I recently started getting into tabletop games a little, mostly because of the Star Wars Xwing miniatures game. I have been dumping tons of hours and money into playing it, finding and buying assorted unofficial miniatures for it, constructing cards and various other pieces and game mechanics for them, and designing a multiplayer campaign and the various mechanics to support that as well. I think the latter has been more fun than actually playing the game seriously, as it allows for more flexibility in squadron composition and creativity rather than just Playing to Win constantly with the normal 100-point squad competitions.
I also bought Arkham Horror which is cool except for the horrifying amount of rules questions I constantly have to look up every 30 seconds.
I’m currently trying to arrange a game night with 2-3 other people for tonight. Hope it goes through. Should it happen I think the games on the agenda for tonight are:
Smash Up
Ticket To Ride
Elder Sign
War On Terror
Zombies!!!..The Card Game
I really want to play Quarriors and Last Night on Earth but there aren’t that many hours tonight that will be open. Some of the people who will be playing have work tomorrow as early as 6AM.