Blue blazes, he's AWESOME! The Nova Thread!

Practice your villainous laugh and keep the thread forever.

Exactly. Regulars are more likely to keep it updated.

The one that I am eyeing is the “throw a bolt in the sky and let it rain down”, that has a lot of potential to be a quicker, better Doom missile. It seems to cause a ground bounce too.

Anyway, hate to say this but Nova plays exactly like what I hoped Iron Fist would have played like. Although at the moment I do wonder if he’s going to be a bit predictable… hope not.

He looks even better from that video, he seems to have a force field special, flight mode(but thats no surprise) and like 20,000 otg’s lol. Plus all his specials are air ok, I think he is the first character with 100 percent air ok specials. Just an observation.

Looking at the actual game play video a few of novas moves seem to have armor on them. Check it out… he looks pretty fucking boss…!

if he doesn’t have flight and 8way dash i’m gonna catch a case

Lol beat me to it.

He has flight, check out the gameplay video I posted, he even showed of a quick flight combo. Not sure bout an 8way dash though, he has some air mobility moves but Im not sure yet if they are attacks or dashes.

Oh and another video right here for the OP

Nova looks sick. Pretty much exactly how I imagined him to play. Can’t wait for a rundown of his assists.

Does anything about the way he moves remind you of Super Skrull? I got a crazy strong Super Skrull vibe when I started watching that trailer. Maybe they both know Galactic-Fu.

Eh, Nova’s not quite as amazing and colorful as I hoped he would be.

Regardless, he’s got some tremendous normals. I’m liking his hypers a lot too.

I’ve never used the “dat” prefix before but ummmm…

Dat Overhead!!

Its all good, what part of the video did you see the armor in though? I can’t find it.

at least his Maximum Nova hyper doesn’t suck and actually does good damage even in the corner, unlike a certain bespectacled, trenchcoated villain in black…

Rewatch the first video. He loses his red health when he does his beam hyper. So more damage dealt to him, stronger hyper.

And his OTG punch is an overhead. As shown in the PWvsNova vid against Wesker. He was blocking low and it went through.

defo playing him everything he dose just looks powerfull
we know he has ;

-otg abilities
-all hypers can be done inthe air
-a ground overhead LOL

  • a divekick

we defo in there


If he has some decent assists, then welcome to my team. :3

I think he says “HUMAN ROCKET PUNCH”

His first hyper looks sooo weird. I wish they made him more exciting though, I was excited most about him out of all the new characters.