3rd strike?? What about… CAPCOM FIGHTING EVOLUTION?!? Actually never mind. That game sucks.
The King of run-away Makoto??? Hells yea… you bet!! Long live the King of Run-away style.
thanks for the POSITIVE thinking of what is to be after cpsc. haha… man… that’s no good
maybe you can get a job doing some boring Database work? Php? mySQL? no? I dunno… .don’t give up though of course. Maybe I’ll have to start creating my own videogame early… no matter how crappy it is.
go make that rubbing and lubing game you always wanted
i’m way ahead of you long
3500 baby… i’m not sure if i should be proud of that or not
PS2 gaming would work well
If we cant “borrow” space from the cove, we could sum some cash together and rent out a lecture / meeting room or whatever (similar to what Vong did like 2 years ago)
Bring TV’s and PS2’s and we’d be set
If this is gonna be Long’s fair well matches, we might as well make em good :tup:
yo am totally down for that. I have a ps2 i can bring. I also have a tv but u fuckers can lug yours the 5km instead of me lugging mine 300km. But either way am down for a tourny of any sort. Id enter MvC2, Cvs2, and 3s, and ST (of course). Y not this long weekend??? or i guess thats to soon??? But any weekend is good for me.
My new teams in the following games.
MVC: stridor, Cable, Com
CVS2: (dropped A groove, sticking to C) Blanka, Ken, Chun (trying to learn blanka)
3s: Ill use a different character every match. Cannot repeat at anytime. (if thats ok with u guys. So if i win id like to still change my character??? if not… alll MAKOTO)
ST: nothing but old Ken.
so noone knows were tini is???
Ian arent u still going out with her???
oh and “long” i knew it was u that was leaving, just thought id through in some comic relief (Bullshit), but yo we’ll definitly have to play some games before u go to china.
Hey did i leave my shirt at your house??? (Black, with like army soliders on it)
good one moe…good one…
re: ur shirt…noi dont’ think so…if you did, it’d be in some poor african kid’s hands by now…
i thinkwe’re all busy this weekend…but i’m down for a tourney. money match vs eric wu would be fun…we’ll play for kissing ugly fat chicks
Looks like Moe forgot who Trinnedy is already…? Why do you think we have same avatar? XD
Derek: Sorry to give you such a negative “impression” of what it’s like after graduation (LOL). But keep in mind I’m in graphics stuff (another words - gaming). And there aren’t much jobs in Calgary for that field… (not to mention it’s super competitive).
I’ve never felt so good… knowing that I don’t have to program/debug other people’s crap anymore. Life is good without cpsc, and I intend to keep it that way… No more up till 4am crap.
so what is ian doing nowaday? primerica still or?
I will be in the cove tomorrow(Tuesday) from 2:30 to 4:15.
I am still surviving, and planning to make things better.:wow:
i’ll be there… i think
Damn… I have class around that time… .I’m gonna have to see what I don’t feel like going to
Anyone planning to go to cove on Saturday? I am going to go just to play you guys some more.
It was fun playing with Eric Wu, Mark, and Derek today… Damn, everyone is getting better… that’s good.
if people will be coming, i’ll might drop by since i don’t have work that day
yo it seems like were coming down to calgary next weekend for some breakdance thing.
so far its jj, crazy j, and myself. so if u guys can host a tourny that weekend that would be great. uhuhuhuh i think thats everything.
yes niggas
were stayin fri oct 21st, sat 22nd , and sun soo make somthing happen !
Sorry to interrupt your thread here fellas… but I might be going up to Calgary in January, and I’m curious as to what this “Cove” place is?
If any of you guys could hook me up with some info, I’d really appreciate it. Anything at all… What the “saturday night” thing is, which SF games they have, do they have tournies, etc. Thanks.
tourney chances are slim to nil
unless ian pulls something out of his ass in the next 4-5 days
nos99… cove is located at University of Calgary campus inside the macewan hall, here’s the link to the map http://www.ucalgary.ca/map/map_big.html
the cove has 3rd strike, mvc2, cvs2, kof, ggxx, a3 all at $1 a game … except 3s which is at $1 for 2 games
so far, saturday night events are for those fighting games at $10… each game is set on free play
hope that helps
1$ a game?? fuck.
I’m surprised they have A3 though. Thanks for the info!
so can u guys set something up this weekend? perhaps sat or sunday.