Descent 2E rules are up!
Got Call of Cthulu not too long ago.
Tried playing with my friends, but there are alot of rules, I’m sure once we figure it out it will be Hella fun.
Buddy mentioned wanting to play Risk soon, stoked.
Thinking about getting into Magic as well.
Just got the new Resident Evil DBG expansion. haven’t had a chance to play yet. Forgot it even came out, but when I walked into my local shop the owner handed me the one I paid for a while back haha.
Anyhow, I came in here because I saw the new Marvel DBG, Legendary. Has anyone played it? It looks and sounds quite different, but looks pretty fun too. Just want some feedback if anyone here knows about it.
Still digging Descent 1st Ed, least the advanced campaign. Hopefully getting Pandemic! and Twilight Imperium come santaday if the fiancee gets the hint.
Bumping this do to me getting more into my board games recently. This post will jump around but thats cause I got different things to say.
Got The Last Night on Earth and I’m digging it. I’ve only played once but I really enjoyed the game. Hopefully I’ll be getting a group together tomorrow to play. Also I’m really enjoying the game Smash Up. If you like card games you will definitely like this game. The game box for Smash Up has oversided card slots so that you can sleeve your cards and tuck them in perfectly. Very cool by the developer to make the slots for sleeves, however the normal cards still fit just fine for those that don’t want to sleeve them.
My collection has actually grown a lot over the last two months. I had a some money left over from a few things and went on a board game binge, plus a few I got for Christmas (Apples to Apples and Street Fighter Monopoly). If anything I have gotten anywhere from 11-13 new games since the beginning of December. Wish I had more people who appreciate the geekier games more to play with. I recently got a few party games so that I can game with my family and what not. However my dad surprised the shit out of me with getting into Last Night on Earth.
I keep talking myself out of a game called Forbidden Island. I keep hearing awesome reviews from just about every website but I really am not much for games where all the players work together to beat the game, but damn if this game doesn’t keep calling out to me. It’s also inexpensive. Has anybody played this game? any thoughts?
Haven’t played Forbidden Island, but I like cooperative games where you have to beat the board game, like Arkham Horror for example. Have you tried a co-op game and not liked it or did it just seem like it was not your thing?
I’ve got a decent group of guys I play some games with. We really like ascension, and after I got some expansions and made a custom deck it was pretty sweet. Other games to try include
Dominion (boring after a while)
Star Trek Classic (dbg, more fun than tng)
Last night on earth
Vegas showdown (the BEST)
Some of these have been mentioned before I know. I also saw a mention of someone wanting to get into MTG. Just be aware that it’s pretty expensive to get into, and if you’re just wanting multiplayer you’re better off looking into the commander format.
Not hating on co-op games, it’s just simply not my thing.
I’m a huge Marvel and card game fan so the game Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building game really speaks to me but it’s a co-op game so I keep pushing that to the side as well. I don’t know what it is but I’d rather play against a player then the game itself, but if I were to break and by a few co-op games these two games would be the ones I would buy.
As far as deckbuilding games go, Tanto Cuore is so godlike. Probably the best one I’ve played so far since you aren’t at the mercy of the 4 face up cars like you are in Ascension (I should say that I hate games that force you to do nothing on your turn). I highly encourage you to look past the maid gimmick and buy it.
Word of caution: the base set of the game is a bit on the broken side. Still really fun but once you find out what’s what, it turns really one sided.
Just got Ticket to Ride, plan on playing that tonight with my group. I think tonight’s lineup consists of:
Last Night On Earth
Zombie Dice (for filler)
Ticket to Ride
and maybe War on Terror: The Board Game (this game was given to me on a just cause last week and haven’t tried it out yet but from my understanding it takes up to 2 hrs to complete; LOL it comes with a balaclava that has the word evil on the forehead)
So DC and Marvel have their own DBGs, anyone play either of these?
I really debated on getting that marvel dbg last week…but ended up getting an ascension expansion instead. I’d like to see it demo’d first.
There are a couple of videos on Youtube of it being played.
Honestly it looks fun.
I also want to actually get a game of the RE DBG in. I have the first set, none of the expansions yet and no one to play them.
But yeah, Legendary looks decent. Game runs smooth it seems. Each hero has different builds. Villains are jerks. I’d like to see a game run though other than a Dark Dimension scheme.
I really like the RE DBG. I have all the expansions, though have only played a handful of times with the newest one. Super fun, pretty easy to learn. The thing I like is also the thing that polarizes people, the mansion. Sure there is a lot of variance, but the random element is fun for me.
Idk how you could hate the mansion, it’s always fun.
Yeah, one of my friends just hates variance I guess. But I agree I think its really fun.
good to know my local shop has it, and I wanted to try it but wasn’t sure if it was good or not.
The original is busted. Like…Dream Halls levels of busted. Still fun but as soon as you figure that part out, you might want to get the expansion. It could be that I just ransacked my friends and that there are safeguard against that particular strategy. If you buy it, I’ll explain what I did to see if you can find a counter.
I think my opinion of co-op games might have been changed. Last night I played Pandemic and holy shit this game is awesome. I think this game right here single handedly made me a believer. If you haven’t played Pandemic you really should. I played the 2013 Edition which you can get at target.
Another co-op game we played was Flash Point: Fire Rescue which was also really fun. This game surprised me with how solid the gameplay was. While you have to work together it still gives a feel of everyone playing for themselves. The components in the game are also very well made, also if you get the second edition your pawns will be little firefighters as opposed to just a pawn. This game is good you guys should also try this game out.
And on my last note my life has been engulfed with Ticket to Ride. Everyone who I have showed this to loves it and always wants to play. This currently is one of my favorite games.
If you wanna do additional co-op stuff, try the D&D board games. Some of the quests are balls fucking hard.
Anyone got opinions on these games
Dust Tactics
Arcana Revised
Tide of Iron
Warrior Knights