Calgary Thread 2014

This is, surely, patently false of every LoL player

So was it completely necessary to put nav on blast for your lol rage here? Eh who cares. I always lol when I rage.
I have Sunday of so dickens here I come. See you niggazSunday

im not trying to put anyone on blast, nav logged off right after the game so I couldn’t tell him lol

just start using skype so i can tell you where to be, and our success rate will drastically improve!

Since your here Steve when is that tourny again so I can book days off

January 25th! Hope to see you guys there, even if it means I don’t win the tourney haha

I been playin a TON of KOF tho :smiley:

yo get there early so i can get you hella drunk and win my 10 dollars back!

also i hatched a shiny chimchar on pokemon today. jolly nature 3 perfect IVS, egg moves, hidden ability (iron fist) and didnt even use the masuda method either.

make of that what you will guys lol.

Happy new year everyone wishing you all the best health & fortune!!!


And to yooou :smiley:

If you guys haven’t seen this, watch the first 3 minutes of this Key & Peele sketch:

And then, after you’ve watched it, check out what happened in an NFL game the next week:


These guys are fucking hilarious… ‘So defensive, Tokido so defensive!’

I made a new years resolution to only buy a new game after i beat one…

This started by creating a spreadsheet, which then sparked an idea that I should create a points based system that calculates off of system and genre completed, which resulted in the idea make a web app instead.
Now i’m making database schemas to allow other people to potentially use it.

How did I get here?

god thats a new years resolution i should do as well. except that i should probably finish all my unfinished games before i get a new one.

that means i should be looking at getting a new game sometime next year…

my new years resolution 2 years ago was to not make new years resolutions and just do things

i have successfully done that :smiley:

It took me damn near 2 days to download my steam collection on my new PC.

If I stuck to that resolution no new games for me for at least a year or so lol

I know I’m like 2 days late, but Happy freakin New Years!

Which tournament are you talking about FakeSteve?

Adam what was that SF comic character you linked to saying that was the possible 5th character to USF4. It was one of Bison’s Dolls that had a Vega-like mask and claw. The more hints Ono drops the close that becomes a reality. :frowning:

Dang, would have put money on it actually being Nilin but I guess that’s out now. Suddenly I don’t care at all about the reveal.

if it was nilin or whatever my give-o-fuck-o-meter would have plummeted astronomically, to the point of not even caring about ultra.