Blue Dragon: Video Thread

Nice work!

Really good play man i loved your strider play especially, do you have any vids or other streams that i can watch matches from?

Maybe soon, this was my first tourney… Thanks, btw

I wish I could say that about my first tournament. lol Good stuff!

Good shit DGrimey!

Here’s some Strider/Zero ToD off of pretty much anything, hope you like it.:wink:

Amazing work with strider. i thought about moving him on my team but after watching that he’s going right back to anchor. good job man.

I think that Strider/Zero combo isn’t only game-changing for Strider, but for the game in general. That sort of damage from a character that fast is insane.

i think strider\zero\xxx has the best chance to be the best strider team. Strider with zero is doing over a million life even off throws and all the bar you need is built during the combo itself. Its giving strider TOD and a semi usable assist for zero.

Its just when its strider\zero, you’re starting the game in a position where you can’t get a clone hadenki for several reasons. Not to mention that strider likes to bank on safe DHCs which clone mode does.

i’ve actually tried strider\zero and the damage output you get is just bat shit insane. However, the biggest glaring weakness is that zero has no great assists for strider. They’re all sub par until clone mode is activated and then you lose the ability to DHC into clone for safety. It has its ups but it certainly has downs too.

theoretically speaking however, I think a strider\zero combination will end up being a top 3 strider team simply because of strider’s ability to kill from anywhere even off ground\air throws which very few characters can do in this game. TOD has always been important to the series and this is one of the few characters that can give strider TOD as well as a safe DHC for when things go wrong.

Some Strider/Frank West tech I discovered. Only a short 2 combo clip for now but I may do a full on team vid later when I pick my anchor.


Made another Strider Vid. This time focusing on the animals.

Good stuff Ve! Love your video series, this will strengthen strider users for sure!

Local tourney. I hope to get more tourney and casual vids up soon.

Ye Anchor Hiryu



And only one guy who wisened up and treated him like one would Phoenix, lol. :B


Oh well, young community. Everyone was worried about the Weskers, Dr Dooms, and Vergils I guess.

Hey guys this Strider combo video is not really UMVC3 related but it reminds us of why we love this ninja so god damn much, you probably already seen it but i feel it belongs here.[media=youtube]IO_vcqyx2D0[/media]

latest clockwOrk or strider tourney/wnf vids out there?


More from the last Manila tourney.



strider can dump xf3 and orbs and vergil with meter will be able to just check the shit out of him. Strider is dumping all of his best possible resources and getting 0 out of it where as vergil is only dumping meter and still has the ability to pop XF.

I don’t understand the argument for strider 3rd, he’s good but he is nothing like dark phoenix from last game. Only character that comes close to dominating the 3rd slot is vergil. Strider can lose to some characters, vergil loses to no one in XF3.

if you’re going do do a dump xf3+bar strategy, nothing is going to top vergil so you might as well just pick him. All other characters are moot IMO because no character in the game has a good matchup against him when he’s in prime position which is lots of meter and XF.

The only reasons you’re not seeing that right now is that he takes some skill to work where as strider in xf3+orbs is a mash monster but literally, he has no option against vergil. Vergil players need to use that hold down the button trick and you need to know all the variations that allow you to switch buttons and maintain charge so you can get access to all your pokes.

don’t take my word for it. Just sit in training mode with a friend. You pick strider, he picks vergil and you activate orbs+xf3 and vergil can only activate sword supers. Vergil can just layer 2 sword supers back to back with the boomerang in the middle and that should negate all of your orb time. Then when you finally run back in solo but in xf3 still, vergil will be able to XF you on reaction and hit you if you didn’t have a satellite already activated.

strider 3rd could beat a lot of characters definitely but he has massive counter picks like vergil so why not just put vergil 3rd and dominate every character in the game?

I can’t help but agree about Vergil. But I think Vergil pretty much counter picks everyone… so yeah.

I total agree with you on this, Vergils only real weakness is the recovery of his normals on xf3 that problem is solved. Hes the main reason I started experimenting and using RR. His traps helps punish random teleports from him and wesker and when he does the crown of swords i hide underground hes just a tough anchor period