dl like if Ryu keeps throwing fireballs and you’re not TOO far away, you can still hit him in the recovery.

Maybe he played me :X

Cammy: 1.Great pokes
2.Good damage when raged.
3.Nice range on her throw.
4.Can’t take damage worth of shit.
5. Can fight vega sakura and Chun.
6.Super easy to link supers.

Geese: 1. Fucking retarded Damage to rage kick throws.
2.Good Stun plus a -3 second bonus to stun (if he gets stunned just mash)
3. Close short = 3 frame attack.
4.He’s like Wall street too many bad trades and your fucked.
5.Can’t fight Vega, Sagat,Chun and characters that are really fast.
6.When hes raged your opponent doesn’t jump.
7. Can GC into Tick then mix up for more damage.
8. Cr.Jab gives +7 frames(cammy owns him on this but still.)
9.Can run under Sagats Standing Fierce and High tiger. (Not like anyone does it but still)
10.Very easy time scoring a knock down.
11.Can deal stun ontop of super.
12.Has counters(Which most good players never use unless the other guy mashes or never played Geese.
13.Meh I wanna say Geese.

Can we say t…ime for Jeese to make a Poll whos better. K-Geese or K-Cammy. :rofl:

close short is 2 frames actually, and +7. not very meaty though.

and afaik c.jab gives +8

also cammys thow range is considered normal just her sprite is weird, so it looks like you’re throwing from way farther than you should be.

i disagree greatly with geese being good against vega, he has no reliable way of doing damage in that match cuz he cant get in, so you have to rely on random hits to do damage.

also as good as c.fp is it makes blankas hitbox reeeally wide(and hes already fat), so you can cross him up with superjump mk that much easier. having a counter is really good against braidead rc elec too, it at least makes them think about baiting you and stuff. is actually surpisingly solid against blankas c.fp too. is a good move for beating out stuff with long range, but non invinicble tips(vega, but not sagat c.fp), because i think the tip of is invincible.

On Geese…
Shouldn’t Geese’s stun recovery modifier be -1 second?
It’s a random number right, 2, 3, 5 when stunned, you lucky enough to get 2, Geese players get to mash out of it almost instantly.

And isn’t Cammy’s throw 52 pixels like the majority of the cast? Like epsilon_ says, it only seems longer because of her sprite and fast walking speed.

If it’s K-Geese could he JD the d.hp and respond with a far s.HK? He’s at -3 after it lands sure, but he could come out even or slightly better depending on how it hits.
And even if the d.HK trades Blanka’s d.HP favor, wouldn’t it be enough for Geese to get in? RC electricities aside (perhaps for that matter hop too) don’t counter-hit/throw games work on just about anyone? If Blanka knows you’re hitting light attacks and hops out of there you can still sweep him on reaction almost for free (timings like 1-4 frames, depends on how early your or d.lp whiffed)

You can JD and low fwd -> super the blanka crouching fierce with geese unless its from the very tip of it, and low fwd beats the fierce and the slide also really clean. No need to bother using the raise the roof punch unless you are just trying to be tight or something haha. The fight is hard for me is because it geese is playing for a guard break and it is very hard to guard break blanka with him back hopping and the fact that you cant ever end a string with your reppuken. You can still do it but its harder and its alot harder to pin him down, maybe it’s just a problem I have personally but that is how I have always seen it. Low fierce is something that I can handle and I wish that blanka people would use it more really so I could hit them, but if they hide behind low fwd, jump up fierce and back hop a lot thats really what makes it hard. Its just too easy to run from geese’s rage meter with blanka and if geese cant get ahold of you during rage and use that extra guard meter damage that rage gives that hurts since thats like basically the whole game plan for me anyway.

As for Geese and Vega that fight is mad easy really, you can try it on me next time I am over there. Even Ricky has told me before that he thinks that fight is hard and he is like at least 78 times better than me. Vega’s roundhouse doesnt even really antiair geese for shit, youll make him block one eventually and thats all you need, he is in trouble after that. About 7 seconds later theres a good chance that his mask will be on the floor and he will be guard broken. Its not hard to make vega block standing roundhouses either.

Yeah, from mid-screen range. But no competent Blanka is going to try to Direct Elec super a fireball from full screen knowing they’ll just get Dragon Punched out of it. You were claiming you can throw a full screen Geese fireball to bait out a direct elec super, and I was just pointing out that nobody is going to fall for that on a tournament level.


i got hit by two full screen kick super in the same tourney and took last place.

time to quit…

oh and i did get hit by a full screen direct elec super too…