Bruce Lee and Chinese Martial Arts has had the most profound effect on Street Fighter

…alright, how about this (audio required for full effect):

I still disagree in considering these various sports above realistic combat-oriented defense. Wrestling is the one I especially disagree with as it promotes even less skills to deal with several opponents, but I oppose most of them as you get literally zero experience against any kind of weapons.

I’ve also done mma for years on and off, and kali for some. Not that it matters too much, but that’s what I have experience with at least.

This is why I mentioned krav maga and kali, both of them have extensive focus on developing particular reactions that are vital to avoiding or attempting a disarm (not recommended) in a situation like this. But most importantly the stress test drills of several people pushing against you with the intent of locking you down are nigh non-existent in any of the mentioned sports. This is significantly different from a regular full-contact spar, along with the entire mindset that is being promoted. I haven’t seen any others deal with or encourage attacks such as gouges, fish hooks, joint/limb destruction or palm to ear, and stuff like that is incredibly effective in bewildering an opponent enough to create opportunities.

I do agree they are good, I just disagree that they better prepare you for something as variable as a random fight than what I mentioned (there is also a reason why tactical and military forces employ a lot of techniques from one of those two, as they have both been combat tested for a significant time.) But, a lot of it comes down to the instructor, and not the “theory” behind it.

In terms of kali I’d recommend looking up dog brothers.

Surprised Judo is only rated decent, chubby.

What are your reasons, may I ask?

Because the rules of sport judo have killed its utility. Originally judo and jiu jitsu were the exact same thing. In fact, Mitsuyo Maeda ( who taught jiu jitsu to the first Gracie in Brazil, leading to the development of BJJ) was a Kodokan student under Jigoro Kano.

Judo initially followed the idea of turning jitsu into “do” , or way. A tool for education. So the sport developed. As it went on, more focus was turned towards throws than submissions, until it became the sorry ass grip struggle we see today.

If you study Kosen Judo ( grappling oriented) then you equipped to defend yourself quite well, 99% of the time you WILL throw a person on the floor and choke them out or snap a limb, just like BJJ.

But just with Judo… you don’t have any striking tools whatsoever and few submission skills. Toss someone on the floor, then what?

Wrestling beats judo in this sense because its takedowns are more effective aggressively and less grip-dependent.

That being said, the current UFC Woman’s champion is Ronda Rousey, olympic bronze medallist in judo and who has won every single fight in her career by armbar, snapping a handful of them on her way to the belt. I think Judo is phenomenal and jiu jitsu and judo are essentially the same thing, ( the techniques are ALL the same).

It is the rules of the SPORT that have nullified its utility. Remember: if you want to train to fight you have to train like you’d fight.

Then… uhh, don’t recommend it? You can’t recommend something that’s entirely unpractical to pursue just because the “theory” or “idea” is ‘good.’ Like with ‘sport judo,’ you can’t promote judo as a self-defense based on the idea that the original principles are applicable and relevant when 999/1000 practicioners and dojos you find will simply not adhere to it. It’s simply bad advice because it’s so excruciatingly unlikely you’ll find an instructor who is competent enough and shares the necessary mindset. Therefore, it’s better to pursue something like ‘krav maga’ where it is an inherent part of the mindset already. You don’t have to find the 1000 schools and then weed them out.

Good points chubby, and well made.

I still think Judo is better than decent as a Self Defence mechanism, but I would only be nit picking if I argued it’s case.

Interesting to see Krav Maga so highly thought of. Where I’m from, it’s considered somewhat of a joke. Probably because of the instructors, and the way it’s marketed.

Krav Maga can be taught by frauds, in which you just repeat fancy made-up reactions to being attacked ( much like every kung fu/karate training ever). Unrealistic stuff like: Grab his wrist, twist it left, now take a step left, turn 175 degrees, blablabla. Same goes for knife and gun defense.

Good Krav Maga schools WILL have violent self defense techniques ( punch to the throat, knee to the balls, etc) as PART of a curriculum that includes also full contact sparring, striking focus pads, and full contact grappling.

If you want a 100% guaranteed no-nonsense no-bullshit martial art, go to a boxing gym. There’s no way of bullshitting that. No belts, no secret techniques, no ninja shit, it’s just endless time-proven drills and the good old fashioned sparring: punch and dodge or get knocked out. Every day.

There’s fraudulent kickboxing schools, muay thai schools, kung fu schools, Krav Maga schools, BJJ schools… i have never seen or heard of a fraudulent boxing school. Especially because all the techniques are simple and well known, as are the drills, and there’s no theory fighting: if you suck you will get hit if you don’t you wont.

I fucking love boxing.

This kinda reminds me of a guy I used to know who I have not been in contact with for years now who was quite proficient in Kempo he would spar fight with two other guys all the time and he would appear to lose because they would always come at him two at a time. Now what he would do is some move were he grabs their throat which would be devastating but he would hold pack while they would keep going, the reason being was they were too dumb to know that they lost and he was to dumb to realize that the move will never work because he would never commit. I told him this because I noticed it and suggested doing something else do instead he would engage them in wrestling instead which would generally work better for him. Now the throat move would be more devastating but most people don’t commit. Traditional martial arts do have valid moves I’m sure kung fu included but you have to be willing to commit to moves that will work and most people do not due to fear of the consequences. That being said most if not many traditional martial arts have been commercialized so that while there are techniques that are still valid today most simply have been lost to the annals of time due to haveing no need for said technique in a predominately sports based environment. The martial arts we have today are not the same as the ones from one hundred years ago.

Is there a specific name for the MA those old Shaolin guys use to…poke holes in coconuts, bend iron spears, take power drills to the body with little damage, pull trucks with their nuts, break a volley of bricks and steel with single strikes in rapid succession, and etc…?

Is it just called Shaolin Kung Fu? I think those guys are on to something. I remember reading, back when MMA was 1st becoming mainstream, that those folks are not allowed to fight for money & fame or use their techniques to hurt people.

Play Fei long, Janne Lee and Lu Kang…

Not only was Bruce a role model in self-defense, fitness and entertainment. He was a role model in life.

But that’s a discussion for a forum outside of the FGD

I think it was just “Iron” and then the application. Iron shirt ect. But I have also heard that some people have cheated by using vests and such to the point where it has become more of a parody thing of a character such as someone will be known to have Iron arms meaning that his arms are so strong and resilient that they are like iron then his sleeves are ripped away and he has metal plates wrapped around his forearms and is exposed that his “iron arms” had alittle bit of help. But I believe that is what the translation of those techniques are iron and some derivative. I believe that the application is actually breathing techniques and alot of mental focus and body conditioning.

Apparently Bruce Lee was a crazy tango dancer too.

I like your username, and I think that you should wise up.

i prefer fencing

Why am I being reminded of [this thread](The application of the of five animals theory on balancing issues for fighting games

I’ve always been fascinated with martial arts ever since I watched Bruce Lee: A Warrior’s Journey. I looked up Muay Thai and always thought that was the right martial art for me though I’m strictly amatuer and have been in a real-world fight outside of high school (exposed). Bruce pointed out one flaw in Jiu-Jitsu best illustrated here:

This should be moved to GD.

Where is the flag for stupid option?

oh hell no it shouldnt.

S-Tier - Track and field, Guns, Armies, and Nuclear Weapons

A- Tier - Boxing, Judo, Submission Grappling, Wrestling, Kickboxing

Everything else