Blue blazes, he's AWESOME! The Nova Thread!

Nova looks absolutely incredible, though I was hoping he’d have this for a level 3


Oh well. Maybe his three level 1s will all serve a unique purpose.

Nice find, that is interesting indeed.

Sweet, thanks for the new vids (and words of wisdom) guys. I’m SUPER late for work right now but I’ll make sure to update more once I get back. We’ll see what happens to the thread once I return. Depends how hurt/shocked/annoyed/angry Novaforce is.

Yep, he will be extremely dangerous if you let him get a large amount of red health. A lot of his dash moves seem to have at least projectile invulnearability to say the least. And he seems to have an excellent grounddash.

the maximum nova looks either fast as hell or it looks like it has some incinvibility

where does he absorb attacks with them? I can’t find an example

that centurion dash the forward one first video when PW calls that chick out nova just pushes her ass out of the way.

I noticed this as well… His Energy Javelin and Biometric Pulse (Shield Projectile) look interesting.

Iron Skrull?

Meh. Worst two reveals so far.

Man I was so disillusioned when I watched the reveal trailer. Literally every move he has, I’d seen somewhere else. Nova force is Skrull’s inferno, his divekick is x-23’s, his overhead is a mashup of Spencer’s and Skrull’s charged fierce and so on.

But then in the gameplay trailer his playstyle looked so true to how I imagined the character. These sort of airborne leaps if you will. Strings/specials into flight cancels and then just lunge in there haha. I kinda like it.

Curious to seeing his properties though. Damage taken > damage given seems interesting. Plus I’m really curious to how that forcefield stuff works etc.

She might just be a passive shield, kinda like modoks reflectors.

Watch the official NYCC vid he goes through Arthurs goddess bracelet with the max Nova… it definitely has invincibility.

Finally, a maximum special with invincibility(even if its only projectile invincibility), they all look like they should have but they never do.

His charge moves were going through Wright’s evidence projectiles as if they didn’t exist. So either makes him a projectile(ala Mighty Strike) or projectile invulnearability.

aswell nova isnt a flashy guy he is there to get shit done


I wasn’t even gone for longer than an hour and someone takes the damn thread. Only character I really wanted to do


His theme is fucking hilarious. Reminds me of cheesy old school side scrolling beat em ups. Love it!

Apart from that, really underwhelming. He doesn’t have many unique animations and there’s nothing all that different or imaginative about his playstyle. Besides, I have no idea who he is. Still, not as anti-hype as X-23. Ho hum.

also he defo has a air dash

C’mon bro calm down, he is completely ready to give it up for you, he just forgot.

It’s a variation on what he said when he gutted Annihilus and what he says when he wins in the game, how is that trash?


Also, this steak burrito is awesome.