@King999: well the perk of playing Culdcept is not having to set/clean anything up, unless you prefer the ambiance/novelty experience only playing a board game with others can provide. i do agree with you tho, i’d still buy a copy of it in board game form, that’d be pretty awesome! btw have you tried any of the forums below? i think culdceptcentral was reopened quite a while back, last i checked they might still hold league events. why don’t you try registering and see if you can’t find yourself peeps to play with?
I got 1960: The Making of the President for Christmas. It’s probably the best 2 player game I’ve ever played.
Man, Snakes & Lattes in Toronto…the fuck is up with that place. Five dollars, and you get to sit there as long as you like to play whatever board games they have? How does that business model succeed? I was there last month, bought a coffee, sat there for seven hours, cost me $10 at the end of the day. No one even came by to ask if we wanted more drinks. Fucking crazy.
We are playing Kings of Tokyo right now, that shit is bananas. Designed by this dude, Richard Garfield? I think maybe some of you guys have heard of him? Nerds. Really well designed game, great risk/reward mechanic.
I’ve also played…
Puerto Rico
Rico Zombies!!! (meh)
Munchkin (exhaustingly long…not that fun)
Dominion (holy shit, hours just disappear)
What is the new hotness that I have not touched yet?
^ scrabble slam
gotta get those scat combos
Ah fuck. I’ve been toying with the idea of a coffee place that also had board games. Unfortunately my city is lame as all fuck and wouldn’t really let something like that be worthwhile. I’m gonna go somewhere and feel bad now.
I’ve walked past Snakes and Lattes but haven’t gone in yet. I should start some Agricola money matches.
Years ago I played a game called Tanhauser that was pretty awesome, it was the first time I ever really liked a tabletop game. I recently bought it (shit was stupid expensive) and I would like to get the expansion and some of the character expansion packs but they are rather expensive as well.
It has a pretty cool occult/WWII theme that reminds me of the first Bloodrayne game (not the shitty movies) if anyone remembers that. You can play straight up deathmatch or other game modes like CTF, demolition, story mode scenarios, etc. My only big issue with it is that the Axis team has more interesting characters/mechanics like a guy who can shoot bullets around corners with his mind and a commander character who buffs allied soldiers and can cause panic and inflict damage with mental attacks, but maybe the expansions can help with that a bit
CL: If you haven’t played Smallworld yet, look it up. Agricola is amazing, but an INCREDIBLY deep game that requires some patience for your first play through.
Smallworld is fun and easy to play, but there isn’t any depth there. The stand-alone expansion Smallworld: Underground added some cool new rules/items.
Released in 1995? That can’t be right… @_@
I love Monopoly, except that it tends to last forever and get some people pissed off at each other. xD
Honestly my favourites that I’ve played are by far;
Arkham Horror;
It’s so hard-going but once you actually learn to play it, it’s amazing. The expansions just make it ten times better too…Albeit a little more complex, but still immense.
Shadow Hunters;
Ghost Stories;
Now this one, I was very skeptical about, but it’s really good. It’s about having to stop ghosts taking over and killing a village before dawn, you all basically represent Taoist monks and have to stop the ghosts before Wu Feng says “sup immah kill y’all now.”
I did play another game that I loved but can’t actually remember the name of :< you basically fought and battered eachother by placing wounds in eachother’s decks, whoever has the least by the end of the game, wins.
Oh and I’m always up for Pandemic. The Resident Evil card game made it into my list of likes after I played it and discovered that it plays very much like Ascension (deck building woo)
Ahhh, I miss my board game friends :<
But it’s packed full of people all the time! I just don’t understand the business model, I have no idea if it makes any money.
Aw man.
Smallworld and Agricola are noted, thank you gentlemen.
Has anyone played Pandemic? We fucked those diseases up! Only took like six tries. My only big gripe about that game is that it’s cooperative, meaning that I have to work with my friends instead of thoroughly dominating them. I am not into that.
Yes, it’s quite a good game – I find each play of it “satisfies” me for a while though. I never really have a burning desire to play again soon. But when I do it’s always really good.
Have you played Twilight Struggle by the same designer? That’s probably my favorite game I’ve played that I don’t already own
Cosmic Encounter: the Best Damn Game Ever Made. Just need 5 players and you’re set (can hold more with the expansions)
for all you settlers of catan players out there. when you play a soldier card does it have the exact same effects as rolling a 7? for example, say i play a soldier and my opponents have 10 cards in their hands when i play it, do they have to discard 5 cards? thanks! ive read the instructions many times but im still not 100% sure on this.
im outi
Nope. Whenever the knight card gets played you just move the robber and mug somebody. Only time somebody drops half their hand is if someone rolls a 7 and they have more than 7 resources in their hands.
Just picked up this today, can’t wait to try the new characters
Warcraft Monopoly coming out
Starcraft RISK announced
ps, these 2 games have games based of their games too
(any1 played?)
also, how is the Gears of War game and the marvel super hero one?
My store never has demos anymore…
Heh, its a good game [Flash Duel Second Edition]. I like the new characters a lot.
Nando: I like the Starcraft board game, especially with the Brood War expansion. It’s sort of a monster, though – lots of rules and not for the faint of heart
We play Board Games at my local comic shop every sunday and monday. We usually play any of the following.
Fortune and Glory (Highly recommend)
Last Night on Earth (Highly Recommend)
Super Dungeon Explorer
Resident Evil: Deck Building Game
Penny-Arcade: Gamers vs. Evil
Touch of Evil
A lot of these are deck building games but they are still fun.
Also, Quarriors is really fun. It’s a deck building game by WizKids except instead of cards it Dice. Insanely fun.
Epic Spell Wars just came out on tuesday and has been getting rave reviews. Same with the Locke and Key game.
Also, the expansion for Penny-Arcade (though it can be played as a Stand alone) comes out end of this month.
i hear resident evil doesn’t touch ascention (dimenion? lol, w/e the official name is)
and that one outside of penny arcade is badass
any1 tried Food fight?