Bruce Lee and Chinese Martial Arts has had the most profound effect on Street Fighter

Ever since Bruce Lee emerged as the indomitable force in the world of martial arts, his influence has spread far beyond that of the world of combat.

The whole videogame fighting genre has been born as an after-effect of his lofty deeds. With the recent “IP Man” film, hundreds of dojos have re-opened all over China. Yet another example of the charisma of the man.

There are great men… and then there are then greatest of men. Bruce Lee and Chinese Martial Arts are kings of the world of fighting.

There are pointless threads… and then there are the most pointless threads.

This coming from someone who has, "Officially retired from online SSF4. I will never do it again. " XD

Grandmaster Gen and Fei long give a great account of Chinese Martials Arts.

This thread has touched my heart.

SRK forum format these days is dogshit.

Nice thread though. Love Bruce Lee.

Ip Man was pretty awesome. Obviously this has a very large connection to SF4!

Gen = Ip Man

Ip Man was nothing special. Good film though.

Wing chun is nonsense.

Bruce Lee was the man, and he knew that no single fighting style was ‘best’ but each had its own strengths that could be utilized. He took the best aspects of many, to form his own style.

If you look at MMA fighters, which is the closest legal form of an all out street fight. Muay Thai is most efficient overall for learning striking, as well as utilizing the clinch, though you want to incorporate the footwork of boxing. You want to have grappling (wrestling) experience, to be able to get into a dominant position on the ground, and brazilian jujitsu to submit your opponent should an opening arise. Thus I’d say the essentail martial arts for fighting are…

S tier

-Muay Thai
-Brazilian Jujitsu

A tier

-Greco Roman Wrestling (most efficient form of wrestling in MMA)

I agree about wing chun but still it’s most likely the least nonsense out of all kung-fu schools if you don’t count sanshou/sanda as one.

This is true. He believed this to such an extent that he was quite reluctant to even name JKD anything, because the moment you give it a name, then it becomes something that encompasses your understanding of something rather than leaving you open for the infinite possibilities.

This depends on your actual definitions. In terms of competitive sports or martial arts, it’s true MMA is the closest thing you will find. But in terms of self-defense, which is more appropriate for the circumstances of an ‘all-out street fight,’ then it becomes a different matter.

If you try to put some guy in an armbar on the streets you’ll eat 3 boots from his friends. Or, it’s a strong possibility, and you will never know beforehand, so it’s generally a real bad idea to get on the ground under non-sterile and outright unstable conditions.

For self-defense purposes, I’d strongly recommend krav maga or kali. Any appropriate RBSD (reality based self defense) systems can work, but they need to do proper high-stress scenario drills and the like. It depends on the seriousness of the institute. In these, the focus is generally more on controlled brutality and aggression to create opportunities to escape (along with techniques, obv., but the mental aspect is very important.)

I’ve trained in MMA for 8 years now (as a hobby), BJJ purple, amateur boxer and for me you got your tiers wrong. It should be:


Wrestling, both freestyle and greco ( slams and takedowns are useful on the street. submissions not so much)
Krav Maga ( if full contact sparring is done, and training is done under a legit instructor)
Muay Thai (including elbows and knees)


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ( with no-gi once a week and self defense included, speaking as a Brazilian who has trained it for a decade)
Sambo/ combat sambo ( exceptional martial art for self defense)
Boxing ( top conditioning, reflexes and solid foundation, plus endless realistic sparring. it’s my favorite sport)


Kali/Escrima ( under legit instructor, with full-contact sparring, etc)
Kyokushin Karate ( with some punches to the face allowed once in a while)
San Shou


Traditional Kung Fu
Karate ( Shotokan is decent if you do full contact sparring which is optional)

I agree when taking on multiple opponents, you never want to end up on the ground. I was thinking one on one.

Chubbyfingerz, well sounds like you have a lot of experience. Is Kung Fu really useless though? Why?

Two reasons, though both are closely tied:

-Unrealistic techniques
-Lack of real life practice

The only reason why people even bother with unrealistic techniques is because they never really spar against competent stronger opponents.
The only martial arts that are worth a damn are those with constant full contact sparring. To learn how to fight you have to fight.
This nonsense of doing forms and katas is pretty, but useless.

What happens is Joe goes to kung fu class, learns the crane fist and whatnot, repeats that dance over and over again and in real life finds out that it doesn’t work against an angry adult man who’s hitting him in the face.

That’s it. The top 6 martial arts I put there are all realistic martial arts which focus on full contact sparring from day 1. They are also SIMPLE. The tools are simple and effective, but they are trained over and over again.

You know how many punches there are in boxing? 4. Jab, straight (cross), hook, uppercut. That’s it. No “dragon whips its tail” or “iron tiger claw”.

Then you learn them perfectly and you punch bags, speed bags and other people 2 hours a day, 4 days a week for 4 years and guess what. You learned something.

Transposing it to street fighter, since this is the topic: two guys bump into street fighter. One sees a gimmick character , Dhalsim, and goes into training mode and keeps hitting a dummy every day. Has no idea how a fight goes.

What happens? As soon as he fights his first match against Sakura, she gets up in his face and he has never seen a frame trap before, has no idea how fast those hits come at you , nothing. All he has is how he thought things would go. Oops.

Another guy picks Fei Long. Solid character, SAFE, mobile, strong pokes. No gimmicks, just practical usability and safety. Spends an hour a day on the training room then 1 hour in Endless matches.

That’s the difference. Unrealistic gimmicks without any real life experience vs. practical, true and tested violent simplicity put to the test every single day against competent opponents.

Who wins?

I think this speaks for itself… >:/

You mean two kids in a parking lot throwing haymakers at each other for a few seconds until one lands? :stuck_out_tongue: That’s called a “punch lottery”. Red shirt had a winning ticket that day. Good for him :slight_smile:

Back when the UFC started in 1993… it was an invitational tournament for members of different martial arts, and many top guys were invited. What followed was the reversion of the 70-80s super kung fu master nonsense as “master” after “master” got choked out by a skinny brazilian by the name of Royce Gracie.

He choked out, without physically harming: a boxer ( Art Jimmerson) , a savate champion (Gordeau), a shootfighter/catch wrestler (Ken Shamrock), a karate master (Minoki Ichihara), a kung fu master (Jason DeLucia), a japanese jiu jitsu champion twice his size (Remco Pardoel), and a professional boxer/kickboxer Pat Smith.

If you -really- want to see what kung fu/karate looks like against people who know how to grapple, here you go:

Yep that’s a broken arm you heard. Could have been worse.

There’s a reason why kung fu has no place in MMA, and the karate specialists are all hybrids (Chuck Liddel’s Kempo/Kickboxing, Lyoto Machida’s Shotokan/Muay thai, Georges St. Pierre’s Kyokushin/Muay thai).

It’s because kung fu hayaaa karate Daniel san bloodsport ninja gaiden is bullshit. :confused:

A nice little sparring session for you: kung fu guy vs. jiu jitsu guy:

Here’s some videos of the Gracie family ( creators of Brazilian jiu jitsu) taking on challengers.

Their tradition in the 70s and 80s when they moved to new cities/countries was to open a gym and make an open challenge to all local masters.
They try not to hurt the opponents though often they are in position to do so and instead submit them.

Remember: I put BJJ on 2nd-tier. This isn’t even the violent shit you can see in Krav Maga, or the absurd conditioning,power and takedowns of wrestlers or the brutal knees, elbows and kicks of muay thai. This is the “soft art”. Beating them gently just to prove a point. In a one on one fight, a grappler will always win. If there are too many, then a realistic striking art should do the trick: boxing and muay thai should be more than enough. Krav Maga is good for that extra violence ( throat strikes, etc) in case shit is serious.

No praying mantis here, sorry! :stuck_out_tongue:

Enjoy :smiley:

I just got this today. Pretty cool collectible.