Yahtzee had a great line about that, like… “it’s dumb the game only gives you your health bar back when you prove that you don’t need it”. Dark Souls is hard/atmospheric/interesting enough, I don’t see the need for it to be extra punishing for people trying to explore and try new things? Every person is basically going to be exploring the world at 50% health almost all the time, and the person who isn’t clearly doesn’t need the extra health. It’s just two clashing gameplay ideas butting heads to me.
Also PJ, for one day you’re only allowed to talk on this forum about things you like. I know you must like something (not counting Sonic Racing), yeah?
did you give your ditto a destiny knot? it takes a bit to actually get a perfectly ivd poke. took me a a few hours for my 5 iv goodra without a 6 iv ditto.
I don’t know about breeding Shinys, but IV is pretty easy, just keep switching out the poke you want.
Like, if you get a 2 IV, breed that with the ditto till you get a 3 or 4 (like do 5 eggs, you should get one) then switch that one in, so you’re breeding a 3 IV with the Ditto, and so on. Till you get what you want. I usually get my 2 5 IV pokes (male female) Then keep them, and breed one more for personal use and one more Female incase i was breeding Egg moves too since they lose the egg move when they level up in the day care ( though I’m told they can re learn it somehow)
Anyway, hope that helps lol. Really shouldn’t take you long at all with a 6IV Ditto.
you probably will at first. remember that once you get a poke with a couple IVs, you should switch the old one out for the new one, breed a few more, and keep switching the old poke out when you start getting them with more IVs.
the destiny knot passes down 5 IVs from BOTH pokes, not just the one holding the destiny knot. there is the chance that it will select the same IV from th 2 different parents. thats why you will still occasionally get 3IV pokes even when breeding 2 5s together (or even 6s)
also giving both pokes destiny knot wont make any difference. the 6th IV is always random. pus youll lose your nature since you wont be using everstone to pass it down.
and ill just take one of whatever it is your breeding amin
also before you get mad focused on breeding for just IVs i would take a look at the potential egg moves the poke can learn (sometimes they are shit, most times there are some good ones) as well as abilities, since you need to get those before you start breeding for IVs.