Again, there’s no question that SF2 owns SF1, SFAlpha, SF3, and maybe SF4 (too early to tell). That’s absolutely correct.
100% agree, simplicity of rules is HUGELY important for making a good game in the majority of cases, in my opinion. (Here again chess may be invoked as a standard.)
Everything post-Super Turbo has been loaded up with design contrivances that feel very artificial and unnatural, which I have found very off-putting. (SF4 is squarely in this category, with its special canceling, focus canceling, and the annoying guessing game approach that has plagued Street Fighter ever since the SF3 series.)
Regarding balance, though, that isn’t even one of the major problems with SF2, in my view. Often, playing an underdog character can be more fun and more rewarding than playing a powerhouse like Sagat or Boxer, or a simpler character like Honda or Guile. SF2’s balance isn’t great, but after years of tweaks, it’s certainly good enough.
Who wants to play a perfectly balanced game, anyway? In a 100% balanced game, all of the characters would be exactly the same. The real trick is finding the right middle ground between balanced characters and the diversity of fighting styles amongst them.
Speaking of which, it will be interesting to see how the many new characters in the next release of SF4 compare to the current roster. (I’m looking forward to playing Adon, I really liked his design in the Alpha games.)
It looks like they gave DJ some new things/thing. He had a wierd picture where it looks like his upkicks(could just be a new normal) looks like a liu kang bicycle kick into the air :lol:
If Super improves alot of the stuff I didn’t like in the first iteration, like ultra bs, and auto correct easy reversals. I might pick it up, since DreamTR will most likely get it for his arcade. That’s 30 minutes away, offline comp for me, which may be enough for me to play it over HDR. Since HDR has no offline scene here.
A bunch of new chars, I might look for a new main, if adon is in it, he’s rushdown right? He didn’t have a projectile?
People compare fighting games to chess all the time. A popular quote in the Virtua Fighter community is “Virtua Fighter is like chess at 100mph”. It’s easily a valid comparison.
I just want to say that the WWL is going to have an open online tournament this Friday, signups need to be registered by Thursday Midnight PST. There’s people organizing good quality events and I think that’s important. So if you’re interested let me know.
I’m holding off making a final proclamation only in light of SSF4’s having been announced. Yoshinori Ono says that the sequel features significant game play design alterations, and since Capcom has a good track record of actually improving a series with successive releases, I’m going to wait and see.
I won’t wait for SSF4T, though. If SSF4 is as weak as SF4, then I’m going to go ahead and call it.
I hear ya, Jiggly man. When I learned that Adon is in SSF4, I was totally down. I give a damn about the rest of the new characters in SSF4 (oh joy, Dudley vs. Boxer matches), but I love Adon.
(Of course, I also love playing Cammy in ST, but I don’t much care for her in 4, so my enthusiasm is definitely tempered.)
I still despise SF4’s Guitar Hero crap, but I’m not yet at a level of skill where I can’t progress without going into that zone (far from it, actually). I’ve only very recently started trying to play 4 seriously. If I ever get good enough that I lose mostly to people who are good at the Guitar Hero stuff, then I’ll simply stop playing 4 competitively.
Glad i sold my sf4 copy after i played it, and i found myself playing HDR more. They better make the bad characters at least little more playable/viable. Buff Fei Long for SF4… Now! Please? Im not dropping HDR though, i will love SF: 2 forever. Now if only I could play 3rd Strike online with HDR netcode… then and only then could I die a happy man, Q the enigmatic robot/possible human/possible cyborg ftw!
Also @ Milo DC SF4 is an easier game to play at a high level than Super Turbo or HDR… just saying, dont get too angry, those trials that they called hard were so easy i could do them on a 360 pad. Also too many Street Fighter elements taken out, meaties are uneffective because of easy reversals, and easy to land juggle into super combos, ITS JUST TOO MUCH. At least fireballs are effective again compared to third strike and i guess thats a plus.
Why is that? It doesnt make any sense.
Capcom pisses me off.
Heh…i wonder if you’ll feel that way after playing and seeing how they screw up your favorite person.
Believe me.
I main Dic, Rog, and Fei on ST.
Can you imagine how pissed i was when i found out they nerfed Fei even further?
How the fuck is a C-wing not an overhead now? Bullshit.
The whole game is clunky and slow.
Its like 3D World Warrior.
Also if you are trying to support the HDR scene then i throw out some advice if this has been mentioned then im sorry for repeating someone else but if it helps it helps. Make sure as many current HDR players as possible are involved in your efforts and are in the know about HDR tournaments and events online and off. Try maintaining the current playerbase instead off seeking out new people. There are plenty of people who would be daunted by the challenge of online players. Not going to lie most people playing HDR have been playing since World Warrior and are quite skilled. Not me only been around for ST so HDR is something i have been awaiting never played world warrior and never going to, although i did play hyper fighting a little bit. Some people dont have the desire to get better and drop the game altogether. People will come to the game, you do not have to drag them to it. Although a few things which im going to list are needed.
A decent sized community:** which i would say HDR has in some countries but not others. There are plenty of people from the U.K, Japan, Canada, and a few from Hong Kong SAR. It seems to have a decent following in the Western United States but not the east coast. It seems like everyone on the East Coast of the U.S plays SF: 4 imo, tournament scene for HDR seems pretty dead over here. Its a competitive fighting game, no players to compete against defeats what it was created to be. HDR wouldnt be as successful as it has been if it didnt have excellent netcode that allowed me to play internationally with little to no rollback/lag. I have no problem playing matches with people across the atlantic but not in the pacific ocean outside of the U.S, such as Japan(although i have had some successful connections with them… maybe my connection speed is too slow or the other person’s, think it depends on the host).
A dedicated player-base not just large:** SF 4 has a pretty large fanbase but as each iteration of this game is created it is going to lose more and more people along the way. Some people arent dedicated enough to fighting game to play/buy each new iteration and having to deal with new mechanics+ones being taken out. If i made Sagat’s fireballs piss slow like they were made in ST plus slap on a bunch of recovery time and reduce his damage dealing options, would people still play now that they dont have an “I Win” strategy at their disposal? Some people are just that babyish about change and losing period, and decently balanced games fixed upon new iterations lose some player base because people dislike change instead of embracing it. Heard a bunch a people on comments complaining about having to buy a whole new game for example.
3. Big Name competition: As much as i hate to admit this, big name competition(Daigo, Damdai, and Justin Wong come to mind as of the moment although i know of many others). As a competitive game, it is much like a sport in which most players, are actually inspired to play by watching the best of the best play against each other. In a sense this idol worship business actually inspires people to improve and hopefully although unlikely become as good as the people they look up to. It creates the mindset of “if a human being just like me can do this then why cant i improve to the point as being as good as him/her.” In another sense, its like wanting to become a god that you worship, someone who you consider “better than you” makes you strive to become as good as you perceive that person. Well on the other side of this I would also say that humans are in constant competition with each other at most times. Defeat the odds, reach for the gods i guess. Why am I dragging what i think is human psychology
into this?
Well capital isnt what draws the big players in completely because even if you get first place in a tourney, I would assume that even the big players barely break even. Fame and recognition bring the big players, so i guess you could say more people although undedicated are needed, because fame is based on how many people recognize your name+achievement whether good or bad
Well this is a bit long winded, if its most likely worthless though if only there was a crying smiley:crybaby::crybaby:
Edit: Nvrmind found one
Also Street Fighter II isnt dead, to some people playing SF:4 it was never alive to them or in simpler terms it doesnt exist because they never played it. Street Fighter 4 may or may not be some players’ first legitimate fighting game(and mostly i think what may be teenagers because during the little bit of fooling around i did with the game i found that i got a lot of childish hatemail along with people with whiny voices cussing over the mic. Broke out a couple of “No Honor Strategies”, and people got mad. Period. Well getting back on topic, SF: 4 overshadows everything nowadays but saying a game is dead just because its overshadowed by something new come on now. Its like saying Guilty Gear and Blazblue are dead fighting games, because Street Fighter: 4 gets more recognition(or any Capcom game for that matter). People play Blazblue and Guilty Gear although Capcom games received more attention than others especially at tournaments(why are people still playing MvC2 when Guilty Gear and Blazblue are imo more fleshed out and well thought out games). A competitive game is only dead when there is no one available to compete with which has definitely not happened.
I still really hate this sentiment. I don’t know where this notion of “Guitar Hero stuff” came from, but it does feel like a piggy backing off of Sirlin’s blog post on it. I love finger dexterity and Combos and stuff, but when I play SFIV, I have all but ONE Combo that uses a Link when I use Cammy. And I do find with her competitively. The only character I feel like that has a REAL Combo that is stupidly long and super hard to do that is practical in actual combat that can qualify as “Guitar Hero stuff” is Gen.
I really think the notion of “long-winded hard-to-time” Combos in SFIV is really something that people are leaning on as a reason to not play the game, when it’s just not actually applicable. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: most characters in the game can be played VERY effectively without any real super complicated Combo.
To mess around with casually (and possibly buy the upcoming sequel):
quarters rooms; better player matching
faster load time between games
the game is well received and widely played
To consider sinking real time into it and play seriously (and definitely buy the upcoming sequel):
ability for someone with average dexterity to play the game and compete at high level (SF2 uses a variety of skillsets for players to do well, but doesn’t place a high hard requirement on any one skill; aspects of SF4 require both high levels of dexterity and consistent execution of long and precise input strings, SF4 is much more forgiving on other skillsets than SF2) (this also means characters that can be played by person of average dexterity would need to be balanced to be able to compete at top tier)