Calgary weekly Saturday SF event @ the cove

you know, I forgot about that. Next week then. SF challenge next week.

Good games to the guy I played in CvS2 today. If you read this, sorry to bitch about Honda, but I hate him. Keep kicking my ass with him, I need the practice. I have to pick up CvS2 again. Today was the first time I played in about a year.

Good games to the 3S guy who directed me to this thread too. You got balls for using Q.

I read on a sign on the CvS2 cabinet that there is Street Fighter Alpha 3? I couldn’t find it? Those buttons on Guilty Gear are crazy.

I never played these games in an arcade before so thanks for the competition.

lol, good games indeed on 3s :slight_smile:
been awhile since i touched 3s… i feel like playing some more :lovin: … but work is always in the way :sad:

alpha 3 is on right of 3s unless they took it out

boxer: mark told me about you. you are good. keep up the training. i’ll be back in a month or two…we gotta play some.

I’m nothing special, just a console warrior who knows his limits. But the PS2 died two months ago so now it’s arcade or nothing. :frowning:

There’s no Alpha 3. Trust me, when I saw the sign I went looking. I love that game. The little blonde guy told me they got rid of it and are getting new games. The new NeoGeo Coliseum fighter or something, and another one?

I hope he’s wrong and i’m blind.

so you’re coming back eh?

haha it’s true

console warriors are good. a game is a game. unlike some other srk hardcores, particularly states players, i don’t distinguish console and arcade players that much. they’re still players. just cuz yun does less damage on DC it doesn’t mean yun players will do anything different. so keep in touch and we can get some games in.

a3 is long gone. the little blond guy is correct. however, he’s incorrect on getting ngbc. cove is NOT getting anything new at all. that’s what the girl working at cove told me days ago. beside, they’ve been telling us 1) puttin g3s on big machine 2) getting ggxx reloaded 3) gettng melty blood. and we got nothing. so i’m not surprised they’re just putting up a bunch of balloons to keep ppl coming.

razor: i’m only coming back for a few days. then i’m heading back out. it’ll be in feb or march. maybe if i get the shit done, i can like, play a whole day of 3s…and maybe i still remember how to drive…just maybe…




I guess I should be thankfull the sign didn’t say Super Turbo? :sad:

When should I go again? I don’t want to fight the computer at a dollar a game. Especially since I lost to the first computer opponent in CvS2 when I was there. :sweat:

I want to play against that Honda guy again! And you too M4rk. I’ve never played against good arcade players like that before. It was awesome.

i guess the cove will start to pick up at the 9th… considering that’s the date everybody starts classes

mvc2 is at $1 for 5 games today :rofl:

mark: u serious…a buck for 5 games…how the fuck…

lol yea

they might of fixed it by now… if not, it’s the cheapest place to play mvc2 in the country at 20c a game lol

Hey, is that fighting games thing I saw on the sign happening tomorrow?

not sure… give cove a call? i think their number is 282-9402

vancouver is not too far behind at 25 cents a game.

iam going to be in calgary on jan 21-22.

anyone up for some gaming during that time?

WTF is everybody? anybody up for some Mvsc2, . Anybody I want to play Mvsc2 so bad. Where is Raymond and Lester if you guys want to play just tell me

Hey Moe Ill be up on those days I mostly play Mvsc2 but you can teach me 3 strike lol

Me and m4rk were there tonight displaying our absolutely sub-par MvC2 skills to no one. 20 cents a game is awesome, and so is having 1p short randomly become roundhouse sometimes, and the 2p fierce only working 1/2 of the time. w00t

I’m getting my shoshosho back on the left side, and my roll-cancelling on the whole, but I’m still really rusty at CVS2. :frowning:

Where’s the comp?? I like playing m4rk, and he beats me down, but I want someone to really kick my ass in 3rd Strike, or even CvS2. Someone who won’t let me red parry into Q SAIII Danger grab :smiley: I’ll definitely be there Moe, I’ve heard that you have a really good Makoto. I’ve never seen one before. I might not be much of a challenge, but I’ll give it a shot!

Urien is my best character, but you can’t do the unblockable in calgary. How fucking shitty is that?

m4rk is a saint though, he burned his sister to give me a ride home. I owe you a beer m4rk.

I was there today for a long time I didn’t see anybody. Anywho where is Raymond the fool that thinks he’s The highlander of Mvsc2. Im calling you out cause I know you are the best Mvsc2 player. Cove gives 5games for 1dollar Come on fool show me what you got.

Good luck playing on the sticks. Well, the sticks are ok, but the buttons are FAR from competition quality. You can literally lift the forward kick button out of the cabinet. I don’t even know how the short kick becomes roundhouse sometimes… but it does. I can’t think of how that’s even possible? Don’t tell me they use solder instead of clips.

Can I play with you guys? I’d love to see it. I can ROM, reset, AHVBxn, etc. But I hate MvC2 and it’s just a ploy to see if you play other games lol.

Sorry, it’s late, and too many screwdrivers; excuse my brazeness.

Best Kind Boxer Who are you? Have I played you before? Im a short haired glasses spanish looking guy. Best way to describe me lol. But yeah the sticks suck ass there gonna have to be fixed for any matter