There’s this arcade in Causeway Bay. However, people here hate playing with skill and prefer to be scrubby KOF-style mindless attack players. Because that’s “fun”! Therefore it’s all on speed 5. Want to be able to block Blanka/Vega/Mai/Rock/Rolento low jumps on reaction? No thanks!
NOTE: I Havne’t played any RC hondas. So advise me on things if I missed any.
6i. Honda
First, see if this Honda can do RC slappy. If he can’t, it’s a free win for you!
You can punish all blocked headbutts with L3 spin dive smasher. This should discourage him from doing headbutts a lot. Honda also has no answer to crossup LK. He is also a fatguy so crossup LK, HP, cr MK -> spiral arrow is a valid combo and does lots of stun and damage. Apart from headbutt, which you discourage by doing L3 whenever he does, he has no pokes that beat Cammy. His jump-in is slow and easily countered by cannon spike. When he sits there, just walk forward, block for a bit, then press roundhouse! Whee! Do it again! Do it again! Again!
If you’re in K groove, and not raged, you can punish headbutts by just defending and pressing roundhouse. (It’s easy to do on reaction from 1/3 screen or more away) If you’re in C groove with no meter, run away and build meter! Honda can’t attack. Jump a lot and if he headbutts stick out jump LK. Otherwise whiff HP -> dive kicks. Then once you get full meter go back to free win tactic.
If he can RC hands, then he gets more annoying because now you can’t poke at him for free with st HK. But HE can poke at YOU for free because your roll is so pathetically slow you can’t roll and punish a RC hands!
I don’t think I’ve played a Honda that can RC hands before. Usually if they can RC hands consistently they use Blanka instead. So yeah help me out on this part.
Random notes:
His roll is fast. So watch out for roll -> grab super or some retarded thing like that.
His headbutt supers are unpunishable. LP headbutt is perfect air-defense so never jump in from the front when he has charge.
Honda’s best poke is cr MP but your HK dominates that.
His sumo sit (d, u+K) is really vulnerable at the end but remember to block it high.
Jump back HK is a good air-air move for Honda. That kick has high priority.
Don’t trade with Honda because he’s damaging.
I play against RC honda alot. RC hands is 100% when JD’d. There’s no guaranteed attack Cammy can land after JDing them. s.HP anti-air is JD safe too (sucks for Cammy). Good luck trying to set up a crossup LK. My Cammy can never get into the proper range where I can ever do that. My jump-in will always hit from the front (which Honda LP headbutts for free). I try to beat Honda on the ground instead. All Honda “whiff” attacks are crappy (s.LK, s.MK). Cammy s.HK eats that up. Honda d.MP (his best priority ground attack) is kickable during it’s recovery. Know your ranges and when Honda will want to throw out an RC headbutt. JD that garbage and kick them after.
6a. Blanka
It’s the green machine! As is my wont, I will separate this section into the various Blankas you will encounter.
i) Scrub Blanka
Scrub Blankas are easy to spot. They’re the ones who will do lots of jump HK, cr HP, random blanka balls, and roll super! Also they will always do Blanka’s super on wakeup if you’re anywhere near them.
There’s no special trick to beating these guys. Cannon spike will beat all Blanka jump-ins clean. If they whiff a cr HP, you can hit them back with your own st HP. Retaliate all blocked blanka balls with st HK or L2/L3 super. The crossup LK, close HP, cr MK -> qcf+HK combo works on Blanka, also. Your jump LK will beat all of Blanka’s jump attacks, including vertical jump HP. In fact, without super, Blanka’s only good anti-air is electricity, so you can jump more often than you would normally. Do early cannon strike to mix up if he loves to RC electricity against all your jump-ins.
ii) K-Blanka
K-Blanka is like scrub Blanka except twice as dangerous! Mainly, it’s the same fight, except that Blanka is a monster guard crush machine when you’re in the corner and he’s raged. So if he’s raged, never be in the corner. Blanka will usually do the left/right thing with his level 3 super after a punch throw. However, at this distance, a reversal cannon spike on wakeup is 100% safe for Cammy, either you’ll hit Blanka or pass through him.
I don’t see the big deal about low jump RH. You can’t anti-air it on reaction, but he doesn’t really gain the initiative that much after you block it. However, low jump crossup MK into HP electricity is really annoying because the electricity takes a lot of block and guard damage. To prevent this, simply do not let Blanka get into that range when he has initiative!
iii) A-Blanka
A-Blanka is annoying because you can’t get hit by a single electricity or you lose a bit of your life. Also anyone using A-Blanka invariably can RC electricity for flawless anti-air. Therefore, do not jump much against this monster!
You can win this match if you have a level 3. Wait for him to show off his RC skills by doing RC hop or RC electricity. Then punch him in the face and link to a level 3. Build meter by running away! Blanka can’t chase a runaway Cammy well.
Other than that, there’s no special scary thing. If he uses RC electricity against your pokes, that’s not so bad because he can’t CC afterwards. Also you can punish him with a level 3 if he whiffs.
i have a question =/
this is a K and C groove faq… and i myself play a K-cammy… how can i build meter by running away? X_x
or u try to say try to JD when he chases u with balls/jump-ins etc…?
good work btw:)
Blanka can combo easily after a low jump HK. Not many other characters can do that. He gains big initiative I feel, so be careful.
vs. Blanka
Learn how to kick Blanka after his RC electricity. When he whiffs he’s at -13 and vulnerable to anything. I’m practicing this the most with Cammy right now (that and DPing crossups and low jumps). It’s tricky at first but it’s very doable once you get the timing down.
You can kick Blanka anytime he whiffs s.MK too. Your HK outranges that by a lot.
You can punch Blanka back for free everytime he whiffs d.HP. Stay just outside the range and when Blanka whiffs all you have to do is stand there and press your own far HP. You hit Blanka as he brings his fist back.
Learn how to DP crossups and lowjumps ASAP before you play Blanka, as Blanka’s crossup and lowjumps are possibly the best in the game. You can practice walking under a Blanka crossup MK and doing d.MK (to go under trip guard) xx super as Blanka lands. It’s risky though, as Blanka might not attack. DP is your best option (it takes a lot of practice though). Do f, df, d (blanka now behind you), db+HK as your anti-crossup DP motion. The timing takes practice. Always use HK version too, as LK will be stuffed.
The hardest Blanka to fight is the one that doesn’t attack you. I find C-Blanka very difficult to fight against once he gets his level 3. There’s nothing totally safe that K-Cammy can attempt against him. Anytime you leave the ground, there’s the threat of the super. If you want to jiggle outside his range and/or throw in a s.HK, there’s the Blanka df+HP threat. Running just isn’t a good idea. You can’t runaway yourself when you have K-groove. This match sucks. It’s a total guessing game for both characters. This is why practicing to have perfect exectution is so important. You’re probably only going to have one opportunity in the entire match vs. defensive Blanka to land your s.HK xx super or whatever. If you mess up at that critical point, there goes the whole match (and possibly your personal anger management skills :lol: )…
I didn’t put in vs C-Blanka because my Cammy gets owned by C-Blankas
With any groove Cammy, you must learn how to DP every kind of jump in in any situation. Anti-air s.HK can bail you out sometimes, but DP will be your only option otherwise. Cammy’s roll is so poor that if you try to roll under a crossup the opponent will always recovery before you and get a free hit. Plus K and P (the two best Cammy’s) don’t even have roll. Therefore, practicing DP = very important.
Yo Burghy, I found you a new friend.
Last post on the page… :lol:
:lol: :lol:
thanks your guy
Hi. I lose horribly to A-Sak and A-Bison with Cammy because I have no clue how to play against them.
Would people who know these two matchups please post here? Then I will claim most of the credit for myself because I’m selfish and mad with power! Thanks.
6e. Cammy
I hate Cammy users. Cammy is the scrubbiest character in the game, bar none, and you should feel free to taunt anyone shameless enough to choose such a scrubby character to use.
Anyway, here’s some tips. Don’t ever jump because Cammy’s jump is pathetically slow and you will eat cannon spike. You can stick out st HK often because Cammy’s roll is so slow that you won’t be punished if she rolls through a random poke.
However instead of staying at far range, you should try to get in close to do some real damage. Only get in close when you are on the offense. If she attacks you up close, do whatever you can to get her out. Note that after you JD a close HP from Cammy, you still don’t have frame advantage.
Easiest way to punish spiral arrows is with L3 super. You’ll have to figure out for yourself when a spiral arrow is vulnerable or not… but if you’re using Cammy and you don’t know that, I give up on you. Punish blocked cannon spikes with st HK.
If you’re more than half screen away, Cammy can’t do much to punish you whiffing dive kicks to build meter (you will hit her out of spiral arrow clean). As you can guess, most matches involve 1000000 st HK from both Cammy players. Boring.
kcxj: I found a friend who’s cooler than your friend!
The first post by “ISSEY MIYAKE”! I think I’m in love…
err… me love you long time?
Man, why does HK rock you so much? I like the guy who actually understood wtf Issey Fobyake was saying more though. :lol:
“Anyway since all the good players like Hokuro or Kei left because it’s stupid on speed 5, I suggest we change it to speed 6. This way, it will be even more fun for the people who are still playing it”
All I have to say to that is…
my english dou no bad la~~~~~u feel ng dou ji ma!!! complain!!!need speed 5 !!! :lol:
hey burghy, glad to see you’re having fun on your Hong Kong trip.
That’s not me :lol:
Also I am in this HK place permanently
burghy can you like, skip ahead, to 6(whatever) and tell me what k-cammy does against chun?
Sure, give me some time.
Here’s a quick summary though
She can’t poke because Chun Li pokes better
That’s all Cammy can do
Therefore, Cammy dies a lot.
I’ll flesh this out in the future!
Cammy can’t becuase Chun can super you right unde rit like everytime.