It’s hard to block, because the transfer from high to low is so quick, but it’s not unblockable.
I heard it was unblockable, but Im talking about small jump, not super jump, sorry if that confused you. Take Sagat’s small jump roundhouse, when blocked, you land and the opponent is still in blockstun (I’d guess due to Frame advantage) and you when activate Tiger Raid, it hits low when the opponent is still blocking up. I just heard, I never tried on anyone before.
You heard right. And I remember the idea being thrown about when the game first came out.
But I don’t believe it. Just go into training mode an try it out.
Make the dummy do the deepest possible little jump attack, then super when you land. Then trying blocking it. You might screw it up a few times and get hit, but you’ll see that it is indeed blockable.
Hell, why not set the dummy to auto guard all and then perform it, if it is indeed blockable the dummy should be able to block it.
Because the dummy has cheat-block. That’s why.
If you execute a lvl3 next to the dummy while it’s NOT already blocking, it will block the attack. You can make it walk forward, and it will still block. People can’t do that. It also makes it garaunteed to block it from high to low.
The best way to check is to get a human to try it (ie: you).
But the humna is more prone to mind games, etc. Rarely will a computer get hit by an overhead move on wakeup after a knockdown, but often humans do. there are flaws with both humans and computer, I will trust the computer to block it though rather than a human attempt to block it.
Dude, WTF are you talking about. This has nothing to do with hitting the compueter when they get up, or mind games or whatever.
The issue here is “unblockable” tripwire after little j.MP. (Or other so-called unbloackable stuff after little jumps)
I said it didn’t work. It’s hard to block, but not truly unblockable. If the little jump attack CONNECTS and is deep enough, then yes the super will combo. But if it is blocked, you can block the super.
The theory behind little jump then unblockable is that the jump in attack makes you stand up and block. When you land you activate the super and they are “frozen” standing up during your super flash. Since the super hits low, and they’re frozen standing up, voila. Unblockable.
The reason you can’t use the dummy-all block to test it is because it has cheat block. They can block the super if they’re standing, but WE CAN’T. Which is what the theory is all about. So it’s pointless to test it that way. The best way to check is to try it yourself.
there are no unblockables in this game, nor is it difficult to block a jumping attack followed by a low attack
its pretty easy to block ken crossup j.MK -> c.LK is it not, that’s a faster transition from overhead to low than j.MP -> tripwire by far
It’s not unblockable if they block low BEFORE the super comes out.
But once the super flash occurs, if they were still standing, they can’t go to down block for a bit after the flash- in short, the super is for all purposes unblockable.
Rolento lj.strong, L3 tripwire is a fairly annoying thing to block- block low too early and you might eat a hit from the strong and get hit by the tripwire for free. Block low too late and you get tripwired. And that’s assuming you block lj.strong in the first place.
Hard to block, but not unblockable. Rolento’s works more often than Sagat’s, though.
It’s not an unblockable and if you’re going to bring mindgames into the issue here then you contradict your point about an unblockable to begin with. Instead of talking about it go try it yourself if you haven’t yet.
C-rolento can punish honda’s headbutt by doing late air block, then crouching mk into a) patriot circles or b) trip wire.
Uh just wondering about something. I was using C-Rolento today (which is by far the best Rolento), and I was messing around with jab x 3, c. forward xx trip wire or Patriot Circles. It didn’t seem that hard at all. Is all that shit a 2 frame link or 1 frame or what?
nm, the jabs are 2 frame and the c. forward is 1. The c. forward seems a helluva lot easier then linking blanka c. shorts though
C-rolento is a BEAST. rolento has the best 50/50 mixup ever. walk up, and either A) throw or B) counter hit standing jab, crouching forward, super or patriot circles.
the more complicated you get with rolento, the more you’re going to lose. don’t do telegraphed block strings, you’ll get owned. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO LEARN WITH ROLENTO- be able to recognize counter hit standing jabs, then follow up with the options listed above. it’s that simple.
and when people have a full bar with A-rolento, they like to randomly activate and burn it. you’re almost guaranteed at least 1 free throw when you have a full bar because people are so scared of walk up activate or jump in activate. then they start to hit buttons, then you work the counter hit standing jab game. ONLY activate when you know it’s guaranteed.
Sorry but this doesnt work outside of the corner.
edit: forgot no point trying to post here. popobloooooooooo!
popoblooooooooooooo " thats no good my friend" :sad:
why am i such a scrub? yea, that chicken block shit definitely doesn’t work against honda, my bad :sad:
Can’t rolento just do a lvl3 super after blocking a headbutt, and it connects?
If this is true, then there’s a nasty mind game just waiting to be played here against people afraid of lj.strong, tripwire. Since we know they’re going to block low right after the lj.strong, throw 'em for free. Repeat until they stop blocking low. Then it’s tripwire time.
^lol that doesnt work repeatedly by any means, MAYBE twice.
low jump mp has extended lag on it, which you cancel with the tripwire, if you’re not doing it, they can jump away or counter poke you for free when you land.