brook converters are, by all accounts, not laggy at all. they seem like a super excellent solution to the problem. the only issue is they only work for exactly one console to exactly another console. so the same brook converter won’t take xbox360 -> ps4 AND ps3 -> ps4, for example. but if you’re buying it for yourself, and you know you’ll always use it on an xbox360 stick for example, it’ll work great.
remember that brook has those PCBs for $80 that you can mod into your stick and require no soldering. and they are quad-modded (xbox 360, ps3, ps4, xbox one) and have full x-input support for PC. this seems like the real best solution if you wanted an all-inclusive stick option.
but the brook converters are a good buy at $30 US for sure.
protip as someone who uses a cronusmax on xbox one: make sure you buy a very short (6-inch or so) USB extension M to F extension cable from amazon or ebay. i bought one from china for $1 + free shipping or something and they stay permanently connected to my cronus. it makes sure you don’t wear the port on the console out due to the adapter moving around in place while you play and it also makes connecting them to the console way easier because of the flexibility of the cable. it’s a must-have if you are planning to use an adapter imo
i played ryu’s story last night. this is literally the entirety of it.
gouken and ryu are training in new zealand for some reason
rashid: hey i flew all the way over here for no reason. oh look it’s ryu. want to fight?
ryu: no, not really
rashid: are you sure?
ryu: ok let’s go
cut to brazil, of all places
ken (??): hey ryu, gouken said you were having a tough time with that satsui no hado stuff
ryu: yeah a bit
ken: ok let’s fight?
cut to china??
nash (???): hey ryu that satsui no hado kind of reminds me of this weird power i have in me
ryu: ok let’s fight
after fight
ryu: i don’t have the answers but i will keep fighting all the time
Buy the special edition prima guide from Amazon, sweet
Buy the mobile frame guide, sweet
See an Instagram photo of the back cover - includes free mobile guide code
I’ll give it away to someone who wants it.
Edit: it might be different than what I bought - I just got the frame data app. I think this one might be the actual guide. If that’s the case it’s mine lol
Found out EB Games still had Pre-order on sticks so I put money down on the 300 dollars Madcatz ps4/ps3 stick. Gonna try and sell my 3DS on Kijiji to pay for it.
I still have a older Evo ASUS monitor, so is Hexter is every Wensday thing and is Dickens every Sunday?
Hopefully I stick to SFV longer then I did SF4
Edit: Yes some one bought my 3DS for 250. I hope EB games gets their sticks soon. Im excited to dive back into SF. Now I need to pick a character
I cant wait. The Tubby dog scene was very friendly, I just got busy with life so I stopped being able to devote time into SF4. I learned how to actually us a stick cause of the scene. the group was always patient and helpful when it came to helping me improve.
Hmm stick with Chun-li or do I go back to my Alpha fave Karin.