Also could I ask you guys to delete all these posts once I’m finished with the guide and then repost them at the end?
I’d like it as one complete set of posts with comments further on. Thanks
Actually I’ll create a few blank posts now, I guess.
Also could I ask you guys to delete all these posts once I’m finished with the guide and then repost them at the end?
I’d like it as one complete set of posts with comments further on. Thanks
Actually I’ll create a few blank posts now, I guess.
Read my post again please. I said the s.HP, s.HK link is slow. The s.HK xx super is a normal speed cancel. You’ve been smoking too much if you’re trying to say canceling s.HK into super is not practical though.
I can do it easily. The whole reason I wrote it down in the first place is after watching the Japanese play Cammy so much. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them miss a s.HK xx super. Ricky Ortiz does it no problem either. The secret is to double tap your buttons… but if you don’t want to listen then oh well.
listen if you’re saying S.Roundhouse XX super is a regular cancel then I have no business talking to you, no matter how drunk I am right now. Yes it’s easy to do…but its definetly not something you time on reaction, and it’s definetly not slow in comparison to most cancels in this game…I’ve seen Ricky videos(that’s all I can judge by, never seen him in real life) and he ALWAYS punishes wiffed pokes with S.roundhouse XX super…but that’s completely different. Same with Ino I have a bunch of vids with him and it’s always punishing wiffed pokes, jding into S.RK->super or using the method I mentioned…and yes I’ve seen a raged Ino Cammy hit with roundhouse and not super…
I read kcxj’s post and no one I’ve seen does that shiet on reaction everytime. Yes it’s a practicle cancel but in no way are you cancelling that shiet on reaction everytime, this is just my opinion…maybe I’m wrong, I don’t care.
peeps can’t even S.Strong XX super with Chun on reaction everytime and thats a slower cancel(EDIT: especially slower when using the the buffer techinique). There’s Chun’s buffer technique where you can time the cancel to only work if it’s hits and there’s punishing wiffed moves…but noone is doing that on reaction to every hit.
btw justcauseimasian I was refering to you regarding the canon strike into lvl3 as the worst ‘safe’ poke string ever…I don’t think anyone will argue that.
fuck maybe I’m just completely wrong…whatever…
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Posting while drunk is top tier. Ok, I’ve had my fun here. Everybody delete their posts once Burghy finishes writing up his guide ok? Srk might actually turn into something useful at this rate.
Well about the Cannon Strike block string I didn’t say it was something to be abused. It is a desperation string for chip/GC that’s pretty much exclusive to K-Cammy at the end of rage. Don’t use it if you don’t want to, I’m just saying it’s a safe way to chip, and I had heard about it being abused in tourneys(can’t remember who it wa).
the only way this MAY be a safe way to chip is it will kill them… otherwise there is no way this is safe. It will lead to you losing a lot of life.
you can do lvl 1 canon up kick super thingy on blanka and it’s safe I think. cause on the way down u cross them up funny but u on the same side…it pretty random I think
Dont listen to me try it outs!!! It’s not 100% for obvious reason but it still cool cause i said so.
Did you guys even read my special/super move section?
ok next section should be going up tomorrow.
I like how you’re just figuring out now that not only is this forum practically unmoderated, but half the people here haven’t passed the second grade either (ie. they don’t know how to read)… :lol:
if u are referring to me i was pointing out cuzimasian guy out that doing it with lvl 3 is not a great idea…
Sam maybe he was referring to me…
I’m just posting because of S.RoundhouseXXsuper on reaction to every hit seems impossible, and after a counter hit doesn’t make any sense…unless counter hits extend the cancelable frames in a normal??? I never heard of/noticed that
Otherwise, the only way a counter hit would be relevant is if the super was linked but Kcxj specifically said “or cancel in S.HK’s case” followed by "If you get a counter hit, you have plenty of time to react and cancel into super that way…If you’re a decent Cammy player, there’s not( :lol: ) reason you should ever mess this up"
So I guess my question is: do counter hits extend cancelable frames?? :wtf: I thought it just extended stun time…
or and as to “don’t know how to read”. Honestly I only skimmed through Burghy’s post. So unless what I said above is true or Burghy said “every other post, besides mine, is nonsense” I guess I’m missing something
Everytime I post in this thread I’m hammered…wtf
jreinert13: I dont think the kcxj said anything about S.RH XXsuper on reaction. correct me if im wrong but what i think he meant was that if you input the motions everytime you hit a s.rh you will have plenty of time to react if you land it because the motions have already been put in.
He insists that I keep trying to say s.HK xx super is a slow cancel. It’s not. If he wasn’t piss soused everytime he read this thread then he would realize I wrote that s.HP, s.HK is a slow LINK. It was my misfortune of writing one right below the other that’s the cause of this hilarious confusion. Anyway, you can’t link a super from s.HK and dude… my hands are like… huge… :eek: :eek:
Why are you guys repeating the same shiet again…
I KNOW he said input the QCFx2 everytime you hit S.Roundhouse, but he is still telling people to land the super on reaction to the hit. We’ll just ignore the reference to a counter hit(which you guys already seemed to conveniently do)
IF you are cancelling that shiet on every hit(and yes I know you are always doing the QCfx2 motion…), you’d be doing that with about 10000 other pokes in this game…and would be a C Groove god…
Kcxj, you think you puting S.HKxxlvl 3 above S.HP, S.HK xx lvl 3 caused this confusion? :wtf:
the reason I mentioned ‘not a slow cancel’ is because you’re talking about S.Hkxxlvl3 on every hit, which would only be possible if it were a slow cancel imo.
I’ll admit that
btw if I’m coming across as an asshole, I’m not trying to be…
EDIT: Oh and obviously you can’t link S.Hk->super…I only made reference to that because you specifically said ‘counter hit’, which would only be pertinent towards linking the super. I know it’s not possible, that’s my entire point.
and Sage after the first phrase in your post…you proceeded to basically condradict yourself :wtf:
So umm… yea… then what did you mean by this? if it’s easier than chuns… chun is a slow cancel? and i reiterate what jreinert said… how does counter hit affect canceling time?
I was reading this book about this architect guy called Howard Roark or something
And then he builds these buildings but people don’t like them and deface them but he doesn’t mind and stuff
But then later in the story he has these great buildings but they get modified, and he dynamites the whole building!!
Anyway I’m just rambling here and stuff, don’t mind me
General strategy
Your general strategy with Cammy is: TO BE CHEAP. Ha ha! I am not kidding.
Ok to clarify a bit: Cammy’s main strength is her stupidly high priority. This means that many times you are able to press buttons while your opponent will be unable to do this. All of Cammy’s good moves also are unpunishable. Imagine that your opponent is some naked guy in a dungeon somewhere who hasn’t been fed for days and is skinny and pale. Then he is taken to a room where his hands are tied to the ceiling leaving him hanging from his arms in the middle of the room. Then you enter the room and you have this big stick and he sees you and whimpers and begs for mercy. You then give him stick beatings a lot.
This is sort of what it feels like playing Cammy. Therefore, you must use this to your advantage! Cammy is also a good tournament character because if even if you get nervous and freeze up, you will still be able to land her easier level 3 combos. This will save you during ‘clutch’ moments.
Anyway, the first thing you want to learn is the maximum ranges of these moves: st HP, st HK, st MK, cr MP, cr MK. Next, if you’re in C groove, you want to learn the exact length and duration of her dash. In K groove, you want to learn her run speed and to cancel runs with cr LK, and then learn when to stick out a poke during a run and have it hit at maximum range. Then learn Cammy’s jump arc and the speed of her jump, and where you can jump from to get a crossup (this is easy). You must also learn the exact range of her jump LK, jump HK and air throw and be prepared to use either one on reaction.
Next learn her maximum throw range. Unless I am mistaken both throws have the same range (although I could be CRAZY!) Learn at what distance st HP turns into close HP. Then memorize for which characters crossup LK, close HP, cr MK -> HK spiral arrow combos.
If in C groove, learn Cammy’s quickest meter-building method (qcb, ub+HP/HK - kara-cancelled tiger knee cannon strike) and when to use it. Learn how to punish rolls with close HP into ouchies.
This is about it for basics! After learning these you may even want to skip the rest of the strategy section and figure things out yourself. Would be a waste of effort when I’ve kindly written a lot of stuff below which you could get useful information from, though.
*kara-cancel HP -> cannon strike for meter building trick courtesy of kcxj
As mentioned above, learn Cammy’s four ground pokes (st HP, st HK, st MK, cr MK) and her ‘meaty’ punch thingy that some characters like Ryu and Kyo and Sagat have and that always seem to be cr MP. You can use st HP, st MK and cr MK with wild abandon and no one except the fastest rollers will be able to punish. st HK is vulnerable if rolled so don’t go so crazy with this thing although you will be surprised at how much you can do this (if you are able to make them scared to roll).
Against some characters, you can do these moves slightly outside of their range, making it intentionally whiff. Most characters’s pokes will move the character forward slightly before the attack comes out, so if they try to punish at that range, they will move into your attack and get counter hit for their troubles.
st HP, st HK and st MK are all good for tagging people out of jumps. So if you have them in the corner and are beating them with sticks and anticipate them trying to jump out, you can use these more to keep them in the corner.
Using spiral arrow randomly as a poke is a sign of desperation. Don’t do this. If you’re losing poke wars with Cammy leave the machine and never play CvS2 again. Many people also do max range cr MK -> LK spiral arrow as a poke. I recommend that you learn the range at which the spiral arrow will be safe, and then promptly forget about doing this except against scrubs. Against good K and P groovers this will get you completely killed and you risk eating a level 3 or CC against other viable grooves. There’s enough time for your opponent to see if you cancelled into the spiral arrow or not before punishing your folly.
In K groove, low jump HP, low jump HK and low jump LK are all good options to use as pokes. low jump HP and low jump HK are safe if blocked and if you are raged, you also have enough time to see if it hits before doing super. God Cammy is so scrubby
Against sucky characters this is all you need to win.
5b. Mixups
What you say*!!*
5c. Air/ground game
What you say*!!*
5d. Basic combos
What you say*!!*
Shut up. I’m not talking to anybody here anymore.
… :lol:
ok guys I need the following information before I do some sections.
I can’t test this out because a) I don’t have a DC at the moment and b) I can’t RC for crap which is why I use Cammy and Sagat and not A-Sak/Bison/Blanka.
If you don’t have a level 3, what do you do in C groove against an Iori that does repeated RC rekkas?
cr HP. What sort of angles/people is this a good anti-air against? I was told it’s good against Blanka low jump, but I haven’t used this move much at all.