Cali regionals

Leaving now. Got my inspirational mix loaded on my mp3 player and I’m ready to crush spirits and break dreams.

This is probably my last real 3S tournament (assuming it’s not at evo) so wish me luck.

Break some faces.

Like I have said, rape them. I remember you bitch slapping people and taking their money at Evo, shit was mad hype. Just do it.

Good luck Sam. MAKE THAT MONEY! I know you can take it.

sounds like sam lost

Bummer. Sam beat Kai at a 300 or 700 (can’t remember which) dollar money match at EVO. Hopefully he can still beast in the Brackets.

Aww, shame. I was going to bet on him but missed him before he left…

What will you do if 3s is phased out Sam? Just SF4?

The fattest bear has let me down… J/K fuck Kai and his need for slower gameplay, lol

3S will never be phased out. But it’s moot because CvS2 is the game to play.

Your just saying cause you got second. haha.

cvs2 Fatbear? lol snap forgot that was your second game of choice. heheh need to be movin on to SF4 with your abilities foo. Keep with times, dont fall behind!!!
