Imagine the ads.
"Hi i am long island joe, and i play street fighter. Sometimes, i’d like to play chun li with my fightstick. I like to wrap my fightstick up so it doesn’t hget infested with bacteria. Oh shit 1 frame link!! Ultraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… "
Imagine the ads.
"Hi i am long island joe, and i play street fighter. Sometimes, i’d like to play chun li with my fightstick. I like to wrap my fightstick up so it doesn’t hget infested with bacteria. Oh shit 1 frame link!! Ultraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… "
OH yeah. Fleshbot.
For some reason I feel like there gonna be the next ones on board.
How does it make it look more misogynistic? If you’re referring to an association with pornography, adult entertainers get in that business of their own volition. Pornography also has some of the most varied and diverse sets of sub genres in that industry.
I can’t wait for those editorials. “FGC Pro turns out to be sexist pig!!!”
I’m all for player sponsorship as long as they’re not backed by terrorists. Any player getting sponsored is awesome!
Business is business. If EVO wants to be taken seriously and blow up, they have to play ball and frown upon porn like everybody else.
Fighting games are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I fucking love this community, the drama is too much fun. And props to Joe well played sir.
You tried giving an opinion in the stream chat? Considering 2 of the 3K in that stream probably had a porn site on a couple other tabs during that whole stream anything but the “PORN ROCKS!!! :rock:” argument sadly would get slapped down.
I am really interested in seeing where this goes as I am pretty neutral on this whole thing. It will be interesting to see the two different extremes go at it.
Yeah, I know, I suck at image-making.[/details]
He called in on the stream trying to talk from a business perspective. Mainly his point was other sponsors will be turned away if a porno site like Brazzers is also there to sponsor.
If Kotaku wants to get hostile, then we can always remind them that they’re just jelly that LI Joe didn’t choose Flesh Bot instead.
They’ll probably wait to see if it works out
This isn’t the first time that the porn industry or what ever tried to get involved into a different territory. Do you guys remember Dave Mirra BMXXX video game? There was also a porno that was shot at a bmx company’s(S&M bikes) warehouse. Also in snowboarding, Vivid video did a collection of snowboards with Sims snowboards years ago. And I’m pretty sure there are other examples of the mesh between porn and another culture/industry/etc. But as for the FGC and porn, I have a feeling tournaments that is sponsored by porn companies is going to be something from a Revenge of the Nerds scene, a bunch of dolled up bitches and Axed-B.O. smelling dorks.
A lot people will pre their pants that is for sure
Later on someone might talk to Bangbros or Xvideos or some shit.
Hell, being paid in a night with a pr0nstar of choice is much more appreciated.
Your name makes you a great fit for Team Brazzers.
The funniest part of this is that this stroy will never hit the front page of SRK but will trend on Kotaku.