Board Games

Damn first Dominion and now you guys got me wanting to try/buy Agricola. I definitely need to order these when I get back to California.

As for MTG, it’s a really easy game to learn how to play and you can have loads of fun just drafting with friends, though that comes later because you probably won’t know enough about the cards to draft effectively. It is definitely crack though, I started up when some dudes who came to my arcade told me about the place they play at (which just so happened to be a 5 minute walk from my house) so I checked it out. I started out with the intention of playing in their weekly Type-1 tournament with a random ass Red deck I made on the cheao (Red is the color for quick and cheap damage lol) and next thing I knew I was trying to build all kinds of shit for all the various formats and I even started drafting (though I had no clue what I was doing at all). I like the variation of decks you see, though depending on the sets and format, it might be like fighting games where it boils down to the top tier decks.

I love MTG it got me into Catan and a bunch of other board games. I made a lot of good friends through it too (some are even MTG pros now) I will definitely be getting back into it when I move, though I will probably keep myself to drafting since it’s “cheaper”.

Drafting is the best format hands down. It cuts so much of the cost out of it and makes the games feel so much more meaningful.

indeed. once you learn the game drafting is awesome. Though I do like constructed as well, drafting is just so much fun.

I’ve been hearing a lot about “cube” drafts and kind wanna try that, but I haven’t played MTG in years because I sold my collection before I moved out here.

The format where you have to spend 15 dollars every time to play, you aren’t in control of much of your cardpool and it things can go horribly so you end up with shit is the best format? Of all the retarded things I’ve heard in my life, this one is just… I don’t even. Drafting is like a bad Xzibit joke “Hey, we heard you like random, so we put random in your random so you can random while you random.” Drafting is pretty much there to sell boosters.

Play the game casually, build decks, have fun. If you are leaving out the whole building and exploration of deckbuilding out of it, you won’t get shit out of playing any type of CCG. For the sake of your wallet though, stay the hell away from T2; for the entry fee in cards you might as well buy all of Sirlin’s games in deluxe editions and you’ll still save money.

Magic is expensive. I play online (non-legit) with my friends, but the design philosophy ($$$) of the sets pisses me off.

Risk 2210. Best game.

Agricola is alright, but you have to have a core group of people that play it cause it’s annoying to teach people how to play all the time. you also need alot of time.

we got spot in toronto, its like a cafe, they sell beer too. BUt it’s a board game place, you pay 5 bucks an hour per person and they have a huge selection of board games. it’s pretty chill

My friend said that they drafted with booster packs because they’ve collected some overpowered cards over the years. I think they still play with built decks from time to time, but then it comes down to who has spent the most money and has the best cards. I guess I’ll give it a shot - I don’t have anything to lose except time. :slight_smile:

The amount of money my friends have spent on cards is absurd. o_O

My sister mentioned a place like that. What’s the name and where’s it located? Maybe I’ll drop by with some friends.

I went in october. so hopefully it’s still there. it was new at the time so it should be.

I just recently tried “Small world”, it’s a pretty good game, though a lot of the top games out there like agricola and dominion would probably be more preferable to play at times but small world is a nice change of pace.

Anyone else ever play it?

It happens from playing T2 (format that requires you to use the most current cards). But no, it really doesn’t come down to who spent the most money unless you are playing T1 (which is the marvel 2 format of magic). There are bad matchups and all that jazz but the game ain’t about the money.

played this just a few days ago actually. honestly i’d like a revamp of the game. i don’t think many of the powers in the game are that great. there are some absolutely awesome combinations (ex. commando trolls) but i wish every combination was awesome in its own right.

[LEFT]I’m going to have to disagree – this may be true when you’re talking about rock-paper-scissors, but Yomi is not rock, paper, scissors. RPS is just the dominant mechanic in Yomi. It’s not as cut and dry as rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, paper beats rock… the main actions in Yomi (attack, throw, dodge, block, Joker) all yield different results when successful, even without taking character abilities into account. Hand management and risk assessment are real skills, and “winning” an exchange isn’t so cut and dry as “I played rock and you played scissors so you lose” because the truth is there’s more to the game than that.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]It is, for example, possible to win an exchange and come out in a WEAKER position than your opponent afterwards because you played an attack on their throw and then performed a combo and used all your attack cards and now you have no more good ones left. Sort of like a fighting game where you score a hit on your opponent, but end up cornered afterwards.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]That’s just one example to try and show why reducing Yomi to a simple RPS game that is “solved” by random selection isn’t really fair. Evaluating the game situation and known information is a big part of Yomi, and I think that properly weighing risks and rewards into your choices will pay off more often than random guessing.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Since Yomi is a game of limited information, of course upsets are possible. But, over time, I would still put my money on a calculated, experienced player outperforming an amateur who is picking random moves.[/LEFT]

Now if both players are basically picking random moves, then yes I think the game devolves pretty quickly and can definitely be trivialized. But the same thing can be said of two guys mashing buttons on each other in Street Fighter.

I’ve played it. I think it has some really interesting ideas (like the bidding-type system for race selection) but to me it just ends up being “OK.”

I woulda liked to see less conservative balancing. The main draw of the game is all the unique combinations of races and abilities that are possible, but lots of them end up being sorta similar or just too tame to really take advantage of the way you’d like.

They were probably going for a “safer” game with less chaos, but since the gameplay is sort of simplistic I don’t think it shoulda taken itself quite so seriously

Yeah I played Yomi back when it was print your own cards and help me playtest, and it was Street Fighter vs Fantasy Strike and you could actually play with Dhalsim and stuff. The only thing keeping me from owning them all is the cost and knowing the only time I’ll get to play is few and far between, otherwise I’d love to own the complete yomi set and puzzle strike (Flash Duel was cheap and totally worth the $15)

Trying to remeber the name of a board game, you play a group of Adventures going into a series of caverns, it’s card based, the game is based around each player getting the most points off of killing monsters, play is pretty simple each turn players are given cards till they each have six, their are damage cards, item cards, and effect cards that do things like cancelling out someone elses attacks, switching damage, and stealing items, big part of the game was knowing when to steal kills and betray the other players. I know it was Caverns something.

Popular board games online should have an SRK group playing it. :smiley:

Catan certainly has an online version.

We can play go online too. If Hive has an online client, I’m beasting bitches.

yoooo lol

yesterday on dominion

hamlet + coppers + counting house

hella dumb deck why did i win

I wonder if I can get some good money for my Hero Quest. I’ll probably never play it again, even though it’s one of my favourite games.

Fiancée turned me on this Monopoly Deal game. It’s a card game and it’s crazy fast paced…unlike regular Monopoly.