Board Games

Try Scrabble Slam too. It’s a deck version of Scrabble that plays similar to the card game Speed - first one to finish their letters wins.

Know any others with online versions?

Catan is pretty fun too :smiley:

Oh word. The lady was thinking of picking that up, too. I’ll let her know. Thanks!

I know Go has KGS and IGS servers to play on, amazing servers. Chess has their own too, babaschess. Catan has a free client to use but it’s only vanilla catan. For card games, there’s the various poker clients which are pretty much banned in US for now, BridgeBase for bridge. Wordbiz is for Scrabble and that’s about it I guess. We really needa get a group SRK game going. :smiley:

I wonder if there’s a online version of Risk to play on.

There’s Risk Factions. I think it has a classic mode but I can’t remember if it’s just on consoles or not.

Also what’s this big poker exodus I’ve heard about? I remeber a player on Wednesday night fights saying he has some friends that went to Asia or something.

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I’m really bad at Go (as in played 3 times maybe bad) but when I did play it was on KGS.

I’ve only tried vanilla Catan so the free online one is good.

And as some posters here might still remember, I play Scrabble on Wordbiz too… :wink:

I am down to play Go or any board game with the SRK members. 2v2 Go on KGS would be pretty fun. I’m an okay player in Go(9k).

Vanilla Catan versus the Cities and Knights game is funny. Sheep is practically useless in Vanilla but it’s so important in the expansion. We can play that too but I don’t know how easy the logistics are for setting up a group game on Catan world.

US pretty much cracked down on the poker companies on fraudulent claims. Poker has always been a gray area in the US, so it’s pretty much GGPO until some changes happen.

fuckin eh! i forgot to mention hero quest. it was my favorite game growing up, big ups to my parents for spending hours on end playing with me and my brother. My dad was cut throat at board games. He was always dm…and there was no taking it easy on us cause we were kids. 2 summers ago me and a couple of my buddies went through all the quests and the expansions again. Elf was the best class.

Here’s another one my uncle had up at the cottage we used to spend hours playing, it’s a pretty simple but sick game.

Water Works

another classic…Fireball Island

anyway…i don’t know if it’s everywhere, but i saw soviet post about catan and it reminded me how everyone in south ontario loves that game. I think it fucking sucks balls, and i also think these jack asses that rate the best board games are stupid to, because the only ones they put as the best are those types of games. Not that some of them aren’t fun…but they aren’t the best games ive ever played.

A little late to the Puzzle Strike discussion, But some of you maybe interested in what I have to share on the subject…

Since I didn’t like the gimmick of the chips, I printed out cards. And since my only interest in PS in the first place was that it was based on Puzzle Fighter (my favorite game!), I decided, since I’m going through the trouble of laying out cards, why not make it look like PF too?.

So here’s my re-themed Puzzle Strike into Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo: Card Strike!

(Note: I dipped into the Pocket/Gem Fighter for Action Card images, let’s be honest, visually there’s not a large range of ‘interaction’ animation between characters in Puzzle Fighter)

Sorry for the many images and long post…

Click images to view all cards in each lot.

“Core” Bank Cards and Card Back:

Action Cards 1-12:

Action Cards 13-24:

Randomizer Character Cards with (missing) Trap Tokens on the back of each:

Character Cards (including Alt colors):

hey that’s pretty cool dude, i haven’t played puzzle strike yet though ^
Couple days ago friends introduced me to A GAME OF THRONES the card game, has anyone played it? Only got two games in so far, both using baratheons house and well the tempo of the game is strange because everything seems so harsh all the time and it’s really tough to pick between which plot card to use because they all seemed good, also they introduced it to me but they were playing a little wrong :V. Like we played with stealth and renown in the wrong ways (renown was just you would gain a power instead of putting it on the dude) and we had stealth as (yo you can tap a card for free and then attack holy shit) so i dunno i really need to play again correctly to see if its really good but it would help to know if people have played before.

Watch the show bees, the show is good

I’m confused, the chips mechanic is there so you don’t spend half your game shuffling and reshuffling decks; and you took the convenience of that away so you could go back to deck shuffling? Cool looking cards but I just don’t really grasp the reasoning behind it

It is not all that confusing, my play group and I prefer cards. I’ve been shuffling cards since before I could count, so the chips aren’t all that more convenient (most reviews on BBG also cite the chips as PS’s biggest detractor), especially when you have a hand of 8-10 chips. The reasoning behind my cards was that if I was to go through trouble of putting the chips onto a card, I might as well take advantage of all the space. Also looking at the back of the box, it is obvious that Puzzle Strike was to be Puzzle Fighter as a card game, just as Yomi was to be Street Fighter as a card game, so since I’m a long time Puzzle Fighter fan, I made it a reality. But hey, to each their own, right?

A sample of an opening hand:

Searched for a puzzle strike thread bringing me here, then i saw a couple posts about Go which was cool. A coworker and i have been playing Go for a couple weeks now. We play @ in case it wasn’t mentioned already.

I’m always down for Go so I welcome any invites from fellow SRK’rs- same tag Randumbcat

right now a coworker and i are playing puzzle strike against each other to pass the time on this very unbusy work friday

impressive cards you made for Puzzle Strike evilgordo.

Personally I’ve pretty much stopped playing Puzzle Strike for now until the upgrade pack comes out

how big are the cards, evilgordo? I have an all around general hate for Yu-Gi-Oh size cards since they are bad at everything; the pointy ends are the worst part of them all.

Also, anybody on that Othello (reversi) trip? Got an Othello board but from playing with my girlfriend the game goes from “this is alright” to “this is kinda fucking dumb” from time to time.

Since I’m using cards, I’ve been playing with the Upgrade pack:
The rebalanced characters seem to be working rather well and the 3 new puzzle chips/cards are fun. Custom Combo is just overkill as forks go, but worth it when you can afford it.
Can’t wait for the expansion!

Yeah, no YGO cards here. These are standard poker size (approx. 2.5" x 3.5") I have them all sleeved up and they handle no different than my MTG cards.

Heh, do you mean the full expansion with the 10 new characters? Will there be enough Gem Fighter/Puzzle Fighter sprites for you to continue the Capcom character card conversion at that point?

Well, the expansion is still in development/playtesting, so that is what I can’t wait for. Sounds like it will be months and months away. But, I am working on my cards now and will print them up once the expansion is finalized. But you’re right, I’m running out of chibi Fighters.

Here’s my plans for the expansion characters:

Un-used characters so far:
Gem Fighter - Zangief / Ibuki / Tessa
Puzzle Fighter - Devilot

Here’s where I’m gonna cheat:

Convert Chunli to ShadowLady
Convert Ryu to Evil Ryu
Convert Akuma to Oni
Convert Morrigan to Lilith

There’s a robot character in the expansion, so I’m thinking Cyber Akuma or MegaMan

That just leaves one more…I’ve thought about Anita or Hsien-ko’s sister.

Has anyone played the Resident Evil Deck Building game? I played last night for the first time and I dig it. I haven’t played Dominion so I cannot give a comparison. From what people say they’re pretty similar, but Resident Evil has a random factor in the mansion deck that you have to explore which for some people adds or detracts from it’s appeal. I’m probably going to grab it and the expansions soon, and probably look into Dominion (probably just the base) as well because of all the rave reviews it’s been given.