5d. Basic combos
Here I introduce combos you should know. I list them in the order that you should learn them.
i) cr MP, cr MK -> qcf+K (2700 damage)
This is the most important Cammy combo. The link is easy, but you never want to mess it up. Not much to say here except that at maximum cr MP range, or if you counterpoked with cr MP, the spiral arrow won’t combo. At close range it will always combo. Therefore, learn at what distance the thing will combo. Don’t embarrass yourself by getting a spiral arrow blocked.
ii) close HP, link qcfx2+HK (?? damage)
This combo is so completely braindead you should get it 100% after practicing for a minute. After the facepunch you have enough time for a cigarette break before you link the super. There are more damaging super combos but I list this because it’s your “safety” super combo. Every character needs something you can rely on 100% under pressure, and this is it for Cammy.
I don’t know how much damage this does. Please someone give me a CvS2 Dreamcast CD 
iii) close HP, cr MK -> qcf+HK (?? damage)
This combo connects on certain characters point blank or after a crossup LK. Against them, this should be your basic combo instead of combo i) above. It connects on “fat” characters. The ones I know it will work for sure on are Blanka, E Honda, Zangief, Raiden, and Chang. I do not know if this works on any other people, but it doesn’t work on all the other popular characters.
iv) far HP, qcfx2+HK (?? damage)
This link is also really easy but slightly harder than combo ii). There should be no reason you ever have this combo blocked. It links easily. Just remember that far HP recovers quicker than you think it does.
Having this combo down is incredibly useful because it increases Cammy’s scare range significantly. This is good. I can get this 100% under pressure on normal speed settings, and I suck at combos, so there is no reason you can’t get this too. You can also see if it hits on ground, hits in air, or is blocked first before doing the super.
v) jump HP, close HP -> qcf+MK (?? damage. Or does qcf+HK do more damage? Where are you CVS2 CD?)
This is dizzy punishing or telegraphed fireball punishing combo. It’s the most damaging combo Cammy has without a super. Yeah. Not much to say. But you still need to practice this because the jump HP, close HP thing isn’t as simple as it looks (you need to do jump HP late).
vi) low jump HP, qcfx2+K (K groove only) (?? damage)
Practice this to add additional scare factor to Angry Cammy. The timing for it is the same as Sagat’s low jump HK, super. Then just go nuts with this and be crazy!
vii) cr MP, cr MP -> qcf+K (2700 damage)
This combo is like combo i) above except it needs to be closer. On the other hand, if the second cr MP connects, you are guaranteed the spiral arrow without needing to judge distances. If you’re lazy or under pressure, do this combo instead. [Note: I recommend combo i) instead though, because you can get slightly more range from which the full combo connects, and because the cr MK will hit low]
viii) far HK -> qcfx2+HK (?? damage)
This is the combo I wish I could get on reaction. Or even get consistently. Anyway, this will increase Cammy’s scare range even further to ridiculous extremes!
Despite what other people say, I think this combo is quite hard to pull off under pressure. Also, you probably need good reactions to see whether it hits first before doing the super (getting a counter hit won’t make it easier). You are supposed to press HK, move the qcfx2 joystick motion, and then wait to see if it hits before pressing kick again. This gives you the maximum amount of time to see whether it hits or not.
You should practice this and be able to get it on reaction if you want to be some super good Cammy player. But don’t feel bad if you can’t because you just need to move in slightly close for far HP range. If you can’t get it, use the combo I use:
viii2) far HK -> nothing (1000 damage)
ix) cr MK -> qcfx2+MK/HK (?? damage)
This combo is useful if you can get it consistently. No one can see if it hits and do the super on reaction, don’t worry. What this is useful for is, cr MK is Cammy’s fastest and furthest reaching normal move (far HK has more range but is slower) so you use it to punish small mistakes or after just defends in K groove. Did Sagat just have a close HP blocked? Oops, cr MK -> super!
x) cr LK x 3 -> qcfx2+MK/HK (?? damage)
This will make your high/low mixup scarier. Empty low jump into this combo! You have enough time to see whether it hits before you do it.
I can’t give advice on how to do it because I can’t get this combo to work. But I saw some guy do it consistently. I was going to ask him but I felt embarrassed to because I had just OCVed him.
xi) cr MP, st MP -> qcf+HK (?? damage)
I need to check whethe 1 hit qcf+HK does more or less damage than qcf+MK. Anyway, this combo works on Tallguys. So do it against Tallguys. The link is about the same difficult as cr MK link, but the advantage of this is that you have more frame advantage if it is blocked.
xii) cr MP, cr MK -> qcfx2+MK/HK (?? damage)
Yeah! The link gives you loads of time to combo into super. So if you can do combo ix), there’s no excuse not to tag on the super every time. Basically Cammy can combo a super from almost anything. Scary!
xiii) After connected qcfx2+MK, cancel air qcb+K (whiff), close HP -> db, qcf, uf+HP, P/K
Any time after you connect a level 2, you should try to do this. Cancel immediately after the last hit into whiff cannon strike. Then you have plenty of time to hit them with close HP and cancel into the rolling Cammy ball for a throw/dive kick mixup. You can vary how late you hit with the close HP too. Play around with this.
Note: Don’t do this if they are raged or show indications of being ready with a level 3. This is painful for you.
xiv) close HP, far HP, link qcfx2+HK
The most damaging ground combo against fatguys (e.g. Blanka, E. Honda). The far HP links easily from close HP. Also the far HP does 100 more damage than far HK and the super is much easier to get afterwards.
xv) jump HP, close HP, far HK -> qcfx2+HK
The most damaging combo Cammy has, if they’re dizzy and you have lots of meter. Substitute jump HK for jump HP for 100 less damage but more priority and ease of execution.
xvi) air qcb+K, close HP, -> stuff
Hit them at their toes, and the close HP will combo. Then follow with either far HK -> super, or… not.
xvii) cr LP, close HP, link qcfx2+MK
cr LP links easily into close HP. The main use though is this give you an easy to set up throw/fierce guessing game.
This section may be revised in the future when I get some CvS2 Dreamcast CD!