I think you misunderstood my intentions. I wasn’t bringing up your attitude to belittle you and make you feel bad, I brought it up so that you might be able to realize what you were doing and change it. Its completely understandable to be frustrated, especially in all those scenarios you mentioned. I’ve been there, playing someone who taunts all round and has a shit connection, and I lose the game because of Walmart rollback. Everyone has, it’s just part of the game. Losing over and over isn’t fun but it is a necessary part of the learning experience. You cannot progress, unless you can identify your weaknesses, and work towards improving upon those weaknesses.
Getting frustrated or having an ego does absolutely nothing to help you get better. It’s as simple as that. All it does, is make you feel bad about yourself, and feel bad about the game, so why bother? The point I was trying to illustrate is that it is a waste of your time and energy to care. Who cares if the random person you played online taunted? It means nothing, you’re playing online. Not in a tournament, not on a cabinet, and certainly not even offline where you remove the network/connection factor. The quicker you can remove yourself emotionally from the game, the better you will do. It is natural and normal to get fedup/frustrated, but the bottom line is to get better, you need to look past that. You need to take a deep breath and instead of saying, “wow I should’ve beaten that scrub” say, “what mistakes did I make, that I need to focus more on next time?” Focus on turning every game into a learning experience, not an emotional one.
In regards to being childish, I mentioned that because constantly putting yourself down “I’m so bad, you should call me scrubtastic” etc. etc. helps no one. It’s what children do, to gain attention. You have our attention, we know you don’t like your gameplay, and we know you want to improve it, so why say it over and over? It’s annoying to read, and I’m sure it’s not fun to write. Instead of posting those kinds of things, why not ask more questions? Why not analyze your gameplay and see where you could improve. Instead of, “look at me suck at 2:13” why not say, “I got beat pretty hard here, I was trying _____, I think next time I should, ______, what else would be better/good options in that scenario?” Do you see how something as simple as attitude and perspective can be the difference between learning and wallowing in pity?
We’re all here to help you man. If we weren’t, this thread would’ve died 20 replies ago. However we cannot make you learn, all we can do is offer advice. Ultimately it’s you who needs to decide if you want to take advice and improve, or not. The sooner you accept failure as a part of the game, the better you’ll be because that paradigm shift is the difference between a winning and losing attitude. You just have to oh I the time, and believe me, it’s A LOT of time, and A LOT of effort, to becoming good at a game like this.
Ps: sorry for typos/grammatical errors, typed this on my phone lol