4:07:00 an onward is losers / grand finals against Masta CJ if anyone wants to check out my anchor Strider:
4:07:00 an onward is losers / grand finals against Masta CJ if anyone wants to check out my anchor Strider:
Your Strider was very fluid. Any tips on using Orbs? Every time I do it, people pretty much block it completely.
Maybe your opponent’s in the eternal Orbs blockstring? Try to stop pushing buttons for a split second and then Vajra M. It gets most of my opponents except if I mistime it.
Wall Cling > Wall L Wall H hits everyone in the corner lol. If not, yeah, leave some gaps, or try the ol’ teleport into j.LL. If they block that, empty teleport and go low. Those are the three main things I do, other than just wave dashing and doing cr.M’s.
this thread needs more forward…where the vids at??
Do you want the vid of people calling strider and teleporting, or the one where strider summons orbs and runs around in xfactor?
Why did capcom rename strider as vergil?
Sometimes when I got too many orbs on the screen keeping my opponent in a block string. I’ll dash using F,F so it switches up the timing of the orb projectiles
Finally finished some preview shit for my strider team compilation I’m doing later.
FINALLY a Strider video that doesn’t focus on Level 3 xfactor and instead focuses on strider gameplay and Strider’s support value to the cast.
I’m in love.
I told you fuckers I know what’s up. If the 3 % of inventive strider players would pitch in together we could finally make a Tod that doesn’t involve hard tags or Vergil meter Buffett.
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I like the first combo you did the most. Very nice man. Strider is the king.
Midscreen gram loops whattttt…yea. sometime this week I might try to see if I can squeeze a little more out of it.
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Here’s a couple of my ranked matches:
I had more matches but the files got messed up. Thoughts?
my team video combo with Haggar, Chris and Strider, showing the synergy of this team with insane combos and high damage.
long time active member had my old account deleted back in the mvc2(scrub/msp–played with max, joe, eddie and clint here in ATL, GA) days so im not new to this anyways(lol inside when ppl ask what an otg is haha)…I have recently started looking at styder on point and I played lots of teams looked at the game for lots of angels.
Pros: Stryder has shopping cart which gives him decent lock down, chip and resets and can dch into loops/hard tag combos for vergil-zero. Not to forget that vergil-zero have air control and ground control with stryder and frank assist.
Cons: stryder on point can’t control the air does not have an assist on this team for that and has to dch or hard tag into vergil-zero to make the team well rounded.
Pros: all the same options as the stryder/vergil-zero/frank team just doom is a better character. Just it starts up slower then franks assist but is out a lot longer, IMO more chances for lockdown, chip and resets for stryder.
Cons: I feel that doom rocks/beam helps stryder control the ground and upper mid part of the screen but not the top of the screen, guess thats what doom missiles are for. Again dch’ing or hard tag combo into vergil-zero makes the team whole.
Pros: After reading the mindset of nemo’s team and watching yipes win with this team, I started to think about what about stryder with bolts? We all know with bolts you want to force your oppenet to stand up into them by coming from above. This give stryder all the options that he gets off frank/doom but just a bit slower on start up
Cons: I feel stryder loses a decent amount or a lot of air space control with the strange bolt and will force oppenets to just storm run-away tactics. If stryder does catch them with teleport kick into bolts(making it safe) its gonna hurt because stryder can dch into swords/loop(maybe) or a hard tag combo into vergil/zero/strange. After dching into swords/loops from the trample(zoo) or hardtag into vergil/zero/strange, vergil/zero have stryder assist for the air and bolts for ground lockdown, resets, chip and loops.
IMO: Only thing I feel is a problem is wolv because his normals(have not looked into stand L start up) at the start of the fight its to good and I feel morridoom is beatable.
p.s. I feel that doom hidden missiles and hagger assist counter stryder assist.
2 parts of a first to ten set I did with a friend. (I wasn’t really playing like I usually do because I was kinda doped up on Vicodin. Wisdom teeth removal sucks…)
Trying to up my solo and point Strider game some. I feel like the corner Form B - Gram loop is the way to go for the damage, but I can’t seem to find a way to take it further than that. I’m also curious to ways in which I could use Burn Kick and Jam Session for some optimized Strider shenanigans. I really like my team and I’m trying to learn to feel comfortable playing them in any order.
I agree completely about hidden missiles and lariat countering Vajra. Teams like Hulk/Haggar are actually kinda difficult for Vajra based teams. Especially since you have to make a comeback vs two significant high health characters who can fuck you up much easier. Missiles just shit on the assist call. You can’t really call Vajra if missiles are out.
Oh, I forgot to put this here too:
Put this in the Vergil forums but also kind of relevant here, some birthday confirms with Crystal assist + Rapid Slash in there: