again my frustration with capcom is they can’t decide what kind of character to make sagat. In my mind in SF theres about 4 different character styles:
Pure zoners/defensive characters (Dhalsim, guile): who’s zoning tools are amazing, or can make people hurt for trying to get in
Footsie/midrange characters (Ryu, chun-li, adon): good foot speed and buttons to dominate in the midrange game
Mixup/rushdown characters (cammy, yun, rufus) : tools to get in (and around projectiles) and blow characters up real fast. Might take 20 seconds to get in, but can end the game the next 10 seconds
grapplers (duh 'gief, hawk): ultimate risk as they will eat damage getting in, but rewarded with HUGE damage
What is sagat? Obviously not a rushdown or grappler (although honestly I feel get more wins going in with Sagat than hanging back), as grappler is self explanatory, and he doesn’t have the damage, setups, or mix ups to effectively put pressure/keep people in the corner.
Zoner? should be, but the fireball nerf screwed that up. tiger shot obstacle course does not exist any more. unlike say sim, who has buttons that are effective at every range but point blank, and guile, who has solid fireball recovery, and buttons/walkspeed to punish jump in attempts/attempts to get around fireballs. shoot, I’d be happy with the fireball if I had guiles walk speed and could walk up to dp (or even st. hk) jumps over full screen fireballs. And theres pathetic damage to boot, not enough to scare anyone from going HAM.
Footsie/midrange? the tools just aren’t there, thats where sagat gets bodied the most. st lk isn’t as effective, cr mk (only attack with range) is super slow, st. hk goes over everyone. safe tiger knees give zero damage, and sagat has no walk speed to walk in and out of poke range.
After that gripe-fest (but tell me what I’m wrong about?), I think capcom needs to decide what they want and give us some tools.
If they want sagat to be a zoner:
- give old high shot back, and take 1-2 frames off low shot to actually make fireballs effective
- give a BIG boost in Tiger uppercut (180-200 damage) to give an appropriate level of reward to us for baiting a jump in through taking big risks of committing to a zoning game.
if they want sagat to be a mid-range-er
- give an effective poke (stand lk) that actually works
- more damage distribution on tiger knee hits. safe knees were supposed to give the reward of full screen pushback to get back to shots, but shots don’t do anything any more. Make safe tiger knees actually hurt. the force stand wasn’t a buff, it was a bug fix.
- increase walk speed. sagat does not have the overwhelming tools from vanilla to justify his molasses level speed. if he has shit buttons specials and damage, give him mobility.
thats my coffee rant.