Calgary Thread 2014

i was not looking forward to that game whatsoever because it looks like a carbon copy of the ff3 re-release until the nintendo direct in dec

totally shoulda booked today and tomorrow off work. I really needed an extra coupla days to recover after yesterday

It’s similar but far from a carbon copy. It looks great, i’m just hoping its a little more challenging than Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light which is what it’s based off. If its not… then 4x black mages is gonna wreck everything again lol

Saying its a carbon copy of FF3, is like saying its a carbon copy of 10-2 because it has a job system lol

hny hny!
did i make the 1st page???

Happy New Years!

360 or PS3?

sorry to see most of you back at work already that is terrible.
i’m off until the 7th ooooh yeahhhh

We should seriously get Tubbies or Dickens running some killer tournies again, would totally benefit the scene

I’m looking at Dickens for the Family Day weekend to kick off another year of Fight Pubs. I’ve just been too swamped with non-FGC life as of late to really buckle down and get shit together.

Dark Souls is only $5.99 on steam now if you haven’t played that shit, go grab er’
Last day of the steam winter sale~

Apparently Steam might be shutting down this year


yeaaaah not happening dude… where’s your link.

i think you mean GFWL. if so, then yes, it is shutting down. thank god.

Definitely not thinking of steam thats for sure, considering SteamOS is just coming out as well as custom steam machines etc

steam is basically a big olive box that prints out money at this point


Xbox 360

Niddhogg is finally coming out for real release.

Promo code for Air Canada if anyone wants to go to SCR, JKHRXY41. I’m heading there on the 26th for WNF.

Yeah guys let’s all go get Crunk in Compton. Should be rad

Nav, sorry bro, I can’t duo with you anymore unless you get on skype. You have good mechanics, but no map awareness. You’re out of position pretty much all the time, and you don’t watch the creepwave in your lane, so a million cs die to tower.

when we duo, because my MMR is so much higher than yours, the matchmaking system compensates and stacks the other team. Unfortunately I’m not good enough to carry people who don’t pay attention to the map. Plus if you can’t support, we can’t really duo, cuz you’ll be last pick every time, and I can’t do enough as a support on a team full of clowns.

I pretty much never rage when I play LoL, but that game was incredibly frustrating. If you can get on skype next time, then I’m down to play, but otherwise no thanks. You can lane decently (though you got outfarmed that game in a lane where you had a massive advantage from lvl1 given the matchup), but if you can’t be where I need you to be, then you’re hella dead weight. I love you buddy, but if you expect me to duo with you, you’d better be willing to follow direction, cuz you and people at your level have no idea how to fight or end games.