Ohh man, that would be sick, bro. I’m kinda suprised it isn’t actually.
Speak for yourself. Dammit, I really need to get out more…
Ohh man, that would be sick, bro. I’m kinda suprised it isn’t actually.
Speak for yourself. Dammit, I really need to get out more…
i dont think his assits warrants him being last either , 2nd character might be screwed there
I still like him in second. He seems to have interesting assists, but at the same time he could be useful with at least one to back him up. Plus, DHCing into him seems good thanks to his variety of hypers.
unless there’s a way to get the good one (and pay the price too, unfortunately), graviton pulse seems like a terrible terrible assist.
dive kick tracks?
edit: assits
If I had to guess his moveset motions, do you guys think this is a fair assessment?
:qcf::atk: Gravimetric Pulse
-:l: Forward burst
- Upward burst
-:h: Forward burst that also creates a small shield
:atk:+:s: Energy Javelin
:dp::atk: Centurion Arts (Human Rocket Punch/ Dive kick/ Sliding kick?)
:qcf::atk::atk: Gravimetric Pulse (air ok)
:qcb::atk::atk: High Speed Tackle (air ok)
:dp::atk::atk: Power of the Nova Force (air ok)
the only one aside from the javelin is :dp::2p: for power of the nova force
everything else is a mystery
Oh yeah, just saw that on the stream archive.
I want to run him on anchor cuz he looks like a good clutch player but eating the red health makes me think he’d be better on point or in the 2nd slot. So I may have to swithch up my day 1 team and get me someone else on anchor. I like my anchor to be a heavy hitter thats scary in lvl3 XF. I dunno maybe he’ll still work on anchor if not, i’ll drop firebrand (put him on my alternate team) for a hard hitter to run anchor. . ::sigh:: won’t know till i get the game
He hits pretty hard and as an anchor does your red health really matter? Unless youre trying to use x factor to recover it that is.
god yes the more health you can get back the more likely you are to surive against 3 characters
I’ve been around FAR LONGER on these forums than just 2011, just not on this account.
Strong normals.
Pulse removes red bar HP, and can be used like a wall (Aegis reflector).
3 level 1 supers.
Nova Ping Pong has large start up invincibility, but does look unsafe on block.
Nova Ping Pong can be directed in 3 differect ways during the super.
Beam super can punish pretty well.
Beam super, and Nova infenro remove red bar to power up for damage. Has 3 stages.
All supers usable in the air.
Nova Inferno is :dp:+:atk::atk:
Centurion arts look like they can be charged.
Centurion arts has a OTG, Rush-launcher, crumple, and a quick dive fist that doesn’t hit overhead.
Hits like a mac truck.
Has 8 way air dash, and flight.
Has Dive Fist. Ten times better than Dive kick! (Not really). Dive fist is his air :s:
Seems like Centurion Arts can be canceled, or cause tons of hitstun/floaty hitbox properties. IE: Doing it in the air allowed Nova to follow up with a dive fist.
Assists are, Pulse, Centurion arts, and Nova strike. Pulse is the mini-aegis reflector. The Centurion arts is his quick air dive fist. Not exactly sure what Nova Strike does. (Fill me in?)
Has lowish health. Going to say 850k.
Can hit confirm from almost full screen, into decent damaging combos.
Can combo off his throw with ease.
Easy, strong combos.
Energy Lance hits up and down. Is done with :s:+:atk:, if it hits the enemy in the air it forces them into a ground bounce?
Air :s: causes all sorts of combo proration. Should only be used if necessary in a combo.
apart from 8 way air dash and flight i don’t see why Nova would be saddled with such low health. I would also think that his red health mechanics would necessitate at least normal health in order to be properly showcased. Low health + loses red life for specials/hypers doesn’t really make any sense from a character design standpoint.
Man you know hes going to be op because low health means Op to capcom… sorry jk couldn’t resist.
I dont understand why Seth said the Nova Inferno super drains his red health. Ive seen it done multiple times and not once did the health drain. Hell, you can even see him use this super and keep his red health in his reveal trailer.
Could well be optional.
So the red life draining hypers, do they only do more damage if he has red life to start with? Let’s say it’s the start of the round and you throw one out, could you still do the extra damage?
Pretty sure you need the red health to get the extra damage. It’s pretty much like a Baroque thing from TvC.
i watched this and your right
god give us some correct info please
i took a screen shot
notice nova’s life bar
Maybe using health is optional?