C.Viper Combos and Glitches

I personally input d+hp, qcb+hp, wait, pp, d+hp. When buffering the feint off of d+hp, timing is very important because you can input the pp too early or too late. Refer to my last post.

As for the feint -> ultra challenge, I use d+HP, qcb+hp, qcf+pp (feint), qcf+ppp (ultra). This way, you already have the first qcf for the ultra done by the time you input the feint so instead of inputing qcfx2+ppp, you only have to input qcf+ppp for the ultra.

Feints aren’t that bad once you understand the timing. Input the d+hp, qcb+hp as if you were actually trying to combo it. Now, the game has accepted the command for the qcb+hp but won’t actually execute it until the cancellable frames of d+hp arrive. This means that after you input the qcb+hp, you have several frames to get ready for the pp(feint). Now if you tried to feint a qcb+hp by itself, the qcb+hp executes immediately and you only have a couple frames to input the pp. For this reason, if I ever feint a qcb+p by itself (to psyche out the opponent) I usually qcb+lp or qcb+mp if I’m feeling particularly fast. It’s not Godlike speed but technique and timing that’s the key.

I don’t know if you guys played games where timing was just as quick as the fierce TK feint, but that shit is lightning quick. Like I said, it’s like kara throwing when I get it out. That’s how I’ve had the most success, but to do it in a combo is like WTF lol.

So Kryo…your way is PP’ing a bit later? Your method is not like a kara-throw drum input?

If you’re trying to feint qcb+hp BY ITSELF, then the only way to do it is with a kara motion.

If you’re trying to feint qcb+hp off the d+hp IN A COMBO, then you actually delay the pp a bit. Like I said earlier, look at this vid and listen to the rhythm.
I’m not inputting everything as fast as I can. There’s a pause between the qcb+hp and the pp. “tap tap pause tap tap.”

edit: the important thing to remember is that when you cancel normals into specials, you can input the command the for the special as fast you want but the special will not actually execute until the cancellable frames of the normal.
the following frame data is ficticious and strictly for the sake of example
For example, let’s say you input d+hp on frame 0 and input the qcb+hp on frame 5. However, d+hp doesn’t cancel until frame 20 so you have to wait until frame 20, when the qcb+hp is actually executed, to input the pp. Inputting pp before qcb+hp is actually executed is too soon and once qbc+hp reaches active frames, it’s too late.

I think there’s exactly a 7 frame window in which to input the pp for the feint.

OH!!! Man, that clears it up so much. I was practicing simple parts of the combo then going for the whole thing. So canceling it alone fucks up the timing for when it’s done in a combo…I get you now.

Yeah I’ve seen it done so many times, tried to adjust my rhythm to it and then get the uppercut out lol. This helps though I’ll try it with your tips next time, thanks.

That’ll make things easier for me.

Kryo: Thanks for all your input. I can’t wait to try this out next time the next time I’m able to play the game again.

BTW, have you been able to do HP TK feints by itself on a consistent basis? I can imagine how awesome that would be if you can actually do it. I haven’t even seen any Japanese players do it at all.

Been playing this game in practice mode from time to time… I’ve been having a hard time doing EX Seismo -> FADC -> Ultra. I can sorta do it if I’m on the right side facing left, but it’s really hard for me to do it on the left side facing right. Is it the same method as Ryu’s jab SRK -> FADC -> Ultra? I am pretty challenged when it comes to doing certain moves in SF.

EDIT: nvm.

I can’t even mp.knuckle feint by itself consistently…no way in hell I’m going to try to hp.knuckle feint considering the risk compared to reward. I find lp.knuckle feints get the job of psyching out the opponent done quite nicely. Seismic feints work even better for getting the opponent to jump :lovin:

Fierce TK feint is qcb fierce~jab+strong, like a kara throw, it comes out like butter alone…

…in a combo, different story :wgrin:

Just finished my drills of 100x c.fierce - Fierce feint - C.fierce on training mode. There’s a definite rhythm to it, I was doin nothing but ex.feints for ages, but once I got the timing down I could do at least 19-22 in a row off the crouching fierce, just gotta remember the sound of your taps (At least that’s how I got it down).

Add that to all the other drills I’m doing for her (Like Seismo - sjc seismo block strings) and I reckon I’ll be consistent feirce feint combo-ing at the end of the week. :slight_smile:

Oh, and definitely easier in a combo, like there’s no comparison imo.

Weird, I find it pretty easy in combos. Seismo feints works good for comboing HPs too.

ok guys got some fairly new info on viper’s focus cancel glitch.

so i’m sure you guys are familiar with viper being able to cancel her sj. cancelable normals into a focus without wasting meter. well i’ve learned a consistant way to sj. cancel her focus without burning meter on those normals not to mention during regular and ex seizmo’s. this stuff really opens up a new dimention to her rush game and quite frankly i’m glad i figured out a way to do this consistantly so with out any more delay i’ll share the input on it with some examples.

cr.MP=sj. cancelable, tigerknee motion, focus, dash accordingly

combo example
jump in, HK, st. HP, ex seizmo, tigerknee focus, hold, release for hit, dash fwd, ultra, or HP TK.

all it really is, is just inputting a tigerknee motion in and hitting the focus on time. give it a try~

gotta love training mode~
ninja edit:**
not only can you tigerknee motion cancel but, you can tigerknee dp cancel as well like you would a seizmo.

example vs blocking opponent:
seizmo, tigerknee seizmo x2, tigerknee focus, dash fwd, continue with the baraging of seizmo’s.
-i recommend using this when you get to the 2nd seizmo so if you miss you still get a MP seizmo and you can continue slaming just in case. just get used to the distances is all, so its like an option select of sorts.

pretty slick stuff indeed. gogogo c.viper~

Viper is by far the most fun character in the game. Good look Kensou.

Cant wait to play with Viper, seems like she’ll be the hypest sf character ever.

^^^ holy shit! i didn’t even know you could sjc into focus…it’s like christmas all over again!

i find it very easy to pull off actually, i get those cancels with high success. just a matter of keeping your fingers close to MP&HP. so its like a quick double tap pretty much. its quick but i’m not sure if there’s a real practical use for it?

hmm HP feints net higher counter hits allowing for ex seizmo’s to connect from your good pokes like cr. MP and cr. MK, thats what makes that feint better than the other 2 imo. LP feint is great because its the easiest of the 3. however your chances of getting hit or mashed out if you will, increase slightly because of the recovery. me personally, i go through all 3 fients, and HP feints are really not that hard from other normals aside from HP and cr. HP. i say give it a go and learn how to feint from cr. MK, MP and st. MP. oh yeah, HP feints are great in matchups like boxer because his cr. LP is a pain and breaks viper offense pretty well.

i agree totally that seizmo feints make the enemy wanna jump easy easy~

inspired by kensou’s post on tiger knee focus attack, i’ve come up with a new way to combo into ultra mid-screen.

j.hk, cr.hp, hp.knuckle feint, cr.hp, ex seismic, tiger knee focus dash (no attack), ultra

this shit it pretty execution intensive but fun and nice that you don’t have to spend extra meter for a focus cancel.

edit: by replacing ultra with hk, you maximize stun since a mp.knuckle doesn’t connect after fierce x2. in all honestly, the strict timing makes this even harder than the first combo…don’t know how practical it is

aye, that combo is alot easier lol. i meant to mention that earlier >_<…turns out hitting with the focus is kinda hard but theres that part of the animation where her elbow flickers out for about 2-3 frames so its kinda like a link i guess lol. and yeah, its pretty execution heavy but i hit it like clock work now. was at the arcade hitting it with about 90% accuracy so its definitely legit. glad to see someone else can hit that shit too lol!

a note about the tigerknee focus to dash…turns out if you input the tigerknee seizmo motion you’ll get an auto dash by default since the game registers 2 fwd inputs the fwd and dwnfwd to be precise. give it a go.

also i’ll be making a video soon to display some of the crazy crap that she can do with all these glitches and cancels~w00t

^i’ll give the TK seismic motion a try. i’ve been using d, u, f+mp+mk, f to buffer the sjc to dash

Ok since my brother is secretly a Guilty Gear player (sits in training mode all day in that game) he’s been figuring out new methods for doing Viper’s moves.

Don’t think this has been posted before but kudos to anyone else who has already figured this out. Firstly he found IMO a really good method for performing c.HP, TK feint, c.HP consistantly. He doesn’t use 2 punch buttons only to perform the feint after the first c.HP. That’s probably the main reason why others and I were probably getting EX moves and what not coming out instead of the feint. He has a special method that requires all 3 punch buttons to perform. Sounds complicated at first but it actually makes things easier. People who have sticks can take advantage of this (if you’re using a pad I don’t know why you’re using Viper LOL).

Instead if you specifically hit c.HP, then motion qcb+HP, LP+MP you’ll get things to come out more consisntently. . Obviously after that combination just hit c.HP again and you have a 2 hit combo. This is because your fingers never touch the HP button you used to do c.HP. So in that way you won’t accidentally negative edge an EX TK or other unwanted move. Just watching him do it I saw hella consistency in performing that combination and realized I could do the same with practice.

So basically the idea is to start with c.HP, then immediately throw the joystick to the back direction and hit HP, then just as you hear the activation of the thunder knuckle hit LP+MP and you get HP TK Feint. Then hit c.HP right after the successful feint for the 2 hit combo.

EDIT: Just so people know I originally thought it was good to piano the motion in but that works better when you are trying to do HP TK feint by itself. It doesn’t seem to be super useful to HP TK feint but if you want to help your execution with it the piano method seems effective. If you are doing it off of a normal you have to wait until you hear the activation of the HP TK (the very quick couple frames where she is crouching to charge the TK) and then hit LP+MP or any other combination of 2 punches to cancel. I believe that’s what Kyrojenix was explaining earlier and that makes sense.