Wow, definitely some great posts in here. It’s awesome to know that there are still others who are passionate about SF2…
Terry, great idea about having a site to unite players. Needless to say, I figured something of that sort would have to be done outside of SRK.
Pancho, I understand where you are coming from. My only suggestion would be to look outside of SRK. Even living in So’cal, there isn’t really a high turnout. Thus, I’m compelled to venture past SRK…which is not bad considering that there are way more players out there who are NOT on SRK or any gaming related site. When my bro plays online, we encounter several players a night from the New England area…so, they are definitely out there.
Cothx, I hear what you’re saying regarding actually attending tournies/regionals. Essentially the decision to attend ultimately boils down to what does said game mean to you? If it’s just something to pass the time by, I wouldn’t recommend traveling. However, if this a hobby you are committed to, then you might want to really consider attending at least 1 event per year (whether it be a major regional or Evo). I know it’s easier said than done, considering most SF2 players are considerably older than the rest of SRK and have other commitments (work, family, etc). However, if it’s something you’re passionate about, you’ll do what you can to attend. On unrelated note, you need to get on XBL so you can view your opponent’s location within their profile. You may come across some fellow statesmen.
Ganelon, you have to consider the fact that not everyone who visits a game site (IGN, Gamefaqs, etc) are registered and active users of their respective forums. So, there’s certainly a good possibility that many gamers do not know about tournies at all.
As far as the payout is concerned, money does drive some, but not most. I can certainly understand wanting to win a tourney to offset one’s expenses (airfare, hotel, rental car, food, etc), but consistently entering & TRAVELING just for the pot, can’t be enough to sustain player interest. I mean, at some point you will eventually achieve some status in your career and the payout amount will seem meager. I do agree that having a big payout can draw in SOME marquee names, but that’s merely a short term solution. There are only so many tournies that can offer mega-payouts. What will the HDR scene do in between those dry periods? Which is why it is essential to have a solid core at the local level.
As far as Japanese the presence is concerned, I will have to respectfully disagree about the relevance they have to the future of SF2 over here, let alone HDR. James, I hear what you’re saying regarding the 3s scene being invigorated by the Japanese “shocking & awing” at Evo. But the reality is a group of said players coming to the US for a total of 3 days does not a scene make. If anything, there presence is more novelty than anything else. I know it worked for 3s (vids & all), but I honestly can’t see that being the only viable chance SF2 has, let alone HDR. SF2 has always been strong enough competitively to stand on it’s own without direct Japanese influence (I’m talking pre-ST here). True ST popularity amongst this site was greatly aided by the Japanese, but do keep in mind that ST was the least played SF2. The earlier versions of SF2 did quite alright without Japanese intervention.
When I see the predicament HDR is in, I can’t help thinking, “damn, this really could have been avoided.” Iapetus made a post a few months back which flew directly under the radar of most people. That had to been one of the best posts I’ve come across since I’ve been in the scene. But rest assured Iap, my bro & I knew exactly what you were talking about! He posed the question, why wasn’t HF at Evo considering it HAD the sales? I have wondered the same thing ever since I attended the B5. Next to WW on Snes, HF was by far the most successful SF title sales wise. I’ve always wondered how much further along would SF2 be (competitively speaking) if Evo/Bs had chosen to go with HF, especially after it’s XBL release. As beloved as ST is here, it’s obvious that it was the least played SF2 iteration. Meh, who knows…and it’s kind of mute at this point.
And as far as the ST contingency that continually spews venom towards HDR? That’s sad really. I mean, the game was made for you guys in particular. Sure it didn’t feature everything you wanted, but you just need to adjust. Hell, if a CE, HF, or SSF2 player had to adjust to accommodate the scene’s selection of ST as the tourney standard, than those guys seriously have no excuse.
Apologize for getting a tad off tangent in those last 2 paragraphs…as you were