Board Games

[LEFT]Maybe you’re right. I just see the way he markets/designs his games as kind of dickish. Also his game mechanics seem heavily dependant on other games or just suck. His puzzle game is based on both Dominion and Puzzle Fighter at the same time. Yomi is rock paper scissors which really becomes a psychology game to no bounds. Ultimately, outplaying a person in that game represents their inability to resign to random forces.[/LEFT]



[LEFT]Agricola achieves the rare honor of being immensely fun no matter what the player count is. Other than solitaire Agricola all amounts are extremely entertaining imo. [/LEFT]



[LEFT]I really like that list.[/LEFT]




[LEFT]I’ve always wanted to play that game but I want to learn Twilight Struggle first. Let me know how it is. If you decied to play 1960 online though then let me know.[/LEFT]

I really want to try dominion now. I’ve been craving some board game action the past few months, and figured I’d have to wait until I move back home to California in August to finally get some games in (at my local card/comic shop) I just recently found out that a similar store exists in the same complex I work at, and they have a board game night on Mondays (according to their website anyway) So I may need to check it out, though I went to the store and only saw Catan and some Arkham horror expansions. There were other games there but nothing that I’ve heard of.

Also, I forgot about scrabble. I never played it until I moved out here. My cousins love that game, taught me how to play and we’ve had some amazing games. definitely a fun one.

Dominion is a really good one. We have a group of 6 that play on Fridays. It’s kind of like a poker night now. Nerd poker. We’ve been at it for a good 3 months now and it still holds up. Definitely a fun card game.

The Adventurer is extremely set dependent imo. It’s actually one of my favorite cards because when someone uses the Adventurer well you can tell they’ve played quite a bit of dominion. Cards that interact well with it are the Chancellor, Chapel, Bank, and I’m sure others. The one card that sends Adventurer over the top though is the Mint. Holy fuck I don’t even know if the devs were thinking about the Adventurer when they designed the Mint. You can get rid of almost all your coppers in one swoop and just start duplicating golds if you’re 2-3 turns in. Shit is nuts when the Adventurer shows up when that happens.

Agricola is great no matter how many players play because the board setup is different and you get different occupations.

I might have to go out and buy the expansion…


Trust me, it’ll be the best board game investment you’ll ever make.

How many of these games have mass appeal? Theres a few people (me, my brother, some friends) who play games with us on our friday night game session who can get into anything (we played Zombies!!! a couple of times, and Castle Ravenloft), but then theres more family (Day, Mom, Wife, etc) who really tend to only stick with other games. They wouldn’t even try Zombies!!! with us.

If I pick up Dominion or Catan, are they going to be able to enjoy it, or are these games designed with a specific audience in mind? We have played Apples to Apples, Pass the Popcorn, Scene It (on Xbox), You don’t know jack (Xbox again), Clue, Pit, and Cranium (amongst a few others) to death. We went through the entire Turbo Cranium card set twice so we can’t even play it anymore because everyone knows all the answers.

I’ve been very close to pulling the trigger on them, but fear that nobody will like them really keeps me from doing so. At work everyone swears by Catan so I was thinking of picking that up first.

(also, Cranium is an awesome game)

Settlers of Catan is easy to get into and I would say has mass appeal. It’s mostly based on luck because you have to roll dice to get resources to develop, so anyone can win. It’s a good game to get people into the strategy genre. :slight_smile:

I haven’t found a person yet who doesn’t like Dominion, even people who will never play my more in depth euro games like Agricola/Brass/Puerto Rico love Dominion. That’s one of the reasons it gets so much play is because of the mass appeal. Dominion and Catan are both great choices for a ‘mass appeal’ game.

Eh…you control the luck factor. The importance of trading and politics in Settlers is underrated.


Yeah, but it still boils down to luck. :slight_smile:

It’s fun when you wanna trade for stuff but then someone else interjects and/or undercuts your offer.

Catan is probably one of my most favourite games ever, no word of a lie. And that includes video games

Catan is not as luck dependent as Munchkin or Ascension by any means. Gonna talk to my group about all pitching in for Dominion.

Also, anybody else messing with old card games? As I mentioned earlier we are currently in our Vampire phase, earlier it was Elder Dragon Highlander format for M:TG and soon I’m probably learning Hecatomb. We’re thinking about buying Rage. Might see if we can get a 4 player game of Legend of the 5 Rings.

A buddy of mine was just over and we played some Agricola 2P. I find that I like board games more than videogames now.:eek:

Seriously though, I’d rather play Agricola (esp 3+ players) than SSF4 or MVC3 or whatever.

Anyways, my buddy asked me if I wanted to get into MTG. He said I wouldn’t have to buy cards or anything since he and some guys already had cards and they just play a draft. Does MTG have a steep learning curve? A long time ago I drew the line at strategy card games and said I’d never be one of those guys that played MTG, lol. He said it’d be a good time, just hanging out and playing some cards. Should I do it?

Just go there once and find out? :slight_smile:

EDIT: Munchkin takes FOREVER once everyone hits level 8 or so. Fun, but essentially the game goes like this:

Level 1 to Level 8 - About 20 or 30 minutes.

Level 8 to Level 10 (Victory) - At least an hour or two.

I don’t know about more than 97% o fthe stuff you guys have played, but I used to get pissed off when my friends stole the marbles from my crossfire board game

Careful with M:TG. That game is crack in every way shape and form. Depending on how you build your decks it can be anything from Virtua Figther to Marvel 2 in craziness. All that said, definitely try the game out since it is a very good game with a lot of depth and all that jazz. The game has two different learning curves per say: 1) to learn how to play the game, 2) learning how to play the different types of decks. Drafting is a shitty way to start for a lot of different reasons.

For sure give it a shot, just know that you may get seriously hooked on it.

I like the fact that board games simply require a cranial power rather than a mechanical one. Even though a game like Street Fighter/StarCraft can be incredibly cerebral, they require you to be able to work a level of muscle memory magic that a board game almost never demands. Board games allow you to play a very challenging game with someone who hasn’t necessarily spent years getting good at doing specific motions. I enjoy the competition that SF provides, but I love the ability to compete over something meaningful with any of my friends. ‘Regular’ games like Monopoly are fucking terrible.

MTG got me into board/card games. I started playing it when I was in the first (maybe?) grade around Unlimited edition. When I got into middle school and high school I had actually gotten good enough to play with some of the serious players who would attend Grand Prix games and the like. It was hard to find good competition sometimes because of the age variance, but I was addicted to that game.

Eventually though, the collectible nature of Magic became its downfall. At a certain point, a game has enough content. That limit can be very high, but Magic at this point has more than 15,000 cards and more get made all the time. Some cards are EXACT copies of other cards with different art work. Grizzly Bears the 2/2 vanilla 1G is a common example of this. Whenever a 2/2 for 2 comes out in a set people called it the Grizzly Bears back when I played the game.

So since you have a billion cards that have been developed over the course of 20 years you start to see mechanics interact in really poor ways. Many of the cards in Magic were never designed to interact with each other because contending with that many variables was impossible. Decks would come out that could win on turn 2 or 3 fairly commonly, huge ban lists had to be instated, and the game got broken down into several formats based out of necessity. It’s like seeing something that was going to break over time just by the nature of things and then seeing a company hurry to continue their money gouging train by just hammering boards over huge holes in game design constantly. It’d be better to have just let it die years ago.