Blue Dragon: Video Thread

if you looked @ the last big tournament which was NCR, the two top placing teams with strider on it were running strider 3rd. It was floe and someone else that both played xxx/wesker/strider.

for the moment, strider 3rd will durp it out big time. The whole thing about this vergil theory is that someone has to be willing play vergil. If 99% of your scene ournament pool is not going to run vergil, then yea mother fucking xf3+orbs is going to shit on everything for free. I think as people start to wise up and learn that vergil 3rd would wreck strider, its going to be really common imo.

In tournament play as the game begins to bottleneck which it already has begun to, playing strider 3rd leaves your team to susceptible to a counter pick with vergil 3rd. Its just something to note. There are other things to consider to like vergil is fucking shitty on the way in when he isn’t in his DT and can be opened up big time. So snapping him in into a mixup could take him out of the game entirely

I will testify the Vergil negates dark strider. I did pretty well at big two last night (took 4th) but in casuals lost hard to vergil on point. Dark strider does not have any bullshit that vergil doesn’t shutdown pretty effortlessly. Vergil is the games best lead holder (best character with meter?).

The reason Strider is good in third right now is his assist works very well for very good characters (Zero/viper/wesker). Vergil as an assist is kinda situational or just ok. You trade a better assist with very good bullshit against vergil with his complete total fucking lockdown.
Strider last also has the ability to survive half assed mixups (doublejump) where vergil has no options coming in besides teleport (unsafely).

right now strider is a good pick because his assist works wonders and his xfactor bullshit isn’t being challenged.
When incoming mixups become near guaranteed death no matter who you are Vergil’s stock will rise tremendously not because of the comeback factor (there will be no comebacks ) but because he is hands down the best at holding on to your win and preventing comebacks. Beat someone down until their “comeback” character comes in, tag in vergil, and if they try to start up their bullshit summon swords and sit back/teleport in.

At that point, point Strider will probably be the only viable position, or strider second/third with the plan to bring strider on point via dhc.

I am really struggling to determine strider’s place in this game. He doesn’t seem best at doing anything in this game besides knocking people out of the air. Somewhat a better sentinel right now. Strider/Zero is probably the right team structure with third being very important to find the right one.

the great thing about a Strider/Zero team is you have effectively two touch of death characters. In this game you need your point character to be ToD. Good seconds who ToD are hard to find. Doom is pretty good but limits your assist choices pretty hard and isn’t STier even with his best assists. Other seconds don’t usually fall into the Stier. Vergil works but you might want him third. So if Strider on point is Stier minus damage, then Strider/Zero is two stiers with third slot open for anyone to fill.

I think the best character with meter is C.Viper, i may get hated on but i think shes is one of the few characters that shuts Vergil down since she has solo TOD combos no xfactor, no assist, 1 meter. I like to bait with a focus atk cancel into the invincible EX siesmo

My only point was if you play strider for xfactor comeback without using his assist consider vergil a better character for it.

yes, vergil in my book is the best character in the game with meter. He’s as close to as unstoppable as you can get in this game.

I’ve been saying it since the game dropped, couldn’t get anyone to see it though =*(

yo sjohnst, you got any vids up? I want to see your strider\zero stuff if you have any. Please let me steal!!!

striders team position is very tricky. He’s great 3rd lets say as a counter pick if you see that their team doesn’t have vergil on it or you could even argue to play vergil and just guarantee it or w\e. strider becomes an option @ that point thats all. 2nd slot he’s not guaranteed orbs even against a vergil team so he’s still w\o in counter matchups and if the first character dies, strider only gets to use 1 assist.

I think its pretty much 1st or 3rd for strider IMO. In the first slot, he gains access to being his best form because you can give him 2 god like assists to work off of. 3rd slot because orbs+xf3 is that strong until you run into vergil or even zero\spencer when they are playing smart. Since it beats like 80% of the shit in the game for free, I’m not going to call it shit. Its super powered as fuck until you run into vergil.

The reason he’s kind of bad in the first slot is because he can’t kill on most teams, which is why the strider\zero combination is probably the strongest version of strider ATM. It allows strider to play his style get a hit and kill. You don’t want to HKD the opponent into a setup, they block out, land a counter hit and now you’re dead. They played 1 layer and won, you played 2 and lost and that shit really starts to matter @ high level play. The ONLY problem with zero 2nd on this team is that @ some point, zero won’t be in clone as an assist. 3rd slot is really going to matter big time. It needs to do soooooo much for strider and zero

closer than further on the team chemistry concept. I play strider\dante\magneto and it works really well but I run into the layer problem all the fucking time. I’ll play 4 layers and lose against someone who can play 1 and that characters kills, I’ve killed them 4x over by their standards!!! I’m probably going to switch it up to a zero version but strider on that team starting has some retarded shit going for him.

I don’t have any strider/zero vids yet. I play it in casuals but I don’t have the transitions to zero down yet, and I realized I was dropping lightning loop too much for it to be worth it. past month I’ve been grinding out loops to better understand how it works, why it drops. Think I’ve got it down mostly. Another week or two I’ll be doing loops with no buster in tournaments. 500k damage per meter? yes please. Now that I feel confident about ToD I will start to practice it again. maybe run strider/zero/vergil. Vergil gives some of what I use doom for now, which is mostly lockdown for mixups.

I can give you this.
Only match of the night I was streamed, round two against chris g. I’m not proud of it though. Dropping combos and dumb mistakes made me give it away instead of chris taking it. Also fooblat has it right in the commentary. I give chris g too much respect in the set and wasn’t really trying to Zero bullshit my way to a win. This is right after I beat dieminion in round 1 2-0 using lightning loop on every character. I hate this clip.

we have a viper player in our area and he routinely complains how vergils swords stop everything she could ever try.

vergil swords simply shut down 99.9% of any characters option, viper has no option against swords. Super, focus ex seismo, regular ex seismo, normal seismo, laser beam, they all get shitted on big time by vergil and the only thing he has to do is hold down back.

If vergil is going to play gay and whore sword supers, why wouldn’t you do that anyway, viper has no option but to run.

don’t take my word for it. You can record in training mode and see how fucked up that super is. Vergil can block and be @ an advantage, that shit is just ridiculous.

I’m not saying you’re wrong because my opinion is better than yours. I’m saying you’re wrong because I’ve tried to beat vergil with viper in training mode and there is no good option to stop him other to run your ass off and waste his meter time, aka fighting strider from mvc2. I teach lots of good players in my area and my friend came up to me with this problem. He’s been fighting another friend whom I help train and he’s losing pretty bad to swords. Its not that he sucks, swords are simply too strong. The only thing I could think of to help him was running haggar or getting lei lei assist powered up and even then, those aren’t very good options as counters. Your opponent gets to run 3 strong characters, you have to play 2 and a shitty point that has a god like assist. Even when you sacrifice team chemistry, vergil STILL gets an advantage

The only way to beat vergil is snap in their first character, wreck vergil on the way in. Make him play w\o meter. If you can get vergil in that position then every character in the game has a shot against him. However, power batteries like zero or wesker make it very hard to get that first lick.

vergil with meter is in the dark phoenix tier from last game. With bar, he’s standing alone in a tier group by himself. I think he shuts down characters wayyyy more easily than DP ever could in vanilla.

yup, precisely

Level 3 XFactor Strider.

dp+h = would’ve won you that last match. Always keep that option in mind for birthdays.

Here is some more Strider\Zero hard tag combos from normal and super jump height.

Don’t think so… Dark Strider destroys any form of anchor…

Anyway, does anybody know any good Japanese Strider matches?

No, that is wrong. Vergil’s swords super completely negates Strider anchor. The orbs on ouroburos have low durability and the swords durability have high durability. You do the math.

There’s a reason why you see every player in japan running anchor Vergil. Hell, anchor Strider doesn’t do shit against Phoenix, but thats debatable. You don’t even have to play anchor Vergil, him in any spot just flat out nullifies any anchor. This is the reason I play Strider on point/second now.

The only thing Strider can do is hope a lucky Vajra H hits Vergil, but he can easily dash backwards to avoid it and watch Strider fall into the swords.

False. Swords only negate the lower orb but not the high. Vergil needs to get hit just once for him to loose his super which likely when you have rings going all over the place.

Vergil chicken blocks.

Now what?..

Please tell me what can he do against this. Wait it out? Yes, please waste 3 bars on nothing gained.

Strider can throw rings at block, the speed of rings increase through Xfactor. Vergil has no option other than to block and ouroborrous allows safer mix ups due to the speed and block stun in one direction. If you manage to wait out an XF3 Strider, than that strider sucks.

Vergil gets runned over by a good anchor strider.


And in the anchor battle of Vergil vs. Strider, it usually comes down to which character was out first in level 3 x factor because they both annihilate each other on incoming mix ups.](‘’)

sup gents. just some casual matches…i’ve been told my team is strange/cheap…but it works for me. any advice tips would be appreciated.


Casuals me vs marvisto at 4:29.
Some commentary is Inappropriate for Anybody.

Guess you haven’t played a “good” Vergil .Vergil xf 3 has more oroboros time than strider xf 3 has oroboros time. Do the math. Don’t forget about that invincible level 4 that travels a decent distance…what is a super freeze…

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