Cammy Guide (K, C grooves)

  1. Yes it is linkable into lvl2 but the timing is much more strict than the lvl 3

2.Cr.lp-> is an ok link but imo it’s not really a part of her ground game…especially in C Groove. Maybe in a running groove it’s useful but I hardly ever use it. Usually I only do her Jabs up close and always link s.hp after…

3.RC Spiral arrow anti-air works against pretty much every character at the right angle(and is great against P Groove btw). You shouldn’t have trouble using Cannon Spike against Sagat(or anyone) just do it deep and you win everytime.

4.You can actually throw Iori out of his RC Rekka pretty easily, if he is just doing them repeatedly…make you sure you learn Cammy’s max throw range(which is like half screen).

5.Use C.hp against distanced jump in’s and anticipated small jumps. Sometimes its useful to walk under C.Hp anticipated jumps/super jumps

  1. Any LEVEL
  2. YES I usually link crshort crjab cr forwardXX super after I jump nothing low jump or I cr jabx2 cr strong into spiral arrow. This works real well after corpse hops.
  3. YES. But hard timing somewhat I recommend cannon spike.
    what are you trading with? From like more than like half screen you’ll trade with a jumping fierce kick. but anything within that range you’ll hit clean with a st fierce kick. i like doing a deep st roundhouse as anti air and then canceling into a level 2 or 3 anti air super. it combos off the anti air close RH kick.
  4. PRAY or RC back or throw him on start up if he’s cornering you.
  5. Just USE St roundhouse for low jumps don’t know about cr fierce the only time I use it is welll never… … after more test s… its hard to judge or predict low jumps. most blankas and sagat hit clean if theyre in the right range. theyre too many variables to take into considerations… some times it doesnt hurt to just block them. But if you in dire straight go ST rh!!


For those of you that uses the hooligan(2369+p):

You can cancel her lvl2 (either super) with 214+k(air), land, s.fierce(hits them when they are in the air) xx hooligan mixups. I don’t like using that move either but that is the only time I would use it.

Random stuff:

I never stop my runs with a c.short. I always use s.jab so I can go into throws when I wiff it.

Her crossup j.short, s.fierce is an easier link when they are crouching.

I don’t like her c.fierce as anti air. Why not use the dp+kick??

Also, I have never seen anyone in RL or in vids use s.fwd ever.

hehe how dare you steal my combo!!! LOL I posted that earlier in this thread btw. Cr Short hits low and you can combo off that. I like to mix up cr jab cr short in rush down. St mk is good because it has pretty good priority is fast and has range. Helps keep opponent pinned down. Its like Chunlis st mp but you can’t cancel a special off the end of it, but its faster and has faster recovery than chunlis.

Sorry, I don’t have time to read the whole thread. I only skimmed it. Can cancel into super? If is that good, how come I never see anyone use it?

And I’m not saying I don’t use c.short. I said I use s.jab to stop my run.

LOL I was just joking about the combo.
Yeah it can be canceled into any level super at any point of the normal. Ummm well … She has ST RH which people like to whore out ALOT. People commonly overlook all of her other normals that are good like ST forward. Crouching forward almost has same range and hits low and has about same recovery so that tends to be better choice. I mean ST forward has like 1 pixel or so less range than st RH and has faster startup and recovery. Depends on your style. You can’t just rely on whoring out ST rh all day your going to get supered. You gotta mix up the look and feel a bit if you know what I’m saying. Hope any of my educated nonsense helps. LOL

ok one more thing I need for my guide

Who must block Cammy’s far MP while crouching?

Also, a Sagat question.

YOu know how Sagat vs Sagat, their far HP if you crouch block, you block it. But if you only crouch, you can duck it. Does the same thing happen with Cammy’s far MP?

Cammy is one of the smallest sprites in the game, so I don’t think she’d encouter that Sagat vs Sagat situation you just listed. Maybe on crouching Hibiki or something, because she’s tiny as hell, but that’s the only person I can think of.

Pretty much any sprite larger than the standard (Ryu) will have to block Cammy’s far mp even while crouching. So pretty much Sagat, Honda, Raiden, Gief, maybe Blanka (I’m like 90% sure), Yamazaki, and so on.

No, counter hits cause more stun damage. Like with Kyo, you can like combo into CC and then juggle with normal combo into a dizzy, but it only works if you land the first jumping hit as a counter hit, because it does more stun. So technically, it gives you like a couple more frames leeway probably, but nothing really noticeable.

5b. Mixups

Every character has three basic mix-ups - crossups, high/low, and throws. Cammy excels in throws and is good at high/low mixups, but can’t really use crossups as her jump is slow.

You always have to set up your mixup things, or else the other guy will just press fierce punch and BAM you lose momentum and positioning and take a lot of damage. So first off, to set up your positioning, Cammy basically has to make them block a far HP.

That should be easy to do so enough said about that. If you can’t even do that then choose a scrubbier character to play. Like Cammy or something.

OK once you
have them where you want, here’s a list of convenient moves that hit low: cr MK, cr LK, spiral arrow. These moves hit high: cannon strike, hop LK, hop HK.

Cammy’s low jump is rather slow, so it’s hard to have high/low like Kyo does. Your main high/low will come from making them habitually block low by liberally using cr MK when they’re on the ground. Then, you can get them with tiger knee cannon strikes (do them just as you leave the ground) which needs to be blocked high. Even if they block it you maintain the momentum if you’re doing it right.

Anyway there’s nothing special to say about the high/low game with Cammy. However, she’s really really good with throw setups because her moves have so much priority and most of them link into super, so the opponent will be scared to stick anything out. Probably only Blanka has more throw setups.

Here’s a list of the common ones:

whiff tiger knee cannon strike -> either throw or close HP
cr LK (hit or blocked) -> throw or close HP
low jump LK (hit or blocked) -> throw or close HP
close HP (blocked) -> walk forward a bit, throw or close HP. Patented scrub Cammy play!
crossup LK, st LP (whiff), throw
cr LK, st LP (whiff), throw
cr LP, throw mix with cr MP -> combo (cr LP and cr MP have the same animation)
cannon strike (hit or blocked) -> throw or close HP or close LK (more detail later)

The last one deserves a little bit more explanation. Depending on how high you hit with the cannon strike, you can combo afterwards. If you can’t, of course, you can immediately throw when you land (the hitstun on the thing is small). You should learn the area where she hits that will lead to either one. If you want to be more advanced, you should learn which strength of kick (they have different angles) will lead to which hit.

Once you knock them down, you can have terrific fun with cannon strike! You can make the cannon strike either hit or whiff, and make it either cross up or not. You don’t even have to guess because you can just hold a direction and press HP and then see what’s up. Yay go Cammy!

You can also dash over their body for dash crossups. Or dash and then do a cannon strike to crossup again! Or whiff crossup cannon strike into a cr LK combo! Or whatever! Just do a lot of crazy dash or cannon strike things and high/low games. Cammy is sort of like Kyo after a knockdown except not as scary.

Anyway the point is after every cannon strike, cr LK or knockdown, you have advantage. So don’t throw it away and pressure them. You can go back to pressing HP and HK once they manage to reset the match.

when you get a knock down it doesn’t matter that her jump is slow. You can still crossup short into mind games. And I think her low jump rh has a really long range and gives you plenty of time to combo into super if it hits.

Another use of her cross up lk is to mixup the timing for it.

Do it high sometimes to go straight into a throw (becareful, they can throw you back), or do it low to start doing close FP into your regular mixups.

Another mixup that i do sometimes is walk up walk up to the point where they’d have to block rh, and then just hit down+mk at the same time for a practically instant low hit. I get a couple of free hits because people are use to the regular rh whoring and just block high. This is especailly painful if you’re raged, since one slip up like that and they’ll be eating a lvl3 super.

There’s a couple of things you have to watch out about cammy’s throws. Her throw range ISN’T larger than anyone elses, it’s just that she’s thin so that the throw range is longer by proportion.

Lastly, a question. Since throwing is a large part of Cammy’s game, what do you recommend doing after a teched throw? I do by instinct, which usually trades or gets blocked. Is there anykind of thing you can do other than that?

Then whey can she throw me when im further away, but if i try to throw at same distance i get wiffed move?

if you refer to…

you’ll see that cammys throw range is like everyone else’s…at 52 pixels. i think the difference is that at 52 pixels from the centre of the sprite, so when cammy’s 52 pixels hit the opponents sprite for the throw, your opponent’s 52 pixels can’t reach cammy (cause her sprite is thinner), giving some an advantage.

I guess what i’m trying to say is that we’re both partially right. Her throw range is the same number is almost everyone, but since her sprite is thinner, she can throw people before your opponent throws.

I really hate beating this topic to death…

I know counter hits extend stun frames. I was just confused to why a counter hit was relevant to S.Rh XX Super. Since the stun time isn’t long enough to link the level 3, you have to still cancel the super for it to combo. So unless the cancelable frames are extended, the extra stun frames mean nothing.

I was under the impression you could pretty much cancel the stand roundhouse just about anytime after it connects (blocked or not) while it’s still in animation sequence. Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t do the rh XX super very often.


i don’t think this will happen to often in real matches but this looks cool.

after a real close knockdown, lk cannon spike. it’s a right/left mixup.

I tried this C combo … HP does not connect. thanks

One thing I discovered while experimenting with Cammy this week was that she can link Cannon Spike after a meaty C.Strong(if this has already been mentioned in this thread sorry). It only seems to work on crouching opponents, It might and probably is possible on standing opponents but if thats so the timing is very strict.

Don’t really know how useful this is until I see how easy I can link Cannon Spike on reaction to every hit. If I can get it to about 95+% then I’ll probably use it instead of C.Strong->C.Strong->Cannon Arrow

but cr strong, cr strong, spiral arrow does more damage than cr strong, cannon spike!

For the C groove level 2 cancel, you have to be fast. thanks

Thanks for flooding this thread with junk and making it unreadable guys :).

Wonderful job writing to people who don’t know how to read.