Blocking xups everytime?

That was so well-deserved!

Haters always gon hate

I tested it and made a short video, with input watcher…
Ok the vid quality sucks, but I can’t do better myself, I don’t like manipulating that kind of stuff. If someone’s up for it, then don’t be shy, share as I do (and better if you can, with Pasky’s program for instance, I don’t know how to make it work for online, as I got no offline player to test the game with…).
Read description of the video for global info.
I’m really sure there is something like 0men is talking about. Only detail is, it’s really hard to consistently perform IMO, and that could be the reason why no top players are taking the risk doing so.
And yes, this is a captain krabs wallpaper ;(

<djfrijoles> neo can you watch this viedo please
<djfrijoles> [media=youtube]1mYrcqFDZMk[/media]
<NeoRay> i saw it
<djfrijoles> we dont understand how to do it right
<djfrijoles> mexico usa europe
<NeoRay> everyone know it but they can’t do that
<djfrijoles> it is new for all of us
<djfrijoles> auto block jack
<djfrijoles> anti cross up
<NeoRay> shouldn’t do it like perfect auto block
<NeoRay> human can’t do that
<djfrijoles> is it neutral input or up input ?
<NeoRay> no
<NeoRay> right and left
<NeoRay> you have to change the block side quickly except 1 frame less
<NeoRay> if the changing time is late for 1 frame , u got full combo and dead.
<NeoRay> no good. shouldn’t think about it ,
<NeoRay> that’s why everyone people don’t do that.
<djfrijoles> ok i understand now
<djfrijoles> thank you again neo
<NeoRay> the changing time is different between all charactors.
<NeoRay> Impossible.
<djfrijoles> maybe master one char only ?
<djfrijoles> very important thawk vs deejay
<NeoRay> not important
<djfrijoles> deejay cross up is 50/50 left right
<djfrijoles> impossible to see what side to block
<djfrijoles> into full combo dead
<NeoRay> cant help it
<djfrijoles> lol =(
<NeoRay> that’s the hawk
<NeoRay> You get down. You will die.
<NeoRay> that’s simple.
<djfrijoles> understood =(
<NeoRay> I play with Seki Deejay for 100 times over.
<djfrijoles> cross up = dead
<NeoRay> Cross up attack is really dead.
<NeoRay> we have to bet my lack or escape by strong tomahawk
<NeoRay> He quit the game.
<NeoRay> luck
<djfrijoles> medium tomahawk ?
<NeoRay> strong tomahawk
<NeoRay> only strong tomahawk
<GameKing> whats tomahawk
<djfrijoles> but thawk has a dp glitch
<NeoRay> it is the only one way u can escape from deejay’s cross up attack
<djfrijoles> last tomahawk come out
<djfrijoles> last tomahawk come out as reversal tomahawk
<NeoRay> yes
<djfrijoles> pnvrb bolbvavbqwoivbaeóbvaeróvbeasbv
<NeoRay> too tough game isn’t it
<djfrijoles> lol yes for t hawk
<djfrijoles> but i wont quit ever
<djfrijoles> always super turbo
<djfrijoles> <----------35 yrs old
<djfrijoles> <-------------- super turbo for life
NeoRay> I will trust my team mates on tornament.
<djfrijoles> cant stop wont stop
<Whitelion$> mmmmmmmmmmmm
<Kyouya> y eso fue lo que yo decía, 1 frame es imposible de timear
<djfrijoles> for 3 on 3 super turbo is more balanced
<NeoRay> i think so
<djfrijoles> me 2
<djfrijoles> only way
<djfrijoles> strategy is in the order of players
<djfrijoles> and match knowledge
<Kyouya> and mindfucking your opponent
<NeoRay> T.hawk can’t win Dee Jay. That is kind of rule. i think.
<djfrijoles> wow
<djfrijoles> 10-0
<NeoRay> But T.hawk can win ryu, ken, chun-li
<djfrijoles> not blanka
<NeoRay> yeah
<djfrijoles> blanka is horrible
<NeoRay> DeeJay , Blanka , Balrog , Cammy , Vega ,
<NeoRay> Too tough.
<NeoRay> I hate them
<djfrijoles> lol me 2
<NeoRay> i don’t wanna play with those charactors by my money.
<djfrijoles> not fair
<FortEuropa> anyways man , i’m gonna get my couple hours of sleep. good playing u and cya soon
<NeoRay> Really shit match.
<djfrijoles> skill alone canot win
<djfrijoles> mind games and luck give you smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall chance
<NeoRay> yes
<NeoRay> but gettin small chance and winning is really fun for all hawk’s players
<djfrijoles> oh it feels like sex lol
<NeoRay> We say " Accident charactor " for T.Hawk
<djfrijoles> ???
<Kyouya> apa you should show that chatlog to wolmar, and crush his dreams
<djfrijoles> gonna post in a few
<djfrijoles> why accident
<djfrijoles> becaause hawk has an accident and falls down ?
<NeoRay> yes
<NeoRay> T.Hawk is really weak on a lot of matchs.
<NeoRay> But the tournament
<djfrijoles> 3 on 3 ?
<NeoRay> only 1 game’s result is important
<djfrijoles> single match elimination
<djfrijoles> 1 game
<djfrijoles> can go either way

we kind of got of track but there you go

This is no dream ; only research about what could be a new technology in that game. And it seems there IS somekind of technique (Neoray just confirmed that), just nearly impossible to get consistently, just exactly as I thought from the beginning of it all.

OK, if he’s saying right and left, then that checks out with my theory.

The game polls for inputs every 16ms. If you can manage to hit left and right within that time frame, the game will see it as both directions have been pressed.

This is a timeline which has been approximated to 16ms = 1 frame to keep things simple. The game polls for inputs every frame, which is approx 16 ms, which is shown as the blocks above. Each block is 16 ms/characters wide.

Let’s say the game has been running for 100 frames, during which time you have been knocked down and are approaching the reversal frame as you get up (in this case frame 101 is the reversal frame, the first frame where you would normally become hittable again, or when you would input an invincible move). The frame lasts from 1683 ms to 1699ms, during which time you can make an input and it falls within a frame boundary. Let’s say you input Left at 1686ms and Right at 1697ms - you have input a left and right direction in such a way that it falls within 1 frame.

I believe that because the directions were pressed in a time faster than what the game samplesat, that it would just see that two directions were pressed in the space of a frame, and classes it as having been pressed at the same time.

Wolmar, I wouldn’t get your hopes up until someone can prove this offline using a macro pad or macro software. It doesn’t make any sense that returning the stick to neutral or pressing up would make you block - this left and right thing is way more credible, but who can move the stick and engage opposite directions in less than 16ms?

I think it was a jokingly light hearted comment lol. At least that was what I thought and thats why I left it in.

Anyways, can’t anyone in our Super Turbo Special Forces NERD department test this with frame advancing and Pasky’s chingamahpops that shows what side the crossing up charater is on with the axis display on ?

Think I misread Kyouya into Kyuoya ;p

I asked Pasky and He told me he was too lazy doing it, and something else I can tell here =X
He’s the Top notch ST nerd I ever seen, so please ST Mr Mustache come and help us !

Dude, if what 0men said is true (that mysterious fighter told him about that), then it is not impossible to do, MF just didn’t tell him his secrets.
Remember the MF combo? MF can do it like it’s nothing.
All of the very strong US ggpo ryu players cannot do it on command. (Nor do we see any japanese pro do it, like sasori, karahashi)

Nah, Neoray never lies, dude always speaks truth. If he says its not worth pursuing, then I believe him man.

What is this combo that is so had the Japanese players can’t do it, and has this guy ever done it offline with credible witnesses?

The MF combo? Dash punch, take a slight step forward, cr.strong, fierce DP. As far as I know, it only works on crouching shotos? Or standing shotos…shit I forgot. But it’s a pretty sick ass combo, and almost guaranteed to stun.

As far as this block x-ups technology, I think it’s worth investigating just to probe the ST engine a bit more and find out some more techie shit out of it. Outside of studying the mechanics of the engine, it looks too unreliable as ground-breaking technology guaranteed to improve your game or your money back.

Cross up crouching opponent is the easy version

he does the super hard version (dash into standing shoto opponent from the front) just as easy

Well I had a few goes and got it to work, but the fierce dp whiffed. What I did was put Ken in the corner, throw him so he’s getting up and do a meaty dash punch. My execution is not accurate at all, but I found it easiest if you just input the dp mad fast after the low strong. That was the stumbling block for me at first. I don’t know the details of this one he does to standing opponents, but I don’t understand how it could work because all distances for the dash punch only hit once and if I go closer to do a 2 hit dash punch I get a throw instead.

That cant be right… Doesnt your character stand up regardless of input? By your logic if we dont touch anything on wakeup there’s a chance to autoblock every wakeup

I hate to rain on the parade, but I have to ask the question, is this guy legit, or could he be using macros? I don’t play on GGPO much at all so I don’t know the people there so apologies if I’m being unfair on the guy, just as far as online is concerened to me, you are guilty until proven innocent.

I had trouble even getting the low strong to link with the dash punch at times, and from what I understand you need to walk forward two frames between the dash punch and low strong, and then input the srk with some godlike speed. To say that the top Japanese players even struggle to do this and some random guy online I’ve not heard of can do it no problem everytime or whatever sounds fishy to me.

What I don’t understand is why you would even attempt such a risky combo. You can do the same thing but substitute low strong for low forward and it’s like a million times easier, and probably does the same damage/stun (that’s the one I do actually)

Replace super with fierce DP etc.

Actually kinda tempted to pick up Ryu, the dash punch gives you some cool options.

It would be a pretty complicated setup, if he designed a macro on a programmable controller that activates at the touch of a button.

Linking a low strong after a dash punch is pretty easy, it’s the walking forward part that’s hard. Ryu can link all of his buttons after a dash punch, assuming you are still in range to connect with the follow-up normal. Inputting an SRK after a cr.strong isn’t difficult at all, and doesn’t require as much hand speed as you might think. It’s no difficult than Ryu’s OG hit confirm into SRK after a st.short ~ cr.short.

It’s probably not worth the risk in a tournament situation, but it’s a pretty impressive combo to pull out for casuals. I suppose if you’re REALLY getting the timing down that day, and you practice that combo night and day, it might be useable in a tournament setting, but the vast majority of Ryu’s stick with tried and true combos that are much safer if they whiff.

Hmm, maybe the execution is just beyond me and the thing is just to assume the worst - but I thought I’d have heard of someone with this good execution before, or heard about him at tournaments. Is he just a bedroom warrior?

I was just thinking because I’ve been told that some people actually do play on keyboards, and if you do then you have a lot of buttons available for macros to be stored.

I guess nothing is off limits. I mean if I hadn’t seen it myself I’d have said the Daigo parry was virtually impossible.

Not sure. But generally-speaking, the well-known Japanese players that hop on GGPO usually play in local tournaments as well. It’s not like there’s not an arcade scene for ST in Japan.