EX falling sky is improved, but still not perfect. Will still lose or trade to really good jump-ins that hit deep, like Ryu’s j.HP or Akuma’s demon flip K.
Also, the Ultra 1 damage isn’t nerfed as much as this thread cleaims it to be. The test mentioned above was on Hakan, who has more stamina. A normal f+MK,f combo into ultra1 still deals 520 to Ryu. Don’t remember the numbers, but I don’t recall it being much higher in vanilla SF4.
On the other hand, seems like Breathless is a godly antiair as well, as it grabs so fast I just couldn’t reversal after landing on it and getting my air hit absorbed.
Programmed a Ryu to hit a j.HP as late as possible in the jump-in and then mashed SRK like hell for a few seconds. Did Breathless with Abel just before Ryu landed. Jump-in hit absorbed. But then nothing came out and Ryu was grabbed. Repeated a few times, then programmed Gief to land with a deep j.MK and mash super/ultra1 spinning 360’s like crazy and piano tapping all buttons for a few secs (to make sure to outmash the superfreeze period). Jumped and same results.
No Ryu move attempt, no Gief’s super flash, which would mean, if my tests were right, that even after absorbing the deepest possible jump-in, Breathless gets them IN THEIR LANDING RECOVERY FRAMES. Which is downright crazy for an ultra with so many uses already. Don’t want to even think about what will happen when we get precise enough to use it to catch guys jumping away from us… after we whiffed a throw, possibly.
Side fact: Breathless seems unthrowable. When I missed the timing to program Gief, he empty jumped and started an ultra1 right after breathless’ super freeze. Guess what. Abel still won. A raging demon on crack and then some.
Don’t know, don’t know. For now it’s theory fighting and Abel will still have difficulties with certain strategies (Strider Hiryu put it really well). Gief is still Gief, Akuma is still hard as well (altough he now risks punishment for abusing the demon flip throw) and people will still dive kick on us all day. But once the revenge meter fills up, Abel might become godlike, no gimmicks required.
Edit, the gray part is bogus, as it relies on badly done tests.