Are you stupid, retarded or something like that?
Serious question.
Let me help you out Halberdius. Re-read YagamiFire’s post. While grammatically incorrect, can’t not means CAN. SFV on PS4 has 8 frames of input delay offline, input delay on the PC version can be reduced by approximately 3 frames by turning v-sync off. If we play on the same setup (monitor/controls/etc) I have more time to react to situations on PC with v-sync off then you do on PS4, it is just the truth.
I think Capcom will address this 8F, if they can. It’s a big if. Is the input lag due to
- intended design?
- sloppiness?
- actual hardware limitations of the PS4?
If it’s #1 or #2, we’ll be okay. But the fact that this game doesn’t even run at 60fps solid either doesn’t inspire confidence in the team’s ability to getting it running at locked 60fps with 4-5 frames of input delay.
Also, they have to realize that if they reduce the input lag, they’ll have to re-tune a lot normals, namely the overheads, as they would become too easy to block.
Thanks that clears it up. Thats some sexy data. That was very helpful ty. Now I want to experience that haha
Atm I cant tell its there the game plays smoothly. There are laggy people but besides that its good I cant tell that he put in 8f. Everything runs nice
I don’t notice the delay, therefore there is no delay is a dumb argument tbh
I don’t notice the delay, therefore there is no delay is a dumb argument tbh
Some people notice the delay from 4 to 8 which was what sfiv was. But I cant tell. People can respond faster on pc if they turn off certain features and cut the frames down. Theres no actual delay I cant tell if I push jab jab comes out I dont feel or notice those 8 frames to the old 4 frames. There might be a delay but no lag. I dont notice any dysyncing or other problems from input lag. The buffer is there but I dont see it. Just means I get to smoke my weed,read up on string theory play my game smoothly and give no fucks. Should be no reason to bitch about it if infiltration did so well and others too.
So many people bitching about this game when its fine.
Literally retarded.
Never seen someone so proudly and ignorantly argue against people while simultaneously showing a complete disconnect with the actual subject matter.
“Well I can’t notice it”
If you’re struggling to follow simple conversations no one cares whether or not you can notice a difference in how a game plays with or without input lag.
Man, when you smoke weed you must become an actual fucking mollusk. We’re all dumber for having experienced this last page of posts.
Let me help you out Halberdius. Re-read YagamiFire’s post. While grammatically incorrect, can’t not means CAN. SFV on PS4 has 8 frames of input delay offline, input delay on the PC version can be reduced by approximately 3 frames by turning v-sync off. If we play on the same setup (monitor/controls/etc) I have more time to react to situations on PC with v-sync off then you do on PS4, it is just the truth.
Use of double negatives is not grammatically incorrect. It’s actually perfectly acceptable and even useful when used to emphasize a statement. Which is what I did.
I wonder if the delay was reduced by 4f, would it greatly weaken the forward dash heavy metagame
And then if that was the case, it’s tough to imagine what the game would look like
Wow, and here i have been avoiding the use of double negatives my entire life.
Wow, and here i have been avoiding the use of double negatives my entire life.
It’s a decent general rule just because fuckwits tend to use double negatives when they actually mean something negative (IE: “That won’t do no good” when they actually mean “That won’t do well”…)…but you can absolutely use double negatives in proper English.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t cutting the delay in half have a huge impact on the game? You’d almost have to rebalance the entire thing as tons of “safe” stuff would suddenly be very punishable.
Many stuff that shouldn’t be “safe” it is because the “unintended” 8f of input lag.
It is imperative for the game to remove it before trying to do any kind of balance since many matchups would change in some on way (probably for the better) once they fix it, and trying to actually rebalance it right now without knowing how the characters behave on a “lagless” enviroment would be dumb.
And of course the imbecile that has been shitting on this thread those last pages disagrees
Because it doesnt need a fix. Ono did it on purpose to match tekkens input delay instead of going for 4 frames in this sf. Why would they fix it. Just play the game as is people are doing great in V
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t cutting the delay in half have a huge impact on the game? You’d almost have to rebalance the entire thing as tons of “safe” stuff would suddenly be very punishable.
Things being safe have jack all to do with input lag and all to do with frame data.
The catch to some of the things people complain about is that the speed of certain moves is sometimes irrelevant. People get hit by slower overheads than the ones in SF5 because getting hit by those has to do with conditioning and a bunch of other things unrelated to raw reactions. Anti-airing successfully would be affected the most and reacting to the motion of moves would also be impacted.
Ignorant Shit
Exactly cant even say anything. Itll stay 8 frames ono did a great job. If you dont like it tough shit. Go play minecraft
You are the textbook example of the Stupid Retarded Kid that pollutes this site.
The kind of idiot that thinks because he doesn’t feel anything wrong then is not a problem.
The kind of idiot that belives that any form of criticism towards the game is unwarranted.
The kind of idiot who thinks that anyone complaining about the flaws and problems of the game is wrong and is a hater.
the kind of idiot that ultimately is to blame of why the quality of this site is consistently goint to the crapper with each day.
I gave my opinion thats all. I can say whatever I like. Youre the one bitching about 4 frames while most people are having fun. Getting to plat,hosting lounges and streaming. Its not like capcoms gonna listen to you. But thats just my opinion. Someone already explained to me what the discussion was about and I thanked him for the data.
If you dont like what I said take it up with ono. Be one of those people that say fuck you as he looks at his twitter. Ima support what he does and enjoy it. Love the game im buying the dlc im supporting capcom I dont want them to be near bankruptcy but thats just me.
I did study about the frames and I do notice a slight difference but its manageable. Its not a big issue. This thread is to discuss input lag and we all put our two cents together. If you dont like my opinion just move on. You give me so much energy just by talking to me.