Calgary weekly Saturday SF event @ the cove

anybody Marvel? Lester?

Im up for games tom…well today… sat… umm… 8,9ish?? im low on cash so either dont expect me to lose…and if i do i will only spend $10 lol… and damnn… if theres the $10 cove nite thing then that’d be wicked

Ok at the cove?Today-8-9ish

hey mutha fucka. U leaving wit out telling yo boyz in etown???

Alright, u guys host a tourny sometime before johnson leaves and ill make sure to come down and pay my respects. Lets make it before winter hits. Cause i hate driving on the highway wit bad weather. Any hows, how is everyone>???

U all still in school??? Still playing 3s and cvs/mvc???

Shit!!! Etowns been crazy dead in the gaming scene. Since evo i think i might have played like twice.
I finally enrolled in shcool. Just need to finish off these next 2 yrs to become a full fledged Paramedic. Just like u guys, schools a bitch. No time to do anything. Thats y am like in uh that u guys can still do that saturday night cove thing. Awesome. Fucking awesome.

So… is my girlfriend Tini still around???:encore:

sooo theres gonna be a tourney??

two things moe…

  1. i’m not johnson. this is long here.
  2. your gf doesn’ tplay 3s anymore. i haven’t seen her in months. but she’s still around though…maybe it’s early hibernation this year…

Let see if we can host a tourney late this month, or beginning of November… don’t hold me on this. I haven’t even talked to the cove management in months now.

One thing I will promise though is that no matter we have a tourney or not, we can come out and play 3rd strike at least one more time before the end of November. As well, you will get an ass kicking by Makoto.:lame: or may be the other way around.:confused:

hahaha yo mo
I’m Johnson, I rarely post because I’m a pretty private guy but that’s funny. Anyways Long is that cool guy that let you stay at his place a couple of tournaments ago.

But yeah we definately should have a tournament before he leaves. Party it up a bit and shits like that.

we can hold a tourney on ps2…cove has changed so much lately…and let’s not put our eggs on that one machine…at least with ps2 we can have 4 tvs going. make it a short day.

ian: what are you up to lately…i heard you dont’ play no more…that’s a shame…cuz derek looks like a headless chicken without you…even eric wu is pushing him around now…u gotta protect him

johnson: what are yo uup to lately…i heard you’re gay now…that’s a shame…cuz adam looks like a headless chicken without you…even random guy is hitting on him now…u gotta protect him

so theres going to be a tourney??

it won’t be for mvc2…oops, did i just burst your bubble?

i wonder if cove will allow us to use those tables and sofas so we can set up some ps2’s? haha

eric wu is getting better… really fast :wow:

IAN !! wtf, how do you do Random Supers again? haha. jk I hope you’re well, and I also hope that this tourny idea follows through. Don’t worry I’ve been Representing with Makoto …well… decently I hope. Tini, I hope you are well too, how’s life after cpsc?

AAAANYWAY, … It would be really great to get together for a nice 3s tourny one more time before this biatch leaves. I would like to get revenge on his urien … still

?_? gay… i want to play sum marvel… since theres gonna be a tourney… put sum marvel on dammit

it’s on like donkey kong

so words on the streets(aka signs up on the arcade) says that the cove will be doing their $10 saturday night thing… anybody gonna show up to this saturday?

i dunno if anyone showed up last coupel of wks

man if they actually have that i would go… but i dont wanna go if theres no confirmation…

Hey Derek~~~ Long time no see! Are you still the king of run-away Makoto? lol…
Life after cpsc is crap. I’m never gonna get a job in it. And I’m hella glad I don’t have to progarm 10 hours a day no more. I hope it turns out better for you than it did for me. =P

So Moe is still around after all~ hint… Ian is still around too so watch what you say! =D

If Ian does hold a tourney then it’s probably the last chance to beat the crap out of my semi-retired Ibuki… Come by and kick my ass - give me reason to officialy quit! =D

whoa, tini just posted. crazy world.

let’s get it on like donkey kong!