California passes the "Yes means Yes" bill into law. Time to pull out your kobe bryant contracts

Basically, Prostitution minus the name. All the fun of being a ho, without actually having to live with the name.


So this is what it has come down to:

We run everything else in America like it’s a business. Health care, education, prisons…I’m actually genuinely surprised you can’t order hookers like Dominos in this country yet, but I’m sure that’s because no rich guy has had the balls to try to convince the powers that be that it’s a good profitable enterprise.

Honestly, I have to say I really think people are starting to lose the ability to recognize social cues because of how reliant they are on gadgets. Also, what female DOESN’T know that after a night of drinking, some dude asking her to come back to his place to “watch a movie” means “I’m probably going to try and park my penis somewhere in you?”

I think this bill is dumb but on the bright side, camrooms will be a nice side business for some cali kids.

Welcome to the basis of the male/female relationship. What do you think marriage has been all this time? The man provides resources/labor in exchange for sex and reproduction. Just because people are weak and want to dress it up with bullshit like dating and romance, does not negate this. Afterall, we know which gender is using sex to get into the pockets of successful men and which gender is using childbirth to extract wealth from the government.

In the days of yore, you had to marry a woman to get in that vag.

Good thing they’re not making you pay by the pound.

it took you a month to finally come up with that?

I’m in a PhD program. I work. I have a girlfriend.

I can’t make fun of you on a whim.

This is not a troll but I actually know the girl who was one of the people who came up with this bill. She went to my high school and was bragging on facebook

Hispanic feminist chick with a really PHAT booty. Serious

She is fucking brilliant. Now that both parties must agree, rape cannot occur. Nope. Not possible. Please send her to the Middle East so she can create a Yes means Yes bill for terrorists, where both the terrorist and the potential victim(s) must agree to the car bombing. We will have world peace in no time.

You can’t make fun of Soviet. I saw the pics of the chicks he took pride in sleeping with. If anything, he probably still has pics of you in his special collection.

Yeah, I’d go broke.

My dick is heavy as fuck.

“Before asking a girl to come back to his room, a guy would launch the app, which asks the question “Are you Good2Go?” and hand his phone to the girl. She may indicate yes or no, but if she is interested and says yes, she will be asked about her level of sobriety. If she answers “Sober,” “Mildly Intoxicated,” or “Intoxicated but Good2Go” (anything other than “Pretty Wasted”), she will be asked to enter her phone number and the app will verify her identity. This process can bring clarity to the situation and help reduce the possibility of miscommunication. If a man does not receive a positive response, he should not start an encounter.”

So generally many if not most women like a man who is “spontaneous”, but also want the backdoor (giggity) legal favoritism that being a female often brings.

Can’t have your cake and eat it too bitches.


You’re right that an app could be used to assist in solving this problem, but I disagree that it should have in any way involvement from the woman. It should merely be “Wanna fuck” Yes/No and a slider pattern password to confirm the choice. If you’re THAT drunk, then you shouldn’t be able to enter the code, and if you still can, then you should have used a better one, and/or not dressed up like such a filthy slut, you whore.