Board Games

So my roommates got me to play Dominion, then Dominion + Intrigue about two weeks ago. We played about 15 games and I probably won twice between 3 people but I was hooked. I’ve moved out since then. Now I have Base and Prosperity with no one to play with lol.

Is it me or does Sabateur seem unnecessarily powerful? Forcing someone to trash a 5+ card is superb in itself, but they can’t replace it with a different 5, or even a 4. Unnecessarily powerful I say.

Contrary to what people on here said, I tried to get some cousins to play it and they just couldn’t get into it

I also like Bang!. Got the High Noon+Dodge city pack today. Haven’t had the chance to play. Reading over the characters though, some are unecessarily powerful again, one of them can hold up to 10 cards in his hand (vs 3-5 for all others), why 10? Seems too good and arbitrary to me. A few others are just simply stronger versions of characters from the original. I think creativity with respect to character designs could use alot more refinement. High Noon also cranks up the randomness can detract from the strategy that was in the original imo, but that’s the type of direction they were aiming for so I can’t critique too hard. I still gotta play a game to validate all these thoughts…

Your assessment is very fair. Generally when my friends and I play the expansions (we play w/ High Noon + Fistful of Cards) we stick with the new characters.

In my experience everyone else tends to target the player with a gdlk character at the start unless they’re sheriff, so it somewhat evens out the balance.

For those hating on drafting M:tG because of the cost (which is stupid high), you can cut out the boosters and just build your own box to draft out of. It can be a little pricey depending on how in depth you get, but for the most part you just get around 400 cards with an equal split of colors and use that instead of the boosters. You can sort of make your own block in this manner because you control the meta game.

I started work on a Hero Quest computer game. It’s a personal project that I’m doing, mostly for building my portfolio, but I figure I’d let you all know what I’m up to as it relates to board games. I decided to make some additions/changes to the rules…here’s what I’m planning:

[]I was always confused as to how Mind Points worked. I know they’re used to defend against spells, but it was never clear what happened when you ran out (or even if you spend MP to defend). So what I’ve decided to do was make it so that you don’t consume MP when defending against spells, and instead of rolling movement dice, you roll a number of combat dice equal to the hero’s MP. The caster rolls dice equal to their MP and must roll skulls, while the hero must roll white shields. If the hero can’t defend against all skulls, then they’re affected by the spell.
]Each hero will have a fixed amount of movement instead of rolling dice. The Elf moves the fastest while the Dwarf moves the slowest. This is to speed up the pacing. To further speed up the pace, I will also have a fast travel feature, but you can only use this when enemies in the area are dead, and only to places you’ve visited.
[*]The board game has field of vision rules, so why not have fog of war? All heroes except the Dwarf will have the same vision rating. The Dwarf will have the highest.
That’s all I really wanted to add/change as far as rules go.

Zombie Dice:

The game is a little old (1-2 years?), but well worth the play.

Pretty easy game to pick up. You are a zombie and you have to eat brains.

13 dice total in the cylinder. You take three random dice from it and roll. Brains = points and that die remains on the field, shotgun = you got shot and that die remains on the field, steps = victim ran away and die goes back into cylinder.

You keep getting three random dice and rolling them until you either quit or get shot three times. If you quit, you keep the brains you earned for that round, if you get shot three times, you lose all the brains you earned in that round.

Additional rules my sets of friends made:

Push up rule: Push ups accumulate until someone wins the game.

  1. If you roll three brains in one roll, everyone else does set amount of push ups (10-20 is reasonable)
  2. If you roll three shotguns in one roll, you get set amount of push ups (10-20 is reasonable)
  3. If you roll three steps, you can remove push ups (Usually just 10).
  4. If you win, then you have to do no push ups while everyone has to do their accumlated push ups plus 10 more for losing.

Drinking rule: Same as push up rule, but with shots of liquor or beer (1 shot of liquor or 3 shots of beer).

One night I ended up doing 200 push ups.

Another night I ended up drinking 6 bottles of beer in an hour.

Either one was harsh.

Don’t mix push ups and drinking. It’s a horrible idea.

Cube drafting is fun, there is a group at my local store that plays every Monday. I like how you and custom tune you cube to be really broken, or just funny.

sounds awesome. I always wanted to play Hero Quest when I was a kid. And may I ask, what are you using to make it? something like Unity?

I decided on XNA since I’m comfortable with it, and I already have some code from another game I made that I could use with HQ. I figure it would make sense to make a web version as well. I use Flash, but I want to use HTML5. I need a refresher on web coding in general. For a portfolio, I think the employers want to see web versions of all games.

good shit man. lookin forward to playing it. I wish I stuck with programming. It wasn’t the difficulty that shook me, I just didn’t see myself liking a job coding all day. But it would definitely be very useful to me.

Anyhow on topic, I nabbed the Resident Evil Deck Building game last night. Got all 4 sets + playmat and promo cards for $115. Not too shabby. Though I’m probably gonna drop a lot more so I can sleeve everything (gotta protect my investment).

I love the RE: DBG. The first three sets were all tied to new game modes, which means more ways to play, but most of the cards were tooled to the mode included in the set. Starting with the fourth set, Nightmare, no new modes are going to be added and the sets are finally expanding what we already have. Nightmare is easily my favorite set so far; I love the ability to interact with other players instead of playing 4-way solitaire (before Nightmare there were only like 3 cards that affected others).

What promos do you have? I’m currently missing the Outbreak Girls (Cindy, Yoko, and Alyssa), because my store hasn’t received their copies yet. If you managed to get PR-005 Wesker included in that $115, then you were really lucky, because there are only 32 in circulation (I’m missing this card as well).

An easy card game to get into, because it only costs around $800 for a full playset of all cards currently in the game and they are all tourney legal (except 2 banned cards). Compare that to M:TG, where it would cost you more than that for a full playset of just the current standard block, which will rotate out and become useless in a few months. Plus, you don’t need a full playset, you can just pick and choose what you want to buy (the same cards are always in the same packs, and they come with three of each card in the pack). They release a new pack every month, which includes 20 new cards.

The rules can be kind of confusing though. You have to really read into what every card says. The best way to know how a card works is to go to the FFG site and look in the rules section of the AGoT LCG forum.

Depends on how you’re playing the games. M:TG played casually isn’t too bad. Competitive M:TG is expensive.

Getting into old card games is one of the better things somebody can do. Any of you guys tried Vampire? Hard to get all the rules down but really fun once you get it all down.

I actually am waiting on Nightmare (my store was out, but I’ve known the owner for years so I just paid for it all and he will give me Nightmare when he gets it this week.) I have a bunch of promos and will likely get more when he gets them. I have Ada Wong, Hunk, Jim Chapman, George Hamilton,Cindy Lennox, Alyssa Ashcroft, and Yoko Suzuki. I also have an Infected Wesker.

Nightmare focuses on making bigger decks and hand interruption. Until now, the best way to play was to get a few great cards, then trash your deck until it was tiny enough that you would draw those cards every turn. The designer did not want this to the be the only option, so Nightmare has cards that promote having a bigger deck.

As far as promos, you are only missing a few, but you probably won’t be able to get them from your card shop. LiN Chris and LiN Jill have to be bought from BoardGameGeek. Unfortunately the BGG store is down until Jan 8, and I’m not even sure if they have anymore copies of the promos available. If they do still have them available, then it costs $5.00 total for both cards (shipping included). CH-001 Wesker (Foil) was given as a pre-order bonus for the first set. You can get a copy from e-bay for under $10 if you really want it, but it is just a foil version of the Wesker from the first set. The most difficult to obtain promo is PR-005 Wesker, because it was only handed-out to the 32 people that were allowed to enter the GenCon 2011 RE: DBG tournament.

Should have said
TABLE TOP games haha

Walking dead is fun
haven’t played many others

Puerto Rico has slaves, lol

i know, not really a “board game” but have you guys ever considered culdcept?

i got carcassonne a few months back and it’s pretty dope, i have yet to lose a game. it’s all about farmers in the end game.

im outi


I just bought the Walking Dead game, we’ll see how it compares to Zombies. I’m guessing the mechanics are better, but the gameboard looks lamer

Are you talking about the US or the UK version? The way it works in the US version isn’t that you “spend” Mind Points at will --. if a spell is affected by Mind Points, it will tell you on the Chaos Card and give you directions as to what to do. Like for example, one of them that I remember, Sleep, tells you on your turn to roll a die for each of your mind points, and a result of “6” wakes you up. I think there also was a spell in a US expansion that targeted Mind Points instead of Body Points, but they couldn’t normally be used to defend against spells unless the card tells you they can

I know that the UK version had all sorts of differences though so maybe that’s what you’re talking about, but I only played it once and on a computer version

Last Night on Earth is the strongest zombie game on the market, imo. You should take a look at that if you dig the genre.

Culdcept is awesome. If someone made a card/board game out of it, I would buy it. And then have nobody to play with.

I have the US version of Hero Quest, so all the rules in my game are based on that version. I recall that the spell cards tell you how to defend against them, but nowhere in the cards or in the manual does it tell you what happens to those Mind Points. I think that in any board game or card game, the rules should be spelled out clearly, and not allow players to assume things.

Thanks, I’ll give it a look. So far I haven’t really found a good Zombie board game to play, so hopefully this is a start