Cammy General Discussion: To Bee or not to Bee

Loving how strong her mp’s are in this game, makes frametraps look really tight.

Can she like, juggle the opponent with CA after the V-Trigger spiral arrow ?

Doesn’t look like it… People were having trouble getting the Cannon Spike follow up, so I highly doubt there’s time.

Apparently she has a cancelable target combo. As seen in the following:
Hooligan > Cannon Spike - Target Combo xx REKT

Also, her mixup game seems positively terrifying.

Yea, it’s kinda like Decapre’s cl.MP-HK target combo, but it’s not JC-able and only cancels into CA.

That Hooligan cross-up seems pretty slow to be honest, seems like you could probably hit Cammy out of it. Block advantage on her regular Strikes seems low until Cammy uses V-Trigger, then it turns monstrous. Spending resources for divekick pressure is a fair trade off.

Oh damn, never been a fan of playing female characters, but that cammy gameplay is the sexiest so far

Offensive shenanigans, good walkspeed, good buttons and a dp. Starting to like cats as well.

Combo confirmed on stream that Cammy can’t use EX when her V-trigger is activate.

Peter kept mentioning B+Hp after an EX Drill, which would juggle the opponent for and can be canceled.
I saw someone do it during the casuals while Ono was singing on stream.
It was mid-screen - Ex Drill (which crossed up), B+Hp xx Canon Spike. Damage was pretty good, I didn’t get a chance to see the stun really.
K-Brad tried it in the corner during one of his matches but it the B+Hp didn’t hit - even to Peters amazement. So perhaps it doesn’t work in the corner?

Did anyone else catch it to confirm?

It feels like V-Trigger needs to be hit confirmed rather than used in Neutral. Seems pretty poor in neutral outside of random Spiral Arrows and obvious Cannon Strikes.

It’s a tactical decision imo. You’re potentially losing out on an extra use of V-Trigger if you hold on to it.

So what all does her V Trigger allow her to do? Cammy’s V Trigger is the only one where I’m still not 100 percent on what it does other than making specials do more hits.

More hits, way faster movement (and possibly frame data?), safer on block, new juggle options, things pass through opponent to create nearly stupid left right mixups with cannon strike (which already seems to cross through opponents a lot.)

She can do spiral arrow - dp for nearly as much damage as a super combo during her v-trigger.

I’ll have to review some footage, but I think we’ve seen Critical Art used solo for around 40% damage and Critical Art used during V-trigger which took about 60% health.

Personally after watching last night pro-single-elim tourney, I can tell as a spectator they were just rushing too much and obviously doing what they knew would work.

Now we have the advantage of being able to watch and analyze - but I think we want to use Cammy’s V-Trigger like Juri uses her Feng Shui Engine. The V-guage depletes slowly but when you use a special is takes half of it away. So you don’t want to just randomly spam something.
Basically activate it and take your time, keep playing your game and utilize the potential damage output as a threat more than just an excuse to go ballistically HAM!
Similar to Juri’s FSE everyone did the same basic things not knowing what possibilities were available and now look at her. I can see the same happening here for Cammy with set ups and resets that lead to a combo of death.

I love Cammy’s V-Trigger, hate Chun’s…lol

I hope you dont hate chuns because you think it’s bad. Chuns will allow her to hit confirm c.MK into super most likely…

I Don’t want to hijack Cammy’s thread, but Chun can Hit confim Cr.Mk xx LLegs xx into Critical art without the use of her V-guage/V-Trigger activation.
Right now other than frame advantage/increased hit stun with Chun’s multi hitting normal during V-trigger activation the viability is question, but mostly because she hasn’t had the opportunity to be thoroughly showcased properly. But without knowing frame data, what is safe, what isn’t - it is hard to speculate what the multi hits do for Chun other than make 45+ hit combos, haha.

I feel Cammy is an excellent example of V-Skill and V-trigger in SF5. Her Spin knuckle lets her get in and offers mix up opportunities plus her V-Trigger just looks amazing and oozes possibilities!

Which I’m not just beating up on Chun. I think her V-skill sucks too, but also Ryu seems to be crapped on. His parry doesn’t look all that great and his V-trigger, although makes fireballs insanely fast, I don’t see much utility at the moment.

People aren’t using parry or Ryu’s V Trigger fireballs to their full extent at all. Partly because the parry works differently than 3S parry so people will have to get used to the timings and recoveries of it on whiff. His V Trigger mode is very untapped because the charged fireballs act like a guard crush version of Denjin Hadoken in 3S. Combofiend says he will have some nasty guard crush setups with the charged fireball similar to his unblockable setups with Denjin in 3S.

I think Chun’s V Skill and Trigger has some untapped potential, it’s just like in most fighting games where some characters have more obvious use of a technique and others have less obvious uses. I feel there’s a lot of potential for Chun Li’s V Skill to work like a KOF short hop where you can set up overhead cross ups from really low to the ground. Making cross ups and overheads a regular threat from her at many possible ranges. May even set up combos at closer ranges due to it releasing an attack initially on start up (which also fills the V Guage).

Her V Trigger will also take some time as its probably something like Feng Shui where all of the setups and combos around it will take a while to figure out and show off its true utility. Combining it with her V Skill could probably bring some interesting results also.

I love her look in this game.

She doesn’t seem frail or young. She looks like a solid “i’ve seen some shit, i’ve done some shit” fighter.

She seems a bit more realistically muscular as well.

Definitely actually somewhat intimidating this time around.

Plus she’s got a serious case of resting bitch-face. It’s awesome. Cammy throwing shade 24/7.

Has anyone noticed if there enough frame advantage to land J. Hp or Drill (Activate) then continue combos?
Going through some footage and watching the casual streaming matches.
Haven’t seen anyone utilize an V-trigger activation with success in this way.
Let me know, please!