I agree with you.
Well, we naturally can’t know if he uses a macro or just has the muscle memory down. Or showing that online is the one main objective of his life. But I do not think it is a game changer.
You got it right: you have to walk for 2 frames and immediately enter ↓ ( or ,
) + Strong. It is really hard to get that right even if it does do more damage out of all other options. I do not think it really matters if one online player from the other side of the world gets it right or not. We already know how hard it is and what other options we have, so we all can decide if we will mind trying it or keep on working on the several other aspects of Ryu’s game.
That said, the combo only works on crouching characters, that’s why you will almost never see it being used in matches, but on desperation. You are better off using the true and tested cross-up RH->cr.Strong hit-confirm 99% of the time. That’s what almost every top-notch Ryu player uses.
The only exception I can think of is that trying such things at the beginning of the round gives you lots of meter, which we know greatly changes a number of match-ups. In addition to it, it may detach Claw’s weapon, which might be handy if you are able to push him all the way to the other side of the screen and turtle there.
PS: Fierce SRK would not work in the combo you linked. You’d also need to walk for 2 frames before that cr.Fwd. But one can use cr.Strong -> cr.RH (xx Short Tatsu for meter and position), cr.Strong -> cr.Fwd xx Fierce Hadou, or even cr.Strong -> cr.Short -> whiff rush punch and throw (OS SRK if you’ve trained that). Crouching RH adds lots of stun and stun timer, so it is always a good combo ender, IMHO.