Calgary weekly Saturday SF event @ the cove

saturday 5pm-1am has the $10 event thing

its a buck, but you get 2 credits, so basically in a sense fiddy cents.

Oh… ok… that makes more sense.

So the 10$ special is you pay ten bucks, and those fighters are on free play for 8 hours???

That sounds like an amazing deal! I mean, I could get my ass kicked all night, instead of just for an hour! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks again.

hey am going to make it into calgary around lets say like 7-8ish thats pm. Jones and them are already there. Hey, heres my cell number, can u guys give me a holla around like 6-7pm and drop me your cell so we can meet up at the cove? I am talking to anyone right now.

My cells 780 504 2344.
And my names Mahir… not moe.
ill c ya in a bit

hey were going to the cove tommorow. dont know what time were going there but ya. U fags need to drop me a number to reach u at.

well, i’m pretty busy tomo actually. i went there on sat night though…didn’t see ya…:frowning:

Any cvs2 players gonna b at the cove this saturday??

Edmonton > Calgary @ Everything


well one thing we’re better at is not being stupid… get outta our broken thread u moron

so, i’m in shanghai.

beside boning chicks…i managed to play all night 3s last night. that was…10 hrs 3s just so we’re clear.

ppl here are GOOD. damn it. they’re GOOD. on japanese level good…fucking good…

i never got mauled like this before. i guess being close to japan does have its advantages. a big tourney on dec 15th…i’ll attend…but i need a partner first…damn it…2 on 2…shitty…i might have to enter solo…:frowning:

tini: i saw a girl player. she’s top 5 in shanghai. she plays dudley. she rapes ppl. so u should come over and have a cat fight with her. then moe’s life’ would be complete.

just thought i’d elaborate on this girl for a bit…

she plays dudley and she rapes ppl. she used yun too. but her dud is too good. i actually never played her dud…she used ryu on me or someone else…i was able to beat her. and she’s cute too. go to arcade…play 3s for 10 hrs…and have a really cute girl around you…

sometiems…when she wins…she does chunli’s peace sign…then we all go…whoaaaa…or she does a high fist…we go…whoaaaaa…or she jumps up after a loss…we go…whoaaaa…she’s too cute.

its’ because of her that i’ve decided to make this 3 hrs trip to aracade a weekly thing. i’m willing to put up with the travelling…she’s awesome…

Hey guys, sorry to butt in again but…

Is this cove place open over X-Mas holidays? :smiley: I’m going to be coming sooner than I had anticipated.


not to be rude or anything… u guys sound like a grp of nerds haha
anyways have fun while ur over there… shanghai is wicked

Hey, how’s life in shanghai, besides the arcade?

BTW, this sounds so …mmmm weird, and the way you define cuteness is rather unique.:confused: There is a fine line between cuteness and insanity. Bringing a kindo stick to the cove is considered insane in my book, while in someone else’s(remain nameless in this case, just not you) opinion is considered cuteness.

10 hrs of 3rd strike… mmmm that’s some scary shit. well, have fun.:clap:

3 hrs of travelling to an arcade??? I hope you are talking about walking or biking. Or else, you better come back to Calgary to live a normal live again.:wow:

Hey I brought my Kendo Stick to the cove when I was doing Kendo and I don’t think I am considered insane. Well maybe. Who thought it was cute?? haha…

I’m telling long to get one of those mainland bikes to ride to the arcade, or a little pink scooter. Now that would be pimpin.:tup:

Hahaha… you never heard about this white girl that brought her kendo stick to the cove!? The one who would coach you on how to play neowave and cvs2 as well. She brought a yo-yo to act like one of those ggxx character.

Some guy in the cove thought it was cute, and you should be glad that he wasn’t referring to you.

3 hrs travel includes train, bus, walk, cross the main river of shanghai, stop to take a break. i’m heading there again tongiht.

10 hrs of 3s is too much for me. even i can’t handle it anymore. that’s not gonna happen every week. having said that, and knowing me…i’ll probably still do it. haha

she is cute. typical shanghai girl fashion, u know, copy directly from Tokyo…nice skin…good face…no boobbie…=(
beside, when u’re in the arcade for 10 hrs, anything remotely suggests female presence is cute.

life outside of game is tight. shopping, buying fake rolex for 30 bucks…and they actualyl work after i banged them…food is awesome…no chicken though…cuz the bird flu shit…fucking fck…feel bad for KFC…

Okay, so I’m gonna run a CvS2 tourney sometime in January (granted that Wayne is okay with it). The dates I have picked out for now is either Jan 14th or Jan 21st. Do you guys have a preference? Both are sundays.

Do you guys even play anymore?

haha okay for her case she is insane because the sole intension of her bringing down those items is to look cute. Still… who thought she looked cute?? Seriously tell us all.

probably eric wu…haha…no justkidding…

probably that short white kid…the one that talks A LOT…and plays r4 on cvs2…they’re probably cousins…