Me and a friend of mine picked up Bloody Roar 4 which I hear isn’t the best in the Series, and I was wondering what everyone on this board thinks of the game before I go and pick up wither BR4 or BR3. Also a Tier list for BR4 Please
You Should go pick up 3 or PF.
I want to, but I also want to see if their is any life still playing the game I thought 4 looks graphically good but I didn’t like the new beast modes they added into 4
Do what ya feel is best but even casually I think it has no life.
I’m playing right now with my loser friends, and so far I think Nagi is broke-tier.
Am I right?
Possibly so. She is that mutant red stuff chick, right? Nigga fuck that Yugo, Bakuryu, and the elephant guy will always be god tier. Hey, did anybody even play this game competitively like a serious ass scene. We had a scene down in G-town but it pissed me off…well, becaus it’s fuckin bloody roar. Damn people are so fucking stupid any game can be competitive.
True,any game can be competetive. However, Bloody Roar isn’t a very refined game. Not that it isn’t fun (hell,I played it for hours on end, almost every installment), but it can’t replace the games that rule the competetive scene right now. It’s too late, unless a ground-breakingly good BR is released in Japanese arcades and changes things, there’s no hope.
Right yes sir. BR has potential to become something more. Like if they were to make the graphics smash bros style in 2.5 on a 2-d format with 2-d gameplay wise battle system it would be popular and competitive if done correctly.
4 was cool but it could be better. Primal Fury/Xtreme was a tad better. Get Xtreme though they got Fang from the manga series. And for a tier list there’s Gado and then everyone else. Hell I’m a Shenlong user. He’s not the best in the game but he does work though. Yugo, Bakuryu, Kohryu, Shina/Marvel, Xion nasty with the right person on the stick. Alice would be hot, but she can’t take more than 1 hit. Long/Uriko are about the same but Long has more of a move list to work with. And Uriko has to be controlled correctly to even be halfway useable. Reiji’s cold but he seems like he does what he wants sometimes and not what you input. Nagi is the new Yugo. Balanced and heavily overpowered. Nagi runs all through 4. Ryoho and Mana are what we call garbage. Just use Ryoho in his dragon form. Just because Mana is a waste of space. Jenny’s a beast as long as her moves aren’t blocked. Jenny + Blocked Move= You eating something very nasty. And Miss Uranus nazzzty. The only thing you need to know she can cancel moves from odd hits from her kick combos.
Actuially, I have seen a beastly ass Uriko on youtube, and an extremely effective Long. They are vicious in the right hands. Believe it or not, I like the sidestep system in BR. It’s like you have to sidestep at the last minute to evade an attack ala VF. It’s in one of the instruction manuals.
Yeah I know. But someone who picks the sticks up and expects to do some of their more nastier combos just will not. Uriko and Long don’t provide instant satisfaction like a Yugo or a Bakuryu. My whole outlook was how would it feel the first time you play as someone. I’m not in anyway dumping on either of them. I just thought the warning was fair.
Yugo is probably the best in Primal Fury from what I have seen. His :qcf::p: is pretty fucked up and can be mixed with highs and lows that aren’t light blocked but it juggles and can be comboed right into his Supers. He is pretty easy to use too.
I have only played 4 for the ps2…Building me a Stick to play all my games with…I’ve head PF and 3 are the better ones so I ordered 3 off Gamestop should be here soon…me and some friends down south are going to hold a small tournament and see what we can do with the game…I played Uriko ^^ Shes awesome… Yugo my girl plays with and my friend plays with the Iron Mole… >.< Anyways it seems to me people still remember this game and thats a good sign for this small tourny
lets see it happen post vids if you have a cam
Probably be able to Get the vids of matches not the tourny though xD But I’ll see what I can do
(evil tone) Good----Good
Excellent. I can’t wait to see it. Second you got it. Post that link.
It will hopefully be soon, I have to wait to grab two copies of BR3, Were planning on a BR3 and 4 TOurny, I ordered my copy and it wil be here next week I hope and I would liek to find another one… Later I’ll post the rules and see what you guys think… Alright peace!
I don’t know about anyone else, but BR PF/E is bloody fun (No pun intended). We may not get a scene but we can enjoy it for what it is. I await your vids, OEL.
BR was one of my first and favorite fighting games that I got into. I love it to death, but I hate to say it really doesnt have much depth to it. But hella fun to play. I grew up on BR2! But I’ve played all of them.
Bakuryu (Kenji) 4 life.