Calgary Thread 2016

Evil Within is poo-gas and my most disappointing game of the year.

I heard they patched some things about it so maybe it’s passable now

(Oh wow… It came out way back in 2014? Time flies when you’re old like us)

put a couple hours in today and remembered why i stopped playing it… it’s like resident evil, only really really crappy.
but they did fix the letterbox thing, thank god. looking at 1/4 of your screen was absolute shit, there was a hack for p c b o y z back in the day but it was glitchy. now it’s fullscreen mm yeh.

there are things to like about it though, if you look outside of the box. for instance, the possible scenarios you can do in each act are quite astounding. ie: you can try to kill everything, or just whisper your way though. shitty that the protagonist is a little girl and can’t handle a few slow ass zombies, eVEN THOUGH HE HAS A KNIFE A GUN AND AN AXE :’(

I dunno why people even agree to do exhibition matches vs Sonicfox anymore

Man, it seems so insignificant, but that new slow motion feature in Tekken 7 adds so much entertainment :).

yea that’s a real sick little flourish

For anyone who needs the updated beta on their PC, here’s the link:

Haven’t used it myself yet, but its by the same guys who cracked it the first time, so I assume it’s all good.

is there an explanation online for how slow motion in tekken 7 works?

it looks really cool but i don’t know how it works, or why it’s triggered or what happens when it’s triggered

like, is it only for inputs that have already been registered and the game just slows down so you can see a killing blow? or does it allow for better reactions to situations that haven’t been decided yet? or?

man watching smash 4 at genesis is a super struggle

for every 4 minutes of nothing you get 5 seconds of moments that could do something other than rack up 4% of damage

Alex’s home makes a return

I have never laughed so hard at anything I’ve seen in the internet in my entire life

Not even the greentext, that’s not funny. Just the thought of a “trillion lions vs. the sun”

Oh my god, that was like 5 minutes of solid laughter. fucking crying

Beta sign-up is open for MKX. And they’re showing off the robots on Sunday which means they’re probably out the following Tuesday. Sektor hnnngh

ps4 mini hori stick came in today.

super easy job to do.

I, I don’t understand…

How can you go from a fully released title backwards into a beta stage?

jonas hiller fucking sucks

rip calagary flames season 2015-2016

yea hiller is garbage

By completely redoing the online component from the ground up. It’s rollback netcode now instead of variable input delay.

Arturo, among many others who have gotten in, say the new online is amazing. Excited to try it…

I imagine the biggest reason they re-worked the online a year later is so they have the fame work for Injustice 2 or whatever.

I’m pretty sure Anita Sarkeesian is a raging lesbian.
She just figured out dudes like the female ass…
I’m pretty sure she likes the female ass too.

And these white knights online give her free money and more money to continue doing these useless feminist analysis.

Yea… Dudes like chicks with thick ass…
She just figured it out…

We also give her free money just by watching and sharing her videos :wink: