Calgary weekly Saturday SF event @ the cove

hahaha shit, what happened to the massive going away tourny?

When was the last time you guys played some cvs2???:confused:


To indirectly answer your question, the guy is a cvs2 player and it’s not Byron. That is a huge clue already.:karate:

We play once or twice a week. I think we’d still stomp you guys into the ground.

u mean…there’s more than 2 ppl playing cvs2??

ok, i’m guessing it’s andrew. but you play cvs2, too. so it could be you. haha, damn burn!

Haha… if you go back to my post regarding this matter, I did mention that I considered it “insane” instead of “cuteness”.

Sorry for the confusion, but my question of “when was the last time you guys play some cvs2?” was toward the Calgary people because I don’t recall anybody playing the game since like… forever…:confused:

We all know that the only person whom may go to Edmonton(or anywhere) for a cvs2 tourney is Byron.V, but knowing that it will probably be a shitty winter day… who really wants to go anyways?:confused:

i’d go edmonton. haha…maybe not. edmonton is shitty. haha…j/k…

hey, i heard calgary is snowing? is it true?? i fucking miss the snow! i love snow! fuck, it’s like, 15 degrees here…where’s my winter snwo??

6 hours of travelling just to play 3s is hardcore :clap:

and it is snowing today… which means everybody ends up going like 1/2 the speed limit and the constant barrage of stones into the windshield from trucks

and what’s cvs2 hahahaha :rofl:

I’ve to say that the only way people from Calgary will go the next Edmonton cvs2 tourney is, if there will be another pan-bread challenge(or krispy Kream) between Ray and Fritz.

If we were to hold a cvs2 tourney these days in Calgary, I would anticipate maybe 2 people show up at most…:rofl:

6hrs for a girl.
wow, u need to jackoff more.

id drive 6hrs for tini though:badboy:

ill take u up on a krispy kreme challenge.

ray if u want. how about i choose your team in marvel and we have a best of 3, and u choose my team in cvs best of 3. tie breaker, we play random number generator machine… loser eats half the original amount of dounghuts.

everyone hear about the soon to be changes at the cove?

They’re following 3S format, $1 = 2 games.
Had it going for a while last week apparently, but I think it is back to $1 1 game for now.
The change is supposed to be permanent soon.

haha…damn…i left at the wrong time…damn it

so all the fighters will be following that pricing scheme soon?

Does Toronto Byron still play? I haven’t talked to him in months now. Thanks for any info…

Hey Justin I was the Calgary player from T6,Gilles that played Marvel. Yeah Byron still plays cvs2. He’s pretty much the best player for that game here. Plays a pretty good A groove. But the scenes kinda dead around here we just play whenever

next time you see him, can you tell him that noodleman and nagata still thinks he’s a scrub?



I want to play some 3S amd/or CvS2 on Sat. I want competition. So who’s coming? Ian? Tini? Johnson? Justin? Nelson? Anybody. I just read that old school thread and need to play some SF. So who’se coming? Fri/Sat night noon morning will be fine.

maybe cove still has the sat. night gaming thingie…i’d come and get some games in…but i’m a bit far…

Come back, I’ll make it worth your while ;-). So nobody? Damn it.

chinese are good at alpha…i got owned in a2 and a3. someone teach me alpha…chinese dont’ teach me, they just beat me and take my lunch money. flying foreign floating fuckers…

is cove even opened tmr?(tmr being new years eve)