Yeah we’ve played about 4 games so far, and it’s definitely a nice change of pace with the new characters. I also only had the portable version before so a nicer board was a good change of pace too. Even though we typically stuck with our characters all the time and didnt mix it up, the fresh characters are fun. The politician guy (Quince?) is way powerful
has anyone tried Mage Knight yet?
I played Pandemic for the first time last night. Dispatcher is OP. Game is easy.
Ascension and Dominion are two different games. Both are deck building games though.
If you can get them for cheap, its pretty fun. Some of the rare pieces are crazy bonkers though.
i always thought one was the expansion of the other
any board games you can play solo?
WOW has some cards you can play
Youll need a starter deck and the dungeon decks
Wow is also making another game, not to compete with the tcg, but a deck building featuring wow stuff
If you have an iPad you can play Settlers of Cataan and Hive on it. But aside from that…not much I’ve heard on the solo game front.
The Resident Evil DBG can be played solo. It is a score attack mode where you only get 15 turns to kill as much as you can in the mansion deck. If you kill baddies on consecutive turns, then you build up a combo (and you mulitply the # of cards in the combo by the total points in that combo). If you do not kill an enemy one turn, then your combo is over.
It’s not the best thing ever, but it can waste some time (especially since each expansion has a different mansion, and you can mix-and-match the mansions to build your own challenges).
Anyone here play Puerto Rico? Is the expansion worth getting?
more blacks?
They’re “colonists”!
Sounds like they’re going to try their hand at a Capcom branded Yomi
Except Yomi is fucking awful.
hey, how come Yomi is fucking awful? I’ve heard many positive things from people who have tried the game. I was just wondering what you think makes it fucking awful.
I just picked up Runebound and have had a blast playing it with friends. Although it seems that the ranged attack phase is too broken.
However now I received some money from my parents and am considering picking up either Dungeonquest or Wiz-War. Because I love gongshow boardgames and those 2 are suppose to be hilarious.
Suggestions on anything else? I’m a big FFG nuthugger, so don’t suggest any other company!
Has anyone tried Small World?
Wil Wheaton and crew play it on episode 1 of Table Top: [media=youtube]X9QtdiRJYro[/media]
Seems pretty fun and it already has numerous expansions?
I’m thinking of picking it up.
Interesting you bring it up, Byron. I actually saw it a few days ago while perusing for Runebound.
Did look a little interesting.
Smallworld is fun and easy to play. It’s not the most in-depth game, but it is great for entry-level gamers and it is even fun for “hardcore” gamers too.
7 Wonder is a good one. My friends and I gather fridays to play. We have alot of different board games